Friday, July 29, 2005
Write us in anywhere you can!
Just stop eating the fucking shit already!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Man, I wish this were real.
Check out these new commercials for DC Shoes featuring Mr. James Lipton. Profound.
"Does Animal Protein Play a Role?
The cause of osteoporosis is unknown. In exploring possible links between osteoporosis and what we eat, some researchers have developed a hypothesis and a model that point to sulfur-containing animal proteins as a culprit in the bone disease. "
This is an actual USDA article on a study of osteoporosis. They compared omnivorous women to vegan women, and the results are of course in our favor.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Nurturing Nature - Benefit Art Show for Lighthouse Farm
When: Saturday, July 30th
Time: 7:30 pm ¿ 10:00 pm
Where: Prananda Yoga & Arts Center / 1920 N. Kilpatrick Street / 503-249-3903
A multi-media event.
Featuring: Narcissa Mia, Christoph Lopez and M.E. Designs (Elizabeth & Mary Bertuccio).
Live Music entertainment by Headless Human Clones
Free. Light refreshments. 10% of all proceeds go to Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary. Donations also accepted. Show continuing through August.
"A screening of the Element Skateboards video Elementality to benefit SPS and the Pier Park Project. Wednesday, July 27th – 7:00 p.m. at the Kennedy School Theater, 5736 NE 33rd Avenue. Portland, Oregon. All ages, raffle after the movie."
New book in the store and online. Looks great.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
A nice tribue to Krisine.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Two East Coast activists need your help.
*forward to all sympathetic lists and individuals*
Last Thursday or Friday night two well known East Coast activists, Janice and Nick, were arrested on four charges, 3 of which are felonies. Details on the arrest are sketchy right now, but we do know that one of the arrested activists, Janice Angelillo, also had her home raided by a Joint Terrorism Task Force late last night/ early this morning.
The jail is not releasing Nick or Janice because they are being held on cash bail of $20,000 for Nick and $15,000 for Janice. Please call the jail and ask about the status of these prisoners, and politely demand that they be fed vegan food. A good number for the jail is 973-274-7742. If you don't get through please leave a voice mail.
We must all be careful with our frozen pork from now on.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
This link is to new footage put out by the
Humane Society of the United States regarding the 2005 Canadian Seal Hunt. It is very graphic, disturbing and sad. It is also important to watch and remind yourself why you care and why you must be active and stay mad. It is much bigger than buying vegan jerky.
The killing of these seal pups is obviously wrong to most people. But it is really not much different than what goes on in factory farms and slaughterhouses across the world. Passing this footage around to people who eat meat and don't typically give a crap about animal issues might be a good place to find common ground and create the opportunity for a bit of dialogue. Make sense? Like, "We can both agree this is f'ed up, right? Well..this is how it is the same basic thing as eating a burger." Maybe more eloquently put than that, but you get my drift.
Anyway, there's your lame Food Fight rant for the day. Now go enjoy your summmer day. We'll be here, sitting inside, trying to not devour the
Snickerdoodle cookies staring us in the face.
Friday, July 22, 2005
It's funny enough to see anyone fist fight, but old people fighting is even better.
Awesome. Thanks to our friends at
SkateDaily.net for this.
Great music for work. Makes you sleepy, then wakes you up. Also known to make you pop a boner in some parts.
We now have your new favorite candy. Oh geez....
Good morning. And good night.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
This and it's cousin, the Almond Smacker, will make you flip out. We should be getting our first shipment in Friday. Get in line.
New book in from one of our favorite customers. Congrats Summer.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Saw one of the main guys talk at the AR2005 thing. Pretty great.
"And for those who cannot turn their backs on meat completely, Calverd has another solution.
'We should look at munching things like locusts,' he told edie.
'They are the most efficient method know for converting vegetable matter into animal fats and protein, the only problem is nobody eats them at the moment.'"
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Check out the factory farm posters. Nice work.
Monday, July 18, 2005
"Yeah, why would we come out and support
SHAC? We're a
major Animal Welfare Organization? We'll get bad press. This kind of prosecution will never happen outside of these fringe groups..."
"A minke whale reveals the white underside of its jaw as it pokes its head above the surface. In 2005, Japan plans to double the number of minke whales killed in international waters, using explosive harpoons that inflict great suffering to these peaceful giants."
Sunday, July 17, 2005
No one has been in our store for HOURS. I need a bullet to enter my brain now so I may have the eternal rest.
