Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
"'It's just not fair. It's a monopoly by vegetarians,' said Kiran Talwar, 49, a prosthetics engineer who has seen vegetarianism take over restaurants and groceries all over his childhood neighborhood on posh Nepeansea Road.
'If you step out to eat, there's nothing for miles because everything around is veggie,' he said."
Ben's auction is almost up. Bid while you still can...
Monday, May 29, 2006
So, there was this film crew at the
Let Live benefit in January. Here's a short interview with the director. Sounds like this is gonna be a big deal, wide distribution and stuff. And, word on the street, is that there will be shots from Let Live, John from Merrimac, Chad from Food Fight, exterior shots of FF, and even our couch at home! This site is supposed to have a big trailer in the next few weeks. Let's hope this isn't horrible.
PS. Don't bother to read the "reader's feedback" after the interview, it's some "I love me some steak!" typical bullshit.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
He everybody! Just wanted to remind you of the benefit tonight at Clinton St. Theatre (SE 26th & Clinton. There will be some bands drinks and food. The price is sliding starting at $7.00 depending on your generosity. Come on it's for a good cause and you might learn something. Word.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Lisa just brought over cookie sandwiches. That means, frosting between 2 cookies. In a few varieties. Limited supplies. Come over and eat, Alan.
So, I"m guessing it's ok, but I've gone ahead and converted this video to quicktime and we're hosting on our site for you guys to watch and share with friends. If the maker is reading this, and this bums you out, we'll understand and remove it from our site.
Nice pictures from last weekend's benefit show with The Prids, The Online Romance, and Cadence. We still have some silkscreened posters ($15) from the show here. Nice, 3 color, only 40 printed. Want to mail-order one, get in touch.
Check out the comment about us smacking of immaturity! Yay!
Video interview with Joshy boy.
Cinnamon rolls.
Just got a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls from GearGrinders. Come feed.
Also, chicken nuggs and burgers back in.
Ok, so, this marshmallow thing. We've had 3 calls this morning already and 1 customer come in to ask (then walk out). But...check this out, we also got an email from these folks in NYC (check the link) that are gonna wholesale us some it seems. What a morning.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I dream of the day...
that the whole world will know we don't carry vegan marshmallows anymore.
I dream even more of the day that the person coming in here asking for them won't just walk straight out the door like there's nothing else in the store to buy...
I know, I know, more benefits? Yeah. Just go, ok?
~SHAC7 & Josh Harper Benefit
THIS SUNDAY, May 28th 4p-8p
at Clinton St. Theatre (SE 26th & Clinton)
Go here for more info:
~Vegan Bake Sale to Benefit Josh Harper,
Wednesday, May 31st 2-7pm
at Peoples Food Co-op Farmers Market
New site up concerning the ongoing Shoemocker protests. Get involved.
"A University of Wisconsin-Madison researcher testified, 'In slightly less than two months time, I received a magazine to which I did not subscribe. Then I received a couple more magazines. I started to receive statements from magazine companies indicating that I placed gift subscriptions to others on campus. I received in total approximately 50-plus magazine subscriptions and other mail-order paraphernalia.'"
If any of you would like to come by and drop any gifts for us to give Josh Harper for you, please do. We're going to see him this Sunday, the 28th, so drop off stuff at the store anytime before we close Saturday night. We won't be around the store Saturday, but you can leave it with Dave. Please, no alcohol or dirty mags or anything inappropriate. We have the vegan junk food gifts pretty squared away, so kind letters of encouragement would be something nice to give. He needs it.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
"The six stricken family members from northern Indonesia did not keep birds, and were not from a village with a known avian influenza outbreak. But there are numerous potential routes of exposure in rural areas of Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, which has been struggling to contain the disease. At least some members of the stricken family sold fruit or vegetables at a market where birds are sold and slaughtered, a health official said, and could have contracted it there."
"The men cheered one another and slapped palms as a bird dog pounded on the fallen fowl.
