
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wanna meet up tonight? 

Going over to the Mash Tun BrewPub after work. Hella fries, hella fries. Should be there around 8:30. Peace out.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:13 PM

The Lobster Zone Inc. 

Feel free to write these assholes. Really, feel free to write them, or... whatever.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:01 PM

Walter's Daydream 

Our friend Justin put together this art show. He also helped a great deal with Let Live, and makes great art. So, Friday night, if you're in Portland, you should come. He's nervous nobody will show. So repay him for helping set up Let Live and go check out some good art.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:18 PM

You get the horns. 

Take that assholes.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:44 PM

Monday, January 30, 2006

Vegan nurse? 

Any vegan nurses out there looking for work? Get in touch.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:56 PM


Sometimes this online store thing feels like more trouble than it's worth. People can be reactionary jerks sometimes. I just want to go to bed right now.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:23 PM

V Friendly Dave V? 

Who would have thought our very own V-Friendly Dave-V would be such a ripper. Winnin' contests and shit. Damn kids....

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:47 PM

Herbivore Magazine #10 

New issue now available to purchase online. Come and get it. Tis good.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:05 PM

Vegan with a Vengeance 

Finally back in stock.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:10 PM

Veggie Chicken Drumsticks 

These seem pretty exciting. We're gonna be getting some in the next 2 weeks. Just thought you should know that.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:46 PM

New and back. 

Just got some fry-able spring roll wrappers in. Pretty exciting. And got the Ramune drinks back in stock, and donut holes, and furikake, and fresh donuts in today, and fresh sweet-potato hand-pies, and fresh coconut-oatmeal cookies, and...

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:35 PM

Peter Young on wikiveg 

"'It's just too easy. Two people can liberate 1,000 mink every 15 minutes. I believe if most people knew the simplicity of these actions, they would spend a little less time on instant messenger and a little more time tearing down fences.'"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:43 AM

File under "Punk Christian Tshirt" 

Man, this stuff never ceases to amaze me. Thanks to new Portlander, Chris for the link.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:40 AM

Sunday, January 29, 2006

From a MySpace posting... 

Concerning Peter Young:

"From what we can tell, Peter Young is STILL in the hole at FCI Victorville (Prison) for refusing to wear the prison-issued leather shoes. PLEASE take some time to call the prison and ask that Peter be allowed out of the hole and to wear some alternative to the leather shoes. With enough pressure, we might be able to get Peter out of this terrible isolation!

FCI Victorville Prison
Phone: 760-530-5700
Fax: 760-560-5706

Also, please send a note to keep his spirits up! Peter can receive mail at:

Peter Young ..10269-111
FCI Victorville Medium II
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 5700
Adelanto, CA 92301"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:49 AM

Devo 2.0 


posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:04 AM

Friday, January 27, 2006

Help Rayanne. 

Somebody help out our new pal Rayanne. She got so jazzed by Let Live that she's moving to Portland. Needs some kind of work and a cheapish place to live.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:19 AM

ACLU Releases Government Photos 

"For example, more than two dozen government surveillance photographs show 22-year-old Caitlin Childs of Atlanta, a strict vegetarian, and other vegans picketing against meat eating, in December 2003. They staged their protest outside a HoneyBaked Ham store on Buford Highway in DeKalb County. "

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:14 AM

NatureBake Cookies 

We now have NatureBake cookies in the store. F'ing great."Come and get a taste."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:36 AM

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Lulu Stole 

We have this fake fur stole here from Coquette Faux Furriers. They sell it for $89, but for you, you can get it for $20, and all the money will go to the SHAC7. Get in here quick, jerky.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:01 PM

Let Live raffle leftovers for sale 

Hi there. So, we have a bunch of leftover raffle stuff from Let Live. There are still some pretty good stuff still. T-shirts, CDs, a couple of DVDs, a wallet, a purse, that fake fur stole, etc. The money still goes to the SHAC7, so come buy more stuff please!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:42 PM

Hey Chicagoans! 

