
Monday, January 31, 2005


Breakfast at Veganopolis was great. Biscuits and gravy, scrambler, ham-tube, a fresh cookie and a laté. You wish you lived in Portland, huh?

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:49 PM

Milk Skaters! 

God damn it. This the most irritating thing I've seen in a few days. Other than the inauguration. First of all, it's way out of date. Skaters don't listen to this type of corporate theme song anymore, they like metalic-rap-core! HELLO!! Milk industry?!? What the fuck are you thinking? Make sure and use the "Drop Us a Line" link and let 'em know what you think. I just did.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:38 AM

About our Cavi*art Caviar... 

"First order arrived AOk. I am using this stuff for vodka tastings (I am promoting a new brand called xxxxxx Vodka). People dig it - the vodka AND the caviar. So far, out of about 50 that have tried the caviar, only one person - a Russian dude - knew immediatly that it was not real. Of course, he had a hint because I refused to tell him what it was until after he tried it so he knew something was fishy... hahhaha fishy... not!

Anyway, this is a great product for just about any caviar lover - vegetarian or not. I even had a couple that announced themselves as Caviar Snobs and they had no clue at all!

Figured you should know this is good stuff. Please send me 6 more jars."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:31 AM

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Get in bed with the devil, you're gonna get screwed. 

The BK Veggie is no longer a semi-vegan product. Just started including egg-whites in them. So there, back to throwing rocks through windows.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:29 PM


Hey. If anybody orders over $50 this week you'll get free UPS Ground shipping. Tell your friends.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:59 PM

Goddam Chicken Nuggets 

Well, because of the exchange rate of Canadian currency, your beloved chicken nuggets have gone up to $4.75 now. Sorry, blame George Bush. But we got the mushroom cake back!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:02 PM

Friday, January 28, 2005

Chicken nuggets and Steam Buns. 

Word on the street is that "in the morning" we will get a resupply of chicken nuggets and steam buns and other misc. fake meats.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:07 PM

The panic button. 

End of the month time. Time to pay the rent. Time to sweat. Time to offer our loyal customers (who check their email/this site over the weekend) a 10% off their total this weekend if they come in and say these magic words:

"Son, you got a panty on your head."***

Thanks. And God Bless the United States of America.

***Note: this discount does not apply if you already have a giant unpaid tab here (cough, Peter, Josh, and Rita, cough, cough)

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:01 PM

Thanks Val. 

Thanks for the lovely card Valerie.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:18 PM

Screw 'em. 

Screw banks and their damned "balances" and "fees."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:59 PM

Chocolates, the arrival. 

Just got a bunch of vegan belgian chocolates in. Some heart shaped boxes even. Get 'em while they last. Then bring them to a swingers bar or "adult club" and watch the magic happen.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:03 AM

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Another happy link from Jeff. 

Keep those smiles coming Jeff!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:28 PM

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Dear Online Customers. 

Starting Monday, we're gonna be getting MUCH cheaper UPS rates. So that's good.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:36 PM

Thanks Deb. 

Deb, thank you from the bottom of Food Fight's heart for the copy of that M83 record. You should move to Portland and stop screwing around in NYC. We'll hook you up with a job packing mail orders. Temptation....

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:20 AM

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Anybody have this CD for me to copy? 

If you gots this, bring it in for a free cookie or something if I can copy it real quick like....

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:37 PM

Fresh Cheesecake. 

Gots some fresh new cheesecake in. Blueberry. You know you want it.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:36 PM

We just saw this wanker at the PDX airport. 

He was getting off the same plane as Emiko's parents. Shitty tattoos, pudgy, and laughable. Now he is soiling skateboarding's good name with this? What's next? Skating for the lord? No way, couldn't be.... Thanks for the link Chris. Thanks for ruining my day.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:10 AM

Monday, January 24, 2005

Veganopolis, get ye there. 

Holy shit is Veganopolis nice. So swanky and pro. And, oh yeah, tasty as all hell. Good coffee. Nice folks. Go there tomorrow and help give them the jump start they deserve. Go Portland...fight fight fight!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:50 PM

Cool new vegan guitar strap company. 

Good if you don't want the girly-esque kind. Good prices too.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:18 PM

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Made my day. 

Check out the video on this page. So happy this was on Fox News.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:13 PM

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Sponsor a chimp. 

Check this out. Great cause. Throw some spare change at 'em.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:26 PM

And Shilo Inns can suck it too! 

Yet another found gem from our Forums. You guys should get on there and use 'em. Post some f'in recipes at least. Geez.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:35 AM

8th Continent can suck it. 

Anybody out there drink this stuff? Found this in our forums, spread the word. I know this is one of the soymilks available in middle america and small towns at your friendly local Albertons, Safeway, and Walmart, so.... stick with Silk. But Silk can still suck it too.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:30 AM

Friday, January 21, 2005


Yay. Veganopolis is finally opening up. Monday morning, at 8 I think. Check out that menu.....damn. Party there tonight, 6-11.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:20 PM

SpongeBob is a TOTAL homo. 

Man, christians sure know how to prioritize their efforts. Glad they're getting to work on this pressing issue.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:20 PM

Back on the map. 

Hey there fruitcakes.
Back in the store now, you can go ahead and relax.
Stop holding your breath.
Breath deep.