"Since seeing the industry's television ads a few weeks ago, Syms has brought yogurt to work every day. So far, no change in her weight, but she's happy for an excuse to eat dairy without guilt. "
This bull is really making his POINT!!! Get it? Oh wait, oh wait... Sometimes the running of the bulls can be a REAL PAIN IN THE BEHIND!!!
Man, I'm so bad. So bad I'm GOOD!!!
I digress. Anyway, like I was saying, I just can't live without my chocolates and my cats....
Elements of truth. Elements of truth. 20! 20! 20! 20!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
It's so boring. I think I've looked at every new movie trailer out there.
Go Jimmy Go! Dig those
CRAZY sounds!
Friday, July 15, 2005
AR 2005
This is way late, but I, Chad Miller, would like to thank everybody who showed up at the AR2005 conference in Los Angeles last week. It was really great and inspirational to meet all of you fine folk. Val, Barb, Jackie and Henny and crew of Alternative Outfitters, SHAC kids, Mr. Edward Lama, Sea Shepherd folk, Vegan Unlimited folks, PlayFood, all of you. I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention somebody obvious, but... I'm out of it, so piss off.
Really nice to see that many dedicated people in one spot. Especially with an emphasis on what it really should be about, the animals, not the products or being "veg." Nice to see that even if people disagreed on certain tactics, there was still that base respect for each other and the shared passion and dedication.
So... yeah. Hats off to everybody that went. Except for the asshole that stole the wallet from Vegan Unlimited, you need a punch in the throat.
New issue in. Come and get it.
“If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” said General Zhu Chenghu."
Lil' movie thing about canned hunts.
"The finding suggests that domestic fowl, Gallus gallus domesticus, are intelligent creatures that might worry."
Thursday, July 14, 2005
"When scientists temporarily lowered brain oxygen levels and brain blood flow in newborn mice whose mothers drank water mixed with pomegranate concentrate, newborn brain tissue loss was reduced by 60 percent in comparison with newborn mice whose mothers drank sugar water or other fluids."
Look at the research POM Wonderful pomegranate juice has been up to. Fuck them. If you care at all that your money goes to stuff like this, don't buy their product anymore. And
write and tell them why you're boycotting their products.
Dude, I'd TOTALLY be vegan, but...I exercise a lot, and I really need my protein. I just have to listen to my body....
From: Paul Watson
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:43 PM
Subject: My regrets but I won't be able to attend the BOD meeting.
Wanted for Conspiracy to Protect Seals
My sincere apologies but I won't be able to attend the Sierra Club Board
I arrived in Halifax today. I did some television interviews prior to
giving a lecture at Dalhousie University. It was a good crowd but I
noticed a number of police officers and Department of Fisheries and
Oceans officers in the audience.
I was warned that they intended to arrest me after the lecture.
I left by a rear exit. A police officer spotted me and said, "Mr.
He made a mistake in not identifying himself as a police officer so I
was under no obligation to stop.
That's all I heard. I ducked down a stairwell of the Student Union
Building. He followed. I ran down three flights of stairs and I could
hear feet pounding the stairs above me. I had no idea where the stairs
were leading but they brought me to the ground floor. I was outside and
ran up a short flight of steps, around a corner and ducked into a pub. I
went to an upper level of the pub where there was an unoccupied beverage
room and watched as police surrounded the Student Union Building. They
proceeded to stake out the building for three hours. I waited them out
then went to my rental car and left.
I had no idea why they were intent upon arresting me. I've since
discovered that the warrant is for conspiracy to disrupt the Canadian
seal hunt. This stems from my taking my ship Farley Mowat into the Gulf
of St. Lawrence in March and off the coast of Labrador in April.
The police know that you are expecting me at the Sierra Club Board
meeting. So regrettably I cannot attend. If I do they will arrest me,
transport me to Charlottetown for a bail hearing. and I will miss the
meeting anyway.
Thus I am returning to the U.S.A.. I'm sorry Elizabeth but the smell of
bananas here in Canada is strong. I have hurt no one. I've damaged no
property. I simply documented an atrocity. My crew were violently
assaulted and we video taped the assaults yet not a single charge is
being laid against the sealers, yet they are putting eleven of my crew
on trial for approaching a seal hunt and now they are seeking to arrest
me for conspiracy to document the slaughter of seals.
It is for this reason that we are advocating a boycott of Canadian
seafood products and remember there are NO sustainable oceanic species.
