Friday, September 30, 2005
Sometimes I forget how funny The Onion is.
"He is a Fox News contributor and chairman of 'Americans for Victory over Terrorism,' which his Web site calls 'a project dedicated to sustaining and strengthening public opinion as the war on terrorism moves forward.'"
So, just got this link to this awesome Canadian radio show that did an interview with me (Chad) after we opened up. I sound like a tool. So listen. But please realize I'd just woke up. My favorite part is how I don't mention Emiko's name at all. That's really cool, huh? What a dick I am.
Anyway, you should
subscribe to their podcast too. They're nice. And you need to learn more.
We'd like to give a very sincere thanks to Erik Marcus for his plug of Food Fight last night at Powell's Books. He gave a great talk. And one of the nicest plugs for the store I've ever heard. Made me all warm inside. We'll see if it makes the local "veg" scene give any more of a poop about us, but....
Buy his new book "Meat Market."
Thursday, September 29, 2005
This stuff looks so good. Word on the street 'tis "the bomb."
Yay! More rude cursing vegans! Go team! And bless your heart.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
"Smile, you're gonna be on TV!"
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Make sure and get out to Powells Thursday night @ 7:30. And buy a book. And have a listen.
Fresh sweetpea stuff.
Cookies, brownies, cheesecake, and LEMON CAKE AND CHOC PEANUT BUTTER CAKE!!!!
"Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing."
Just hold it. Start blinking a lot...
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Jeremy from Otsu in SF snorting cocaine from the fingernail of a very tan
Captain Steubing.
Hey you. Yeah, you. On MySpace? Add our next door neighbor Scapegoat Tattoo. Now.
And make sure we're on your friend list too.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
"Using a long pole and a net, responder Peter Brandt of The HSUS was able to scoop 21 live chickens out of the pit and get them onto the transport."
Our very own Peter Brandt. Bless his big goofy heart.
Mom and Dad, Sadie, MawMaw and PawPaw, Louis, Bryant... everybody. Hang in there.
"'He was a great friend to everyone he met, a loving husband and father, brother and son.'"
My uncle Russell died this week in Kauai. He died surfing. He died doing what he loved best. He will be missed. Thanks Russell for all the hanging out and eating my guacamole. You are welcome for being your designated driver. Thanks for making me never want to pour cement again.
Hang in there Kim and Renoa, we're with you, even if it is across an ocean. xoxo Chad
"They're using security and the idea of terrorism, which is such a hot word and scares people, to silence people who have unpopular beliefs,"
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 7PM to 8PM. Sarah Kramer, of "How It All Vegan" fame will be here in person to hang out and sign a copy of her new, gigantic cookbook, "La Dolce Vegan!" If you don't wanna buy a book, no problem, just come by and meet her, say hi, take her picture, pinch her cheek. Well, maybe not that. Stop by and show Sarah that Portland is a vegan mecca.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Vegan Fear Factor Eating Contest!
Thanks to all that entered the contest. It was gross. But no one threw up. Good or bad, you choose? We will have pictures up very soon. We got some good ones.
Friday, September 16, 2005
"The slayings also occurred during the state's beloved deer hunting season and exposed racial tension between the predominantly white north woods and immigrants from the Hmong ethnic group of Southeast Asia."
Thanks to the guy from Denver who just called about our flexitarian post. I thought I was gonna get yelled at, but your call really made my day. So, yeah, hugs and kisses and shit.
These people make me start to like Ted Nugent. This article could also be called "Why They Hate Us."
"Even after five years, Christy Pugh has no trouble sticking to her vegetarian regimen.
The secret to her success? Eating meat."
This kind of stuff gives me a headache.
"Margie Roswell, for example, is passionate about her plant-based diet. She holds monthly potluck vegan dinners. She attends Vegetarian Summerfest every year in Johnstown, Pa. And she has even held a raw-food Seder for her family.
But once or twice a month, she usually eats some type of meat, often free-range chicken or turkey.