Chaifetz said the shooting took place Feb. 18 of this year on private land in Sussex County, under auspices of a group called
United Bowhunters of New Jersey."
Again. We shall say, some people need a good kick to the bathing-suit area.
Too bad his body couldn't have been a meal or two for some wolves or something.
(thanks to "vegan" on our message board for posting this)
Seattle events to Benefit Josh Harper
Alright Seattle, show Portland up. We dare you. Sentencing is June 13th, and Josh needs funds by June 23 in order to appeal. Go out of your way for him. The least you can do is go eat and have a good time.
Sun. May 28
Good food, good company at the Benefit BBQ & Bake Sale!
goes from 6:30pm 'til dark
enter Ravenna park at 20th Ave NE & NE 58th St in the U-Dictrict
Please bring $5 to donate (for bbq) and extra cash for baked goods
There will be food, friends, and games
Sunday June 4th there will be a vegan benefit lunch at Araya's (1121 NE 45th St in the U-District of Seattle). Proceeds will go to Josh Harper's legal defense fund so that he can appeal his conviction.
Lunch will run 12-4pm and will feature an awesome array of selections from various local veg restaurants and cooks.
We'll be asking for a donation of $15-20 per person, sliding scale.
For more info or to rsvp please get in touch with Melissa at myspace.com/designate_this or summershallnotfade@yahoo.com
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Damn, looks like Chicago is trying to out-do Portland for SHAC7 support. Keep dreaming Chicago. But, damn, this looks like a good time.
Anybody been here yet? St. Johns. Looks all vegan from what I can tell. We await your feedback.
Take a minute or so and fill this out. If you wish.
I do believe I know what he is saying.
Just got in all the Vega products. I kinda worry that we're turning into a "health food" store, gulp, but... Brendan Brazier is rad and healthy and he made this stuff. So shove it. (in your mouth)
Ben is such fresh meat, he's already at $70 and, there's still 8 days left! Come on people, keep the bidding going. His company is worth every cent, and your money is going to a great cause. You might not be able to tell from the picture, but he has ice blue eyes and can jump over 8 giant cardboard boxes in one leap. Seriously, if you win, make him jump for you, it's amazing.
Monday, May 22, 2006
This review of "An Inconvenient Truth" makes me title this blog entry... "Bummer."
Trailer for the "Fast Food Nation" movie.
See who can spot me and Dave in the first picture. Go ahead, see.
Another way to help out, courtesy of Jenna and Bob of Veganfreaks.
Ebay took down the auction as it made Ben look like a hooker. So, check the new listing and bid on the "dinner" not the potential romance.
Sorry Karen, I knew we'd forget to thank somebody. We wrote it right before passing out after a stupid long couple of days. You rule. Customer #1. #1 art buyer. #1 spagetti dinner eater. xoxo Chad and Emiko
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Hi there. We just counted the money from the rummage sale. Just counting bills, and not even including the money people were putting in the donation box in the store today, the rummage sale raised $1,520. Damn. Amazing. We want to thank some fine ladies for all their hard work in planning and executing this rummage sale. Kami, Lauren, Shaina, Sandy. Wow. You gals can plan an event. You all are the best. For real. There are no words. We also want to give a hi-five to Kristen for showing up bright and early this morning to help set up, Ben for setting up and staying all day being the good person he is, Elise for letting us borrow your tables, and everyone who donated stuff.
$1,520. Hot shit? Fuck yes.
Portland has raised around $3,000 in a week. We don't want to toot our own horn or anything (okay, we will), but shit, this is a great example of a community caring for something, coming together, and just fucking doing it. The time all of us had to plan the spaghetti dinner, rock show, and rummage sale wasn't that long, but with the help of a handful of great planners, supporters, and some great bands, we feel like a lot was accomplished.
Everybody is busy with their own jobs, lives, and problems, we understand. But maybe the state of things these days requires us all to just take a step back and look outside of our lives for a minute. You might see the need to go a little out of your regular comfort zone to do something. A little goes a long way.