Our friend and vegan candy maker, Siue moffat will be in Chicago at Quimby's at 3pm hosting a cookie and candy potluck. Go see her, buy her cookbook, eat some great vegan desserts. Come on, it's free! Plus, Siue rules.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:35 PM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More Let Live photos 

Thanks Keith.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:53 PM

New Herbivore Magazine 

Just got the new issue of Herbivore in. Great looking. Thick and comforting. Like a good mustache. Come in and get it. And order an "All My Heroes Have FBI Files" tshirt from Herbivore, some of the money is going to the SHAC7.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:46 PM

Tillamook Elk Slaughter This Saturday 

Tillamook County, Oregon - Headlight Herald Visitor and Relocation Information: "'We're bound by state law to respond to landowner damage complaints,' Nuzum said, noting that only those qualified as 'master hunters' will be permitted to take part in the hunt. 'This is a special intense situation.'"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:35 PM

Vegan cat info 

So, here's a site from a Portland guy with some info regarding having a vegan cat. A good person to talk to if you're thinking of making the switch, or have already done it and want to make sure you're doing it right. His name is Dan. Thanks Dan.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:24 PM

Today's Bizarro 

Man, Bizarro rules. Plus Mr Pirarro donated art for Let Live. What a kick ass man he is.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:04 PM

Starting to sound too familiar. 

"Weber says so far the ACLU has received complaints from six organizations and nearly two dozen people who fear they have been spied upon, photographed, videotaped or had their events infiltrated by government agents.

He says none of them did anything that would justify surveillance but rather are critics of the Bush administration."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:20 PM

The Witness on national TV. 

Spread the word about this. Could be a very good thing. Make your family watch.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:19 PM

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

LA. Supreme Court Gives Parishes Green Light to Ban Cockfighting 

We know a little Peter Brandt that did a ton of work on this, and... he did a bang-up job. Way to help kill a dying culture Peter. Fucking Cajun hater....

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:42 PM


Some "activist art" to check out.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:48 PM

Monday, January 23, 2006

A pile of photos. 

A pile of photo's from Billy of Let Live. Thanks Billy. You helped a ton. And thanks for posting so many of these photos in exciting "sideways" format.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:30 PM

Nice Let Live comments 

Check this posting on IndyMedia about Let Live. Nice.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:15 PM

Let Live was a gigantic success! 

Hi all. We're back from our weekend off. We needed it, so sorry it's taken us this long to be here to thank everyone we need to. So a big thank you to everybody that came out to Let Live, to everybody who donated art, donated time and effort to help set up the space, to anyone who donated money, bought art, and to anyone who even couldn't make it but cares about this issue. It is all very much appreciated by we who have been planning Let Live for the past few months, and mainly to the SHAC7.

To everyone wondering, we managed to raise $9000! Yep, you heard it right. This is all going to the 6 defendants of the trial, and this much money should sustain them all for the couple of months they will be living in New Jersey with no jobs and still having to pay rent and eat. You can imagine how much this will help them all put their minds at ease (hopefully at least just a little bit) during their ordeal.

Josh Harper and Kevin Jonaas wanted everyone to know they were blown away from the event, and couldn't imagine a better way to spend their last night before the trial. Seeing a community come together like that was an inspiration.

Sometime shortly we will be posting pictures and maybe even a video from the event. Stay tuned. We hope everyone had fun. We did. If any of us looked crazy or stressed, we apologize. None of us were really prepared by the amazing amount of people that showed up! It was fucking great! Hopefully you all bore with us, and from seeing how many people stuck around that long, maybe you did. We love you.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:33 AM

Friday, January 20, 2006

Let Live. Tonight! 

It's finally here...

Please please go. You might not realize how important this is. For SHAC7 and all of us. This trial is the beginning of the end of free speech in this country.

The benefit will be held from 8pm until midnight at the studio of Merrimac furniture designers (1216 SE Division). Bidding will be between 8 and 10:00pm.

There will be a raffle of lots of good stuff. Great art. Food, beverages. Music.

Come early to hear Josh Harper and Kevin Kjonas, two of the defendants facing federal charges, who will speak about their efforts and the trial. You need to hear what they say.

All money goes to the defendants of the trial. It's the least you can do for these brave people who are doing this for animals and for us.

How many times do we have to tell you?!