'I just feel like a little bit of meat is a natural part of the human diet,' says Roswell, a 42-year-old Baltimore resident. 'I will go 100 percent vegan for a period of time, but that doesn't mean when I go to my sister's house for Thanksgiving that I won't have part of the turkey.'"
Not sure, but there is a chance that LA's
The Wives might show up and play a set at our party tomorrow. Maybe not, but they might.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Check out our new shirt! Should be in our hands by Friday afternoon. One printing only, then gone!
"Grimm's shop is accused in federal court filings of selling coats and other items made from pelts of endangered or banned species, such as Alaska seals, jaguars and leopards."
(thanks, Susan, for this link)
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Hey you. We have 3 new friends who just moved here from Athens, GA. They make furniture. 3 hot guys. All single. Wink-wink. They'll be at our party Saturday. Come introduce yourself and grab a date while they're still available. John, Bob, and Clyde.
You could also just drop by their business, Merrimac, at 12th and Division (south side of the street) and pretend to be interested in their stupid furniture. Tell 'em Food Fight sent you.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Vegan Fear Factor
We still could use a few contestants for the gross-out eating contest. Anybody out there? Give a call or email. Lovely prizes for all, and.... glory.
Our party.
So, everybody, feel free to bring pot-luck kinda snacks for everyone to eat. Bake some shit. Make dips. Whatever.
This guy Ben just came in the store, and said nobody is replying to his post in our Forums! What the hell? Don't let Ben down!
I just saw an old woman stop and pee pee in our parking lot, next to the dumpster. She then carried on and went about her business.
Herbivore #9
The new issue of Herbivore just got unloaded off the truck and into our loving arms.
We just got these things in. A few people have requested them, saying how great they are and stuff like that. You be the judge.
Monday, September 12, 2005
All because some asshole didn't close the cage correctly.
Friday, September 09, 2005
So that big mystery book we hinted at the other day is now officially for sale on our site and in the store. New book from Sarah, who co-authored "How it all Vegan" and "The Garden of Vegan." Be the first on your block to cook some of this stuff up at your next potluck.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Go throw a few bucks Peter's way to help pay off some of that hefty legal debt.
"'We are astonished that the New York Stock Exchange would knuckle under to a load of English hippies,' he said."
Hell yes. Don't forget the 'hippies' in the US too.
If you want one of our bags, now would be a good time to get one. They're on sale for a little while. So there.
"For the first time, scientists have both witnessed and photographed a whale gas bubble, suggesting that flatulence is just as common for ocean mammals as it is for humans and many other terrestrial animals."
But you don't know what IT is. And, not sure if we can say just yet either. But it's here for sale. Not food. A book. Early copies of something you will buy whether you like it or not. I don't think we can put IT on the website for sale yet, but it sure is sitting here on the shelf when you come in. Come buy a copy before Amazon.com get's theirs.
There is such a giant list of people in this world who should be force-fed a bag of their own feces. Mr. Schwarzenegger is just another one of those people.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."
I can't wait for this old crow to go the way of Reagan. I knew she's always looked like she had balls, but this proves it. It takes massive ones to say something like this.
We're moving, so we need to sell off some unnecessary stuff in our home. We don't even have a computer at home! $50, can't beat it. Anybody?
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Fucking pathetic.
Last night I happened to see George Bush, Sr. on CNN defending his poor little son, George W. saying he's doing his best in this time of crisis, blah blah blah. It pisses me off that for one thing, George W. lacks the skill to defend himself without sounding totally pathetic and insincere, and another thing is what-the-hell-other-president of any country in the world has their dad come on TV for them? What a privileged, sorry excuse for a leader we have.
Whatever... you can't beat their prices on Tom's of Maine and organic pretzels. That's what it's all about, right?
"GEORGE Bush risked further antagonising his critics yesterday by rejecting calls for an independent commission to examine what went wrong in the handling of Hurricane Katrina and announced instead that he would personally lead an investigation."
Not that any of this really matters at this point. But it's really good to see that Bush will "personally" check in the matter. Really, I'm sure head's will roll.