By the way, we just called Josh to tell him. He's so happy and grateful, you can't even imagine. Thanks again everybody.
Closing at 6pm today.
We're closing early. We're spent. 3 benefits in 1 week is kind of tiring.
Attention SweetPea and Siue.
Benefit show last night.
Wanna say thanks so much for everyone who came out to the show last night. We raised over $700. Josh thanks you, too.
Very special thanks to The Prids, The Online Romance, and Cadence for playing. You were all very amazing. Go out and see these bands if you have the chance.
Now, back to the rummage sale...
Hey, you, check it. Win a date with our pal Ben. A great piece of ass. And we'll pay for you guys to eat at Kalga. Free food and Ben and helping out a good guy going to jail, what more could you ask for?
The sale is on. Things are going fast. Come on down.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Large Boxes... We needs them!
So if you have some boxes that are on the large side we could use them for the rummage sale. Bring them by any time today!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Okay, so Ben just called us, and said the date auction benefit is cancelled all of a sudden. He rode over just a few minutes ago because he was gonna be auctioned off, and there was a sign saying, "auction cancelled." So, don't go, if you haven't left already and happened to read this. Sucks.
Well, our benefits won't be cancelled, so come to them. Show tomorrow at The Artistery at 8pm and rummage sale in our parking lot Sunday 8am-4pm.
People in the Denver/Boulder, CO area!
Hi all. If you live in the Denver/Boulder area or will be in the area, a SHAC benefit is happening there soon. Our friends Steve and Monae who just visited here will be helping for it. Go meet them, they rule.
SHAC 7 fundraiser
Friday, June 16th
Cruelty-Free World
3977 Tennyson
Dessert and wine reception
$5.00 admission
contact: Dan with CFW at 303.839.1297
Anybody have a biggish ice chest we could use at the benefit show Saturday night to sell sodas out of? Hmm?
Rummage Sale Flyer help.
So, if you guys can print out a few copies of
this flyer and put them up places, it would be a great big fat help. Thanks.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
We just stumbled upon this by chance. Why don't people let us help them promote these kinds of things. Crazy kids....
Anyway, go buy a date for a good cause.
"I find this terrifically exciting"
“I believe you have a political agenda that results in your suffering from the erroneous delusion that your conviction is a ‘Red Badge of Courage’ instead of ‘The Scarlet Letter’ that it actually is,” Kehoe said. “You have made arrogant and self-righteous statements of justification. You have demonstrated by word and action your obvious disdain for your victim and the laws of the state of New York.”
Durand’s attorney, Leonard Egert, said he’d never seen a first offender get the maximum sentence on a misdemeanor, as Durand did on two of the trespassing counts. Wayne County Probation had recommended only community service for Durand, but Wegmans asked for jail time, Egert said.
“Essentially, the judge gave [Durand] the exact sentence that Wegmans requested,” Egert said.
I'm always amazed when somebody buys this button. It just happened. And it happened yesterday too. Something is in the air. And it smells like Vikings!
Josh made a video. Josh uploaded a video. And you might watch it.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
"rummage sale benefit for josh harper of the shac 7 on may 20 & 21 starting around 10
@ the jungle
4309 evanston ave n
seattle, wa 98103
come buy stuff!
there will be lots of good buys!
money goes to a good cause!
if you have items to donate, contact me asap!!
or heather at nice_leaves@hotmail.com."
So, for you out of town folks, you can now buy the poster online. 3 color screen. Hot shit, no?
Got nothing to do today?
Come help Lauren sort through all the rummage sale donations and price stuff. Lauren came on her day off to do it, and there's a fucking lot, so she could use the help. Anyone who wants to help, please come to the store. Please.