Hope to see you there.

CLick the link for more information.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:42 AM

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Aw, shit. 

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:13 PM

Oh Snap! 

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:03 PM

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Brett&Whitney Superstar paint all day 

This stuff rules, and it seems we're gonna be getting some for Let Live.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:47 PM

Turtle Island Foods 

Thanks Tofurky folks for their awesome donation for the raffle. Frisbees, jerky, and Tofurky Roasts!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:45 PM

Missing Link 

Thanks to Missing Link Toys for donating.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:17 PM

Thanks Debbie. 

Thanks to Debbie Baxter for her donation. Looks awesome. Yay.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:27 PM

Can't See The Forest 

Can't See The Forest :: Glen E. Friedman

Goes for $1500 in a NYC Gallery, how much will it go for here?

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:15 PM

LImited Quantiity benefit stuffs. 

So, we have a handfull of posters and stickers donated by Roots of Compassion for Let Live. First come first serve. Put a donation in the box here at the store. At least a few bucks for the posters or a dollar for stickers. There's even a couple of "Fuck McDonalds" stickers, how cute is that?

We also have some Let Live buttons and some "I (heart) the Shac 7" buttons too. Come and get it.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:31 PM


Not that it's a huge deal or anything, but if you need 100% Wasabi Powder, we've got it. Non-gmo and shit too.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:26 PM

Japanese Spideman 

My brother, Brian, always finds the best stuff.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:30 PM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Martin Luther Kind, Jr.'s son and wife are vegan! 

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:24 PM

Worse Than Fossil Fuel? 

This is pretty damned interesting if you're interested in the idea of bio-diesel and such things.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:08 PM

The Calendar 

So, check out our new calendar page.
You can add your own events, demos, protests, shows, whatever.
And we'll even let 'em stay up as long as they aren't annoying.
But if they are, we shall delete them. It kinda looks smelly right now, so, yeah.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:36 PM

Monday, January 16, 2006

Pretty great. 

"Gore said the wiretaps -- combined with Bush's assertion of the power to hold American citizens indefinitely as 'enemy combatants,' the authorization of harsh treatment of prisoners and his use of signing statements to declare how he will interpret laws passed by Congress -- have 'brought our republic to the brink of a dangerous breach in the fabric of the Constitution.'"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:28 PM

Kinta Restaurant 

"Although our menu is vegan and vegetarian-friendly, we do offer grilled chicken and shrimp to go with the dishes for those who like meat. Whether you're vegan or love meat, we encourage everyone to eat a more healthy diet. At Kinta, you can have a meal that is both healthy and absolutely delicious as well. Our menu is certaily very "flexitarian"."

Damn it. Maybe they haven't solidified their menu yet? Maybe an email with suggestions would help? I dunno. At least Bay Leaf (opening down the street from us sometime soon) is all vegetarian, if nothing else. Fucking chicken? Give me a break.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:11 PM

Happy Birthday. 

Happy Birthday to Gretchen Miller. I think Andrew likes you or something.

(geez, it's like we're Casey Kasem or something...)

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:01 PM

Ann Ploeger 

Yay. Another donation for Let Live. Thanks Ann.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:48 PM

Thanks Ryan. 

Thanks to Ryan MacMichael for the CDs for Let Live.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:15 AM


"In the United States, the NAACP and others are now painting animal rights activists as white racists in order to marginalize and dismiss us. I can't help but think that sort of analysis that insists on painting a movement in a monochrome is the same paring down of the world that people engage in when the truth makes them uncomfortable. Colonists dismissed Gandhi as a short, brown man in a loin cloth. Sexists often dismiss feminists as ugly, angry women."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 9:41 AM


"When the whale realized it was free, it began swimming around in circles, according to the rescuers. Moskito said it swam to each diver, nuzzled him and then swam to the next one."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 9:38 AM

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Josh Harper/Kevin Jonas Speech at Lewis & Clark 

So, Thursday, January 19th, 2 of the SHAC7 defendants, Kevin and Josh, will be speaking at Lewis and Clark Law School here in Portland.

