Thursday, June 30, 2005
Hey. Come to the AR2005 thing in LA next weekend. We'll (Chad and Josh from Herbivore) be sitting there for 3 days twiddling our jerky. Come rescue us. Drive us somewhere to eat. Or come swim in the LAX Westin pool after hours. Please?
Stop what you're doing, and read this important bit of news, right now!
Other countries keep progressing as we do the opposite.
Feeling like you risked it all in last weeks "Texas Hold 'em" tourny? Check out this video.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Enter this contest. Win a prize. And check out Post Punk Kitchen. Kicks the ass.
A good person who made our friend very happy. Hang in there Billy.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Hooray for you. You out of towners finally get to order some of SweetPea Baking Company's goodness. Just added Coffee Cake and Brownies. More stuff soon we hope. Man oh man, that coffee cake....
Life is like a box of chocolates....
Sunday, June 26, 2005
If you haven't gone to Vege Thai in a long time or ever, you should. Pete and Nicki, the owners, are the nicest people you'll ever meet. Nicki just came today and brought us free food for no reason at all! We love them. Go give them some business!
The Death of a Candy Bar.
Shitty shit shit. Cloud Nine Coconut bars now have a new ingredient sticker slapped onto the bag saying they now have milk in them. Ugggh. Again with this? These people really must suck it.
They said they would eat anything made out of meat at least once. Why not eat a dog or cat then? What's the fucking difference? What a pussy.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
"In Isithumba village, skateboarders practice flips and jumps on a curved ramp in the crisp early morning, before they go to school."
"'I enjoyed beef this noon for lunch,' Mr. Johanns said. 'It is the safest beef in the world.'"
Friday, June 24, 2005
I just wanted to show you how funny this picture of her is.
What a tragedy. A San Antonio icon was murdered last night. I can't tell you what a memorable time of my life it was to hang out at Tacoland when I was younger, every night there when I was 20 and living downtown. To have Ram come around right at 2 a.m. and say, "Get the fuck out of here, pussies!!" It was an honor to have him call you that. But it was all in good fun. He lasted this long running Tacoland, and for his life to end like that...
"The Center for Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit corporation run by lobbyist Richard Berman through his Washington, D.C.-based for-profit public relations company, Berman & Co. The Center for Consumer Freedom, formerly known as the Guest Choice Network, was set up by Berman with a $600,000 “donation” from tobacco company Philip Morris."
These are the jerk-offs constantly calling PETA, etc. terrorist organizations and being a-holes in general.
"In order to develop the Taser X26 (stun gun) and validate its safety, tests on anesthetized pigs have been a critical, necessary part of the development program to verify effects and safety,"
Note: There is an address for the Taser company. Hmmm....
Thursday, June 23, 2005
These are all really good. Especially, "Jesus Wants You to Pack Heat."
Fresh sandwiches.
Just got some fresh sandwiches in from Veganopolis. Gyros and Pico de Gallo/Chicken nugget wraps.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Cool new book we just go in the store.
Me and MY Needs.
Ok. Listen up everybody, especially Portland folk into bike stuff.
Me, I, Chad, am looking to step up my bike from cruiser to road bike. Looking for a complete setup, or maybe just a frame. A 56 or 57 cm frame would do me right. A bit price sensitive, I'm thinking $300, but could maybe go up to $500 if I can sell off some stuff from around the house.
Anyway, get in touch if you have something to sell me or whatever. Even trade for store credit??? Hmmm.....
If you care ANYTHING about animals, the mother earth, america, jesus, or fermented soya products, you MUST watch this important video.
Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary could use some money. C'mon....Pennies for Pearl. Donate something to 'em, they're good folk.
Hat's off to this Julian Hatch guy and his enormous balls.
"Lewis made the comments Monday in an address to some of the 18,000 biotechnology executives gathered here at the four-day Biotechnology Industry Organization's annual convention."
Not a miracle, just some cool lions.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Temporarily off the hook. Temporarily.
"Japan's well-flagged plan to dramatically expand its research program also includes hunting 10 fin whales a year for the first two years, although it says it will not hunt humpbacks for another two years."
Monday, June 20, 2005
It would be awesome if they started marketing their own brand of PaceMaker next.
Great. Also featured in the new Herbivore Magazine.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Anybody out there have copies of Bl'ast "It's in My Blood" or "The Power of Expression" on CD they'd like to copy me? We can do some trade or something?
"The actor was attending a small gathering on Friday at the home of Rick Salomon, co-star in sex video of Paris Hilton." Sounds like "terror" to us... somebody call the FBI...
Ingrid..public image cleanup on Aisle 9...Ingrid?
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Just added a bunch of new buttons. Check that shit out.
Holy crap.
Geez. I never thought that would work, but...thanks Ashley.
So, not that anybody else would, but don't buy me that shirt (see post below). Ashley of North Dakota already did. And bless her heart for doing so.
Roots of Compassion rules. We're about to start selling a lot of their buttons.
If somebody buys me this shirt I'd be ETERNALLY grateful.
I wear a men's large. If you know what I mean....
"Florida Gov. Jeb Bush reopened Terri Schiavo's case yesterday by asking a prosecutor to review a perceived delay by her husband in seeking medical help after her collapse 15 years ago."
Friday, June 17, 2005
We are now satanic nazis!