Check out these posters that
Mark is printing up for us to sell for extra benefit money for Mr. Josh Harper. Not sure how much they'll be, or how many we'll get, but come to the show on Saturday night to find out. Yay!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Come out to the rock show and rummage sale to benefit Josh Harper's appeals fund. He still needs a lot of money, so let's go all out for him. The Prids, The Online Romance, and Cadence are playing. If you haven't seen The Prids yet, here's your chance, they rule. Our friend Jack (The Online Romance) will be playing for the first time with a full band, and our lovely friend Katie is in Cadence.
The show info:
Where: The Artistery, 4315 SE Division St. (block east of Food Fight)
When: Sat. May 20. 8pm
Price: $5-10 sliding scale (hopefully you'll be in a giving mood)
The rummage sale info:
When: Sunday May 21st, rummage sale time (morning until ?)
Where: Food Fight Parking lot
More info. on donating stuff or to get in touch with an organizer: www.myspace.com/shac7rummagesale
Come by and grab a head of organic rommaine while it lasts. Leftovers from spagetti dinner benefit night.
Lookee what Herbivore is doing! Good for them. I'm guessing when these are available we'll have them for sale here at the store.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Need I repeat the title? Slow f'ing day.
Big ups Portland. Another benefit event keeping the support flowing for those in need.
Spaghetti dinner mayhem!
We wanted to say thanks so much to everyone who made it out to the spaghetti dinner benefit for Josh. It never stops amazing us how great all of you "regulars" are who continually support the cause (and us). We remember every face that come to our fundraisers, so don't think for a second we don't put you on our "People Who Rule" list. Honestly, we talk about how great you are behind your backs. To be that self-less and giving and to know how a simple gesture can go a long way like that. On behalf of us, Sweetpea Baking Co., Progressive Counseling, and Josh Harper, we thank you.
Turd of all turds.
"They have so many law, no one know what law is right law,' the handsome, haughty chef asserted during an interview at his private compound in Anthem. 'Not even government know all the law. I take lot of precaution. People tell me to worry about [Maricopa County] Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He have animal-protection department. But he too old and stupid. They never catch me.'"
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Closing at 6pm today!
Going to the spaghetti dinner benefit. There's atill plenty of seats left if you want to come by eat spaghetti for Josh Harper's appeal fund. If you don't know about it, here's the info:
What: Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Josh Harper appeals fund
When: Sunday, May 14th, your choice of 4:00, 6:00, or 8:00
Where: 1902 NW 24th Ave. between NW Vaughn and NW Thurman
Price $20- It will include salad, bread, spaghetti (your choice, with or without TVP meatballs), drink, and a dessert. All vegan of course.
Friday, May 12, 2006
We ordered organic romaine lettuce for the spaghetti dinner, and it's way more than we'll need, so we're gonna sell some at the store. Selling it at wholesale: $2.00 for a giant head of romaine lettuce! The money will go to Josh Harper, so come take some off our hands, please!!!! If you can't afford the spaghetti dinner, at least come buy some lettuce...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hi, everybody. Just wanted to repost about the spaghetti dinner we're doing to benefit Josh Harper's appeals fund. Come on friends, we need more people to sign up. There are still like 25 seats still available for 4:00, 18 seats for 6:00, and 28 for 8:00.
It's this Sunday. Yes, $20 seems like a lot, but you can all spare it for a guy going to prison for nothing, right?
It will include salad, bread, spaghetti (your choice, with or without TVP meatballs), drink, and a dessert. All vegan of course. And the most exciting thing is, it's not going to be here at the store! It's gonna be at the house in the NW side where Lisa bakes at.
To make it convenient for you and get as many to come as possible, you can choose from three different dining times: 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00. There will be 30 seats available at a time. Also, you'll be sitting at one long table, so don't expect a romantic dinner.
The space is pretty limited, so if you have kids and they are big enough to sit in one of our chairs and eat their own plate of food, it'll still be the same price. If they are babies, they can come in free, and you're welcome to bring your own high-chair and stuff.