"Room 4 at Noon." Pretty specific directions, huh? The official title of the presentation is "How Corporate Collaboration with Law Enforcement Harms Free Speech." Go check it out, especially if you can't make it to hear them at Let Live.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:37 PM

Cupcake Love 

Thanks to Jessica from Cupcake Love for the damn cute sock dog. Somebody is gonna be stoked to get this.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:35 AM


Thank you Mr. Jonathan Hill for your kick-ass art donation. Bless your heart.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:16 AM

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Thanks Andy. 

Damn. Thanks Andy, from Diesel Fuel Prints for donating a bunch of limited edition silk screened posters. I want them all. If you need things silk screened, have Diesel Fuel do it, they rule.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:28 AM

Friday, January 13, 2006

Looting Charges Dropped Against Great-Grandmother 

America rules!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:47 AM


Awesome. Just got a call from these fellows from Argentinia who are starting up a vegan Empanada business here. We've had some and they f'ing rule.

So, Saturday, tomorrow, the 14th, at noon, they're bringing 2 dozen over, piping warm and fresh. So, get in line for lunch.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:14 AM

Damn fine. 

Damn fine artwork arrived to day from Jared Souney. Damn fine.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:08 AM

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Thanks to Jen Corace for her Let Live donation.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:52 PM

Jeff Kleinsmith 

Thanks Jeff for being a part of Let Live. That's some hot shit!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:51 PM

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Josh Harper on Vegan Freak Radio 

Hey you. Sit down and listen to Josh's (of the SHAC7) interview on the Vegan Freak podcast. Really, take the time and listen. It's a little over half-way through the show if you don't have time to check out the whole show, even though you should

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:31 PM

Today's thanks. 

Thanks to Quincy Shanks Records and to Amber for bringing all that great stuff down from Seattle. You rule. And, you too Shay. The painting rules.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:09 PM

This might be old to some of you 

but we just saw this for the first time:


Fucking rules.

(Thanks Siue)

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:39 AM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Spanish ALF liberates 28 beagles in memory of Bill Rodgers. 

"Of the 28 beagles that we rescued, we recently
discovered that one of the females is pregnant. The
veterinarian did an ultrasound and told us that there will be 5
or 6 puppies soon. These puppies will be born and
live in an environment of affection and happiness, and
will never know what a laboratory is."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:17 AM

Monday, January 09, 2006

Thanks Otsu 

Thanks to our old neighbor Otsu for donating a prize for Let Live.

Also, thanks to MuttonShop Buttonshop for the Let Live buttons.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:18 PM

Thanks Mercury. 

Thanks to the Portland Mercury for pitching in to help with Let Live. Ads don't come cheap. Thanks kids.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:15 PM


Yay. Sidecar finally has a website. If you're in Seattle, you gotta go. Often.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:44 PM

High school opens vegetarian lunch line 

"However, a new trend - vegetarian-only lunch lines - has started in the unlikeliest of places - the South, home of the "Stroke Belt," long known for its trademark fried and fatty foods and higher rates of heart attacks and strokes than other parts of the country."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:35 PM

Roots of Compassion 

Thanks to Roots of Compassion for their Let Live donation.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:14 AM

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Thanks to Sean, from Metroblogging.com for the web ad. Much obliged kind sir.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:30 PM


Wow. Big news. Just got word that Glen E. Friedman will be donating a photo for Let Live. Who wants to battle it out with us to win this auction? I hope nobody, cuz you'll win.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:41 PM

Good Clean Fun. 

So, all the details haven't been nailed down yet, but it looks like one of my (Chad) favorite bands is gonna be playing on Food Fight's front porch. Good Clean Fun from Washington, DC. Feb 20th, daytime show. Free, the way nature intended it. You will all hate it, but I'm gonna be having a very positive day.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:31 AM

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Thanks List, as of now. 

So, here's the current list of artists and raffle donors for Let Live. It's looking good, no?

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:14 PM

Heifer eludes authorities for six hours 

"The never-say-die heifer's escape is one of a string of several animal escapes from Mickey's Packing Plant."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:41 PM


Anybody out there familiar with NW Portland? Any good spots for flyers/posters in busy spots frequented by "progressive" types? Wanna put flyers or posters up for us?