Yay! We just got in a fight with this dumb fucking rasta guy. Him and his girl came in and bought two sodas, and looked at a "Praise Seitan" sticker and said, "You should worship Jah."
I said, "Who?"
He said, "You don't know? Rasta. You know Bob Marley?"
I said, "I don't worship anything."
He said, "You should."
"I don't think so."
"You should worship Jah."
"Uh, no..."
Then Chad stepped in and said, "What?! Get the fuck out of here!!" As they were walking out he said, "You should never listen to Bob Marley then!" Then we said, "Don't worry, we don't!" Then he said, "You listen to satan music!"
Why are people so fucking dumb? They thought seitan was Satan!!
Just got the new issue of Herbivore in. Really, like just now. Come buy it. Looks great.
"On a scale of 1 to 10.....how old is Michael's boyfriend?"
PETA is all about the positive PR.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
from this weeks Willamette Week.
Next time you hear people talking about how they only buy free-range meats, blah, blah, blah. Tell them to check out this site.
"Do a 360...kick...stick it...then check it."
*Thanks Jessica.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Not that this info ever makes a difference, but...
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
"But what Sussman and Hart discovered is that Australopithecus afarensis was not dentally pre-adapted to eat meat. 'It didn't have the sharp shearing blades necessary to retain and cut such foods,' Sussman says. 'These early humans simply couldn't eat meat. If they couldn't eat meat, why would they hunt?'"
Anybody want to meet up and go skate on the 21st? Screw work. Call in sick. That's what I'm gonna do. (Don't tell Emiko.) xoxo Chad
Monday, June 13, 2005
This crazy annoying lady just came in. Asking why we don't have any pop. I directed her to our pop section of the cooler. She looked with dismay and exclaimed, "This isn't pop!"
"Sure it is," says I.
"Any good? It looks weird," says she.
I choked her in my mind and she bought an orange soda and left.
This guy came in the store yesterday and completely relaxed Henry, our friends' dog. The laying on of hands. Pretty crazy. Been looking for that awesome vegan dog masseuse? Look no further.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
You peoples who like neato things should look at the new Herbivore Clothing tote bags for sale. A black tote with a pink "HERBIVORE" cross and white "Please Don't Eat Birds" one. Oh so chic.
Thanks to Lisa for bringing her beautiful cake to give out. It went like gangbusters. Sorry for those who couldn't make it, but it was delicious.
Happy Smurfday!
A great happy birthday to our good friend Karen, therapist to the punks, beautiful lady, and trustworthy companion.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005
It is awesome.
It is awesome when, like 2 years ago, you spend about $3000 on a refrigerator for your store, and your're already having to spend another $1000 just to keep it running. Isn't that awesome? It sure is.
Anybody want to come to this show tonight with me (Chad)? At Berbatti's. C'mon.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Ok. You ready for this? Saturday at 5pm. Here. There will be free cake. A ton of free cake courtesy of Lisa at SweetPea Baking. You know her stuff, all that awesome cheese-cake we can't keep in stock and the cookies and the...uggh.
Should be enough cake to feed an army, but try and get here on time just in case.
And while here, feel free to browse our selection of non-cake items available to purchase.
Got a nice fresh batch of sandwiches in from Veganopolis. Gyros, Seitan Caesar, Almond Paté, and Seitan Pesto. So come eat.
Why don't they just use Richard Simmons? They almost have the same hair.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
"The blood and guts that seep from a speared fish make it dangerous as they can attract sharks which have a keen sense of smell."
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Normally, we frown on roughing up the fuzzy wuzzies, but in this case, some violence might be in order.
Coming to Portland later this month.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Everything bites the dust.
Geez. A rough couple days in the vegan food world.
this Emes gelatin stuff. Uggh. Not only has this messed up buying their product, it's messed up Vegan Supreme Marshmallow. Which really sucks. Ming (the owner) is nice and was duped like the rest of us. We've had to pull the marshmallows from the store/site until she works something else out. If you have any bags you want to return to us, feel free, we'll credit you the $5.
Second, we mourn the loss of several other products due to faulty labeling. Ham Tube, Veggie Lamb, and Mushroom Cake all had unlisted (until now) egg in them. So, those are gone too. We'll find a Ham Tube-esque replacement, no problem, but the rest is gone for good we thinks.
Hope you guys don't hate us now. We trusted the ingredients listings like everybody else, that was our mistake. Shit.
Can't stop listening to The Minutemen this morning. Went and saw "We Jam Econo: The Story of The Minutemen" and have fallen in love all over again.
Check out the links on Richard Pryor's web site. Bottom right of the small graphic links.... yep. That's right. We're so very happy.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Awesome. Write
Turtle Island Foods and tell them thanks for supporting the SHAC7 with their jerky donation. And buy their products at your local store. Or from us, that'd be cool too.
We just watched this again after forgetting about it for a few months. It's still amazing. We suggest you view it again.
I love this dog. Look how great he is. Why is Chad the voice of reason and stopping me from adopting him?
Thursday, June 02, 2005
We will be pulling all Emes products from our store. Just don't feel safe about it anymore. Damn.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
RIGHTS-U.S.: Bush, Cheney Attack Amnesty International: "''I'm aware of the Amnesty International report, and it's absurd. The United States is a country that promotes freedom around the world,'' he said, adding that Washington had ''investigated every single complaint against (sic) the detainees.'' "
Rosa said we should post it, so.... here you go Rosa.
This is really really good.
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