So, Come sign up here at the store. We'd appeciate paying upfront, cash or check only (no cards because we can't pay for the credit card fees), but if you don't have the cash when you come in, sign up anyway, just promise you'll pay on Sunday.
What: Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Josh Harper appeals fund
When: Sunday, May 14th, your choice of 4:00, 6:00, or 8:00
Where: 1902 NW 24th Ave. between NW Vaughn and NW Thurman
How: Sign up at Food Fight!
Price $20
Just added a pile of new stuff to the online store today. Check it.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
We have about 3 billion of these DVDs here at the store now if anybody wants to take a pile to hand out. And some other stuff this nice person dropped off that we have to dig through.
Hotlanta holding it down. Thanks to Luther for the info. And for making us have the WiFi and stuff.
Call your local co-op and tell 'em what's up.
We gotz it. It's delicious. It's the only flavor they have that's vegan. The next hit at the Food Fight. Get this shit.
Also, Scout, from Gear Grinders Bakery, just brought some little donuts to benefit Josh Harper. $1, and it goes straight into his donation box. Powdered sugar and cinnamon/sugar ones.
We also still have slices of Sweetpea chocolate and peanut butter icing cakes for sale, too. They're so great, you have to try one.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Lisa brought us some chocolate/peanut butter cake slices today. So there.
Not that it matters, but...
Go check out the MySpace page and get involved. Please. Also make sure to come to the dinner and rock show. Hopefully all this will add up alot and pay for some lawyerin'.
"hi there! I wanted to let you know that I am having a bad art for good dogs benefit at
dirty little secret salon (1909 NE MLK Jr. Blvd) on wed may 17th at 8:00. I will be selling photos from my new orleans trip and charcoal drawinggs of various dogs and cats. all of the $$$ goes to pawsitively pit bull. I will have vegan snaks and stuff! please come!"
Monday, May 08, 2006
Hi all. Anyone want to come by the store and pick up some flyers to put up places for the benefit show we're having at The Artistery, May 20th? We'd appreciate the shit out of it. We'll give you some tape if need be.
New button. For insiders in our exclusive club only.
We're really not trust-fund flexitarians. Spread the word...
"'I spent everything I had to get back here. Yes, it was dangerous, and I miss my home. But as much as I love America, I have to go where the best American jobs are.'"
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Hi. Lisa (Sweetpea Baking Co.), Karen (Progressive Counseling), and we are having a spaghetti dinner on Sunday, May 14th to benefit Josh Harper appeals fund. It's going to be $20, and will include salad, bread, spaghetti (your choice, with or without TVP meatballs), drink, and a dessert. All vegan of course. And the most exciting thing is, it's not going to be here at the store! It's gonna be at the house in the NW side where Lisa bakes at.
"$20!," you say, well, it was hard to pick a good price that would benefit SHAC and the work put into it. Please understand.
To make it convenient for you and get as many to come as possible, you can choose from three different dining times: 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00. There will be 30 seats available at a time. Also, you'll be sitting at one long table, so don't expect a romantic dinner.
The space is pretty limited, so if you have kids and they are big enough to sit in one of our chairs and eat their own plate of food, it'll still be the same price. If they are babies, they can come in free, but you gotta bring your own high-chair and stuff, and hopefully there'll be room to fit them near the table, and you have to share your food with them.
So, Come sign up here at the store. Pay upfront please, cash or check only.
What: Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Josh Harper appeals fund
When: Sunday, May 14th, your choice of 4:00, 6:00, or 8:00
Where: 1902 NW 24th Ave. between NW Vaughn and NW Thurman
How: Sign up at Food Fight!