Hurricane Relief Benefit @ Tin Shed tonight!
Please go to this tonight: Tuesday, Sept. 6 from 5pm-11pm at The Tin Shed (1438 NE Alberta). Vegetarian/vegan Cajun food, live music. $10 cover charge or more if you can. 100% of cover, 100% profits, + 100% waitstaff tips go to America's Second Harvest. This is the least we can do for our friends and family in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. See you there.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
When I first found out he was vegan, I was so excited. But then of course, it's always too good to be true. Now everytime I hear about a celebrity being "vegan", I never really believe it. PETA is too lenient on who they consider vegan/vegetarian. I understand their need for celebrities to get the word out, but I don't know if it hurts more than it helps.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
The look on Mike Myers face is so great.
"'I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they're looking for food.'"
Kanye has been speaking up lately. Pretty awesome if you ask us.
Art and Brian are ok.
In case anybody out there knows them, we just got a message from Art Boonparn, he and Brian Alexander made it out of New Orleans this morning and are in Baton Rouge. Doing ok.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Very very happy to hear this new song and get a new record soon. Thank Chris for the link.
Sept 3rd from 2pm to 6pm at Lucky Labrador Brew Pub (915 SE Hawthorne), see some good bands for free, but if you're really cool, you will donate money to benefit Dove Lewis's new building they're breaking ground on. They need more room to take care of your pets. The best 24/7 emergency pet hospital in town.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Anybody with a van or car? Urgent.
From Connie at IDA:
"This is an update on the situation down in Florence, OR where 50-60 dogs need to be transported TOMORROW from their current living situation to foster homes.
Matt and I were there yesterday. We took 30 crates from the Oregon Humane Society down to help in the transport of the dogs. Here is the latest information on the situation:
On Friday, September 2nd ONLY, from 10am - 4pm, animal control is assisting with access to the property to get as many of the dogs out as possible. At 4:00 pm tomorrow, the gates will be locked and the dogs will be turned over to Lane County Animal Control.
We are in desperate need of help; drivers with large vehicles and rescues able to help with even just one dog. We have plenty of carriers we just need big vehicles to transport the dogs in crates. We also need foster homes desperately.
If you can help with anything please contact Loretta Fleming at 503-469-8074. She welcomes any type of help and support.
If you can join the caravan to Florence tomorrow, they will be meeting at the Howard Johnson's at I-5 and 217 at 8:00 am. "
What the fuck? This is all so dismal.
Still waiting to hear news of 3 good friends that stayed behind to ride out the storm. All this news flying around. Uggh. A place I've spent a lot of good times in with good friends, pretty much gone. (New Orleans, not the mall described below...)
"Looters set fire to Oakwood Shopping Center in Terrytown today.
The fire was reported at 12:56 p.m., and firefighters fought the blaze for more than an hour before giving up, said Bryan Adams of the Terrytown Volunteer Fire Department.
'There's just no water and the fire was out of hand,'' an emotional Adams said, adding that crews had to fight the blaze with one hose and water from a canal. 'I've lived in this communitiy all my life --45 years. It's tough.''
Adams said the fire was intentionally set in multiple locations by people who apparently went in to loot the mall. Authorities found a ladder on the side of a building and a vent ripped off the roof allowed suspects to gain access, he said."
Maybe you've all seen this, but I just did and it made me happy.
"Blumberg and his crybaby colleagues got off with broken computers, graffiti and subscriptions to Time and TV Guide. Instead of likening animal-rights activists to actual terrorists, they should be thanking them for their restraint."
"Clair George, the CIA's former covert operations director who was convicted of perjury in the Iran-Contra scandal but later pardoned, acknowledged in an unrelated case he did consulting work for Feld and helped oversee its surveillance of animal-rights groups.
PETA's lawsuit seeks $1.8 million in damages and full disclosure of Feld's alleged espionage efforts. The group's lawyer, Philip Hirschkop, said the espionage included theft of internal PETA documents and mailing lists."
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