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:58 AM

Check out the big brain on Merrimac! 

Yay. Check out this article on Merrimac in the Seattle Times. Good for them. They need a jump start.

And you should also check out their new website. And write and tell them thanks for hosting Let Live. And... you should also, invent some work for them to do. Any kind of carpentry, flooring, whatever. Your place is a dump, they can help you. Plus, Bob is a total piece of ass. Ladies? Gents? Get in line.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:01 AM

The Let Live Forum 

Just started a new section on our forums section. Looking for a ride? Ideas? Want to download a poster/flyer? Discuss.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:54 AM

SHAC7 Benefit Punk/Hardcore Show 

From the guys of Consumption:

"Clorox Girls - Portland's premeir pop punkers, I live with one of them. Every time I see their drummer I talk to him about fun music. Last time it was Pantera and Hatebreed.

The Dead Unknown - Portland hardcore with a message. Their last show for a couple of months. Check them out they're one of my favorite Portland bands. Ask them to play Blasphemer.

This Time Tomorrow - Rad people playing great hardcore. Vegans. Support the out of town band.

Forced March - Portland's tofu thrash attackers. These guys are our brothers.

Consumption - I think this marks our fifth show. We're crusty hardcore from Portland.

The show is on Friday January 13th, at the IWW Hall in Portland. (616 W. Burnside) Its next to the Back 2 Back Cafe, a worker run cafe with great food and tea. I suggest teh hippie taco with a soy chai to wash it down. The show starts at 7pm sharp, and cost $5 which will be donated to the S.H.A.C. 7 legal defense fund. I hope to see you there. Also we posted new songs on our myspace recently. So for those of you that didn't buy or download the demo you can now learn the songs and sing along while dancing your ass off at our next show. Go check them out. www.myspace.com/consumptionpdx"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:31 AM

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Redetzke's 

Thanks to Heather and Eric for their donations. Yay.
And, oh yeah, thanks to Jason Angelo too.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:12 PM


So, tomorrow, Saturday morning, we're getting 2 dozen fresh RAISED donuts from RiseUp. They should be here by 11. A dozen glazed, and a dozen chocolate. Hell yeah.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:39 PM

Don't worry, it's ok now. 

You can relax. We got these things back in stock. Now, take a deep breath, step back from the ledge, remove the razor from your wrist, and spit out the pills. It's all better now. And you're beautiful.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:20 PM

Christians say the darndest things. 

I guess this news is a few days old, but it still makes me giggle like a child. How come nobody has publicly slapped this guy silly?

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:48 AM

Today's Thanks. 

Derek Goodwin is sending us a 11x14 matted print of Teresa the pig for Let Live. You know you'll need this somewhere.

Also, big thanks to Sarah and Gerry for their donations. See you guys in a couple of weeks.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:35 AM

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Thanks Neal Leissner 

Thanks to my old friend Neal for donating prints to the Let Live art auction. We love you Neal.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:33 PM

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thanks Billy Nickey. 

Nice guy, Billy Nickey just came by and brought two pieces for Let Live, and let me tell you, they rule. I challenge you all to outbid me for these paintings.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:46 PM

It's starting. 

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:05 PM

STAY VOCAL Skateboards 

Thanks so much for the generous donation from Stay Vocal Skateboards to the Let Live benefit.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:29 PM

Hang in there Val. 

We would like everybody that can, to give some kind of high-5 to Valerie and Mill Valley Cycleworks. They got screwed badly in the recent flooding in Marin County. Val does lots and lots and lots of work for the fuzzies and just flat out rules. At least shoot them an email of support if nothing else.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:34 AM

Other SHAC Benefits 

If you're in the SF area, there is another SHAC7 benefit going on soon. And, Portland punks, get to the benefit show on the 13th at the IWW Hall on Burnside.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:31 AM

Check the new poster. 

Check out the new poster for Let Live. Jon from Scapegoat Tattoo next door did a great job, no? If you want a hi-quality version to get printed and distribute, you can download it from here. It's a big file, like 10 MB, and prints at 11x14. So be warned. And thanks for helping out.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 9:48 AM


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