Price $20
Friday, May 05, 2006
Remember, come on over Saturday, May 6th at 1 p.m. and share a cupcake with Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Isa is the author of the much loved Vegan With a Vengeance cookbook, and the forthcoming Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World cookbook, as well as the host of Brooklyn's own Post Punk Kitchen public access T.V. show. This is her only west coast event so make sure you come by and get your book signed or just snag a cupcake and say hi.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
"It's not enough to cowardly distance ourselves from the 'eco-terrorists,' as many did during the Red Scare. That won't protect us. It's up to progressive activists to stand with the defendants, and say loud and clear that 'terrorism' can't be batted around in political games. Speaking out against this government smear campaign doesn't mean we're balaclava-wearing animal liberationists: it means we know we could be the next communists.
I mean, terrorists."
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Hi everybody. So, we, along with Karen from Progressive Counseling and Lisa Sweetpea Baking are planning a SHAC benefit spaghetti dinner on Sunday, May 14. We're asking anyone out there if they or anyone they know have a lot of folding or folding-esque chairs they can let us borrow for it. We're thinking around maybe 30 to borrow. Drop us a call or email if you can help. We'll love you long time.
Soon we'll have a sign-up sheet for the dinner here at the store, so once we get that going, we'll send out a blog and email letting you know. Stay tuned!
"Today HLS (LSRi) were dropped off the Pink Sheets after their sole Market Maker Vertical dropped out, hot on the heels of Seaboard dropping out last week - see statement at the bottom. A big thanks and well done to those who have taken part in financial demos in the US, UK and all over the world and anyone who taken part in the email action alerts. We know some of you may wonder about the wisdom of doing companies like Vertical Group's Landlords Murray Hill Properties or Securities Dealing Systems who were important to HLS market Maker Seaboard, but the fact is it works!
This is without doubt Huntingdon's lowest ever trading point and to say that the last 7 months have been a financial disaster for HLS is an understatement. In that time they have gone from being 45 minutes away from trading on the NYSE, being dropped off the OTCBB (Over the Counter Bulletin Board) on to the Pink Sheets and now they have been dropped off the Pink Sheets. As we write this it looks like shares in HLS (LSRi) are not trading anywhere in whole world. Like we say the more HLS crave normality the more abnormal things become for them."
"The Alberta St. Oyster Bar (30th/Alberta, right up the street from In Defense of Animals) is now serving Fois Gras on their menue. It's featured in two dishes, as an entree, and in a sauce over Salmon."
Phone number: 503-284-9600
A polite (really, maybe they just don't understand what goes into Fois Gras) phone call might go a long way.
If you guys haven't seen this already, it rules. The trip planner couldn't be easier to use. It's like Mapquest for bikes.
Not that we here at Food Fight in any way condone or encourage direct action (hi feds!), we'd like to say that if we did, we'd be all... "Yo Adam, great job! Hey everybody, go do more stuff like this!"
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Remember, come on over Saturday, May 6th at 1 p.m. and share a cupcake with Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Isa is the author of the much loved Vegan With a Vengeance cookbook, and the forthcoming Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World cookbook, as well as the host of Brooklyn's own Post Punk Kitchen public access T.V. show. This is her only west coast event so make sure you come by and get your book signed or just snag a cupcake and say hi.
For those of you who haven't seen this yet, please do it now. It's fucking amazing. You can tell Stephen Colbert said "fuck it" and went all out with his cut-downs on Bush, literally right in his face. He probably knew he'd only get this one chance, and good thing he took it. Be sure to watch all 3 parts to it.
We love you.
Hi. Last night after getting back to town, we were surprised to see a bag of money and a note saying there was a secret benefit for us and our crappy freezer. We couldn't believe it for a few minutes. No one has ever done such a thing like that before for us. And we thank you all from the deepest depths of our hearts. We were having a low morale time of it lately, and this has really really given us a new feeling of hope. Thank you all for coming out to the benefit, and to anyone else who shops here or supports us from afar. We love you all.
"A full-page ad in yesterday's New York Times slammed the New York Stock Exchange for caving to pressure from animal rights activists and blocking the listing of a controversial pharmaceutical research company."
Halsne: “Any regrets?”
Young: “The only thing I can say I regret is that I got caught. I don't regret anything else.”"
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