The cod fishery has collapsed and I predicted 20 years ago that it
would. I am now predicting that the snow crab fishery will collapse
within two years. The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans is
overseeing the complete destruction of the oceanic eco-systems of the
Northwestern Atlantic ocean.
So for those of you who wish to feast on lobster, scallops, snow crabs,
or fish during this meeting, remember these species are no different
than the bush meat that we condemn in Africa. We are systematically
hunting down and exterminating entire species of marine life - just so
people can have the luxury of dining on exotic flesh.
Anyone who partakes of the flesh of these species cannot call themselves
So I'll see you in September if I am successful in avoiding the
gendarmes here in the Great White North.
On the lam in Nova Scotia.
Captain Paul Watson
Captain Paul Watson
Founder and President - Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Director - Sierra Club USA
Director - The Farley Mowat Institute
President - Oceanic Research and Conservation Action Force
"The UK Food Standards Agency ( FSA ) has issued new draft guidance on the use of the terms vegetarian and vegan in food labelling. "
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
"I will not do community service . . . that shows I have done something wrong, and I have done nothing wrong."
I am super wired off this stuff right now. That and I'm listening to
super fast abrasive music. Yay.
Just added these Boston's Snack Mixes to our online store. Eat 'em up.
Got a stack of free copies of the new issue of Satya. Pretty darn good issue, too.
"Vegetarian groups that were awarded include Vegetarian Resource Group ($1.4 milion), ADAF Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group ($600,000), Preventive Medicine Research Institute ($550,000), North American Vegetarian Society ($1 million) Vegetarian Vision, Inc.,($250,000); and American Vegan Society, $500,000."
Sunday, July 10, 2005
From Farm Sanctuary:
Our main tractor at the New York Shelter has broken. Due to the age of the
tractor, we now need to purchase a new one immediately. The cost of a new
tractor is $36,000, a major and time sensitive purchase for our shelter, so
we are writing today to ask for your help!
On our farm, the tractor is our most essential piece of equipment. Each day,
we use the tractor to clean our large animal (cows, pigs, sheep, goats)
barns, providing animals rescued from abuse and neglect with warm, cozy, and
clean bedding. The tractor is crucial for cutting, baling, and stacking hay
and to deliver hay to each barn to feed the animals. It is also needed to
mow all of our pastures — especially critical this time of year — for the
animals and for special projects such as grading roads, backfilling,
ditching and other farm maintenance.
Over 600 animals in our care are counting on us, and we’re counting on you.
Please help our New York shelter purchase a tractor ASAP so that our vital
rescue and shelter work can continue.
To make a donation now, please call 607-583-2225 ext. 221, donate online, or
mail checks to Farm Sanctuary, PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
A new Milky Way-ish place in town?
I just got a scoop about a place near PSU that supposedly is like Milky Way in Clackamas. It has bagels with fake meats to choose from, but the difference is this place has real meat, too. Anyone want to scope it out? It has a great name as well: Chit Chat, 1907 SW 6th Ave., 503-224-3730
Uh-oh. Be careful John and Annie!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Return of the Chicken.
Fake chicken nuggets and patties are back...for now.
Paul Newman is/was a great band. And good friends. Buy their new/old record from your local independent record store. Perfect for sipping on coffee and waiting for the delivery truck to show up....
Wanna know how tired I am this morning? I just went for coffee and told the guy, "Sorry, all I
gots is a twenty." What the hell?
Anyway, thanks so very very much to Josh for coming over last night and using his powertools on our counter. We're well on the way to haveing something practical now.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
August 15th. Portland Zoo (uggh, I know, but...) Hear talk of chimps.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
RIP Beatrix and Pete
Racoons are jerks. Sorry for your loss Jonny.
"When in Tibet we have also popularized the concept of vegetarianism and we did create an impression on the minds of the people. Lately I have also turned to a vegetarian diet."
Seriously, how has he NOT been vegetarian forever already? Geez. Maybe this will make a few people think though.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
This seems so very out of character for a gent like this, right?
Good morning.
Aaah. Good sleep. Giant bowl of coffee. Super concentrated sugary goodness at the bottom. Kinda rainy but it doesn't seem to matter right now. Listening to comfort music. Just a few customers in this morning, but they were nice. Kinda sad yesterday, but this morning is making up for it. Yay.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Hey there. We'll be closing up early today at 5pm to go on a memorial bike ride for Kristine Okins. If anybody wants to join in, people are meeting up at 5:30 at Berbatti's Pan downtown. About 22 SW 3rd, near Burnside.
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