For those who didn't know, Emiko was in the hospital getting a slightly used kidney from her brother Brian. Flawless, perfect transplant went down on last Friday. Everything is working fine and dandy, neither her nor her bro are in much pain, and Emiko can safely tell her dialysis machine to fuck off. Yay.

Thanks to everyone who sent flowers, cards, or well wishes. All very much appreciated and taken to heart. Really.

So there you go.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:08 AM

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


We beg patience of you. And understanding. Things may kinda fall apart at Food Fight for a wee bit. We'll try not too let it go totally shitty, but things are gonna be a bit nutty on the personal front for the next couple of weeks. Hospital stuff and things of the medical nature. Probably won't update this much for the time being, but ya never know.... Thanks for the support. You know who you are.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:10 PM

Colorectal Cancer! Yay! 

Go team go! Red Meat! Red Meat!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:45 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Constantines relax me. 

Now playing:
Little Instruments
from the album "The Constantines" by The Constantines

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:28 PM


Not only a wonderful song, "Truly" also describes how tired I'm feeling right now. Did I just misspell that? Geez. I'm fried. Will somebody bring me coffee? Anybody?

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:24 PM

Monday, January 10, 2005

Where oh where? 

Where the hell did everybody go? I feel like I just looked up from the computer and the world went to bed. Kinda spooky.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:24 PM

"If you want to truly change the world, change the men" 

My dear sweet fat lord jesus. I almost forgot about these turds but thanks to our pal Jeff.... hope can begin anew.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:35 AM

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Vegan Beer List 

Hey there. Are you a vegan drunk? Some FF customers have put this list together of local and non-local beers that are vegan and some to watch out for. Download it here. Thanks Jim.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:35 PM

Blossoming Lotus opening soon? 

Word on the street is that the new vegan joint, Blossoming Lotus, will be opening soonish. Late this month probably. 4th and Davis in the "Yoga in the Pearl" building. Old chef from Calendula. Can't wait to give it a shot.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:30 PM

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Tragedy Strikes again. 

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston seperate. What will we do as a nation? Please friends, don't wallow in despair, pick yourselves up by your collective bootstraps and forge ahead towards a new world. Together we can do it!!!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:00 PM

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Hey you! 

Hey you! We found your lost glove. Please claim it.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:55 PM

Josh Harper Benefit Shirts available. 

Hey everybody.
We just got some shirts in. ALL money will go to help pay for Josh Harper's legal fees and stuff like that. Available in Children's Large, Medium, Large, XL, and XXL. $10. So come get some.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:24 PM

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Food Fight likes this art. 

Take that for what you will. This guy is a friend of friends and he appears to kick art-ass.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:17 PM

Makes me wish it were warm outside and I was 17. 

The trailer and synopsis for this makes me want to go out and skate. And not suck.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:13 PM

Yay Steph! 

Steph (see post below) found her dog. Just came wandering home. Thanks for anybody who put up a flier or whatever.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:00 PM

Need a pediatrician? 

We have a nice customer. Her name is Christine Smith. She is a pediatrician. And a vaygun. We give her a thumbs up. She works in Tualatin. Go team.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:56 PM

I'm bored out of my skull. 


Finished my coffee. Overpriced lovely coffee from Stumptown. Wish I'd smarten up and just drink water or juice or "free" crap from the store. I like a band. They are called From Monuments to Masses. You should like them too.

What else? We need bags. Really. Smaller ones. Or plastic bags taking up space in your cupboards. Bring them.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:36 PM

Poor Portland. 

Come on Portland. Let's get with the times. This is a new vegetarian bakery that just opened in Brooklyn, NY. We want to start seeing this happen here.

Thanks Deb for the link.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:59 PM

Tainted Fish? 

The fish industry in Sri Lanka is hurting because of the rumor that the fish in their waters have fed on human remains. "Naturally, the fish would have attacked some of the corpses," said Thilak Ranaviraja, head of the Disaster Management Center. "But people shouldn't worry. It's like eating pork. Pigs eat all the rubbish. But we eat pork, don't we?"

(Thanks to Andrea for sending that link).

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:52 AM

Veganopolis getting closer. 

Check out the new teaser site. Drool at the menu. Holy shit.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:11 AM

Monday, January 03, 2005

Lost Dog of Loyal FF Customer 

Hey. Our customer lost her dog. Help find it. Click the link in the title to download a flier.

"sky got lost in north portland on january 2nd around 1:30. i last saw her running, so she could be absolutely anywhere by now. it was extremely cold last night and i miss her dearly. i last saw her at north chataugua and chase - but, like i said, she could be anywhere.

please look at the flier, print it out, put it on a telephone pole near you (if you can), and email it on to anyone you can think of. the more people who see her photo, the better. she will likely NOT come up to you b/c she is very scared of people (but very gentle and nice). so, if you see her, even from afar, please please please call me, day or night, at 503 860 6596.

if you cannot open the word document, here is a description of her:

about 2 years old
about 40 pounds
rottweiler markings
black, longish tail
black collar with yellow reflector, tags, and a light hanging off the
collar she has a cattle dog/blue heeler kind of gait

and she's absolutely ADORABLE.

thank you so much, and happy new year,

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:24 AM

Sunday, January 02, 2005

The year begins anew. 

So, yeah. It is a new year. For what it's worth, we wish you a nice one.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:39 PM


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