Friday, September 29, 2006
So, here is a link to a PayPal account to donate money to Andy's appeals fund. However, the money won't get there in time for his initial needs.
If you can make a substantial donation, you can deposit it into their Washington Mutual account. You can call Laura at 603-387-2018 to get that information.
Thanks for helping.
Hey you peeps who ordered Might O from us. They are here and waiting for you! $11 cash, $12 credit card. Just ate a french toast one. Holy shit...
blah blah fee fon Tom from Celtic Frost....
"Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knows of anyone in the Portland/Salem/Vancouver-metro area who might be able to take 3-4 feral cats, as outdoor barn cats, or to try to socialize and keep indoors. There is a mother with two or three 6-8 month old kittens that I have been feeding outside of my apartment complex. I already have the maximum number of cats allowed in my apartment and simply cannot take more, and they cannot live at the apartment complex forever. I will pay for the spay/neuter and initial vaccines if someone could take them...these guys are really cute--the mom is black, and likes to follow you around (at a "safe" distance ;o), and there is one grey kitten, who loves to mew about what's on his mind, and one or two black kittens that are a little more on the shy side. If you or anyone you know might be interested, please e-mail me at
c_chilcoat@msn.com. If you are interested, but don't know how to manage an outdoor feral colony, or are interested in keeping them indoors and socializing, I can provide information and books on both subjects, and am more than happy to stay involved if future help is needed. I would also be willing to buy a trap for anyone who can take them who is intending on keeping them as an outdoor colony. Thanks so much, and please pass this along to anyone who is compassionate towards animals and may be interested...
-Chelsea Chilcoat
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Just got this email:
"Comments:URGENT! support andy stepanian of SHAC 7
Body: Very Urgent Donations Needed for SHAC-7 Defendant Andy Stepanian
Hey everyone,
please help us all out, andy is a really really good friend of mine and has been an asset to his communtiy on long island, doing everything from raising money for animal shelters to feeding the homeless. Please, can your community come together for him? We need all the help we can get, please even if you think you're 20 dollars wont help, trust me it will! We're raising 7,000 over this weekend alone by people putting together small activities to raise small amounts of money. We will need 25,000 total over the next few months, so this is just the first hurtle, but if everyone comes together, we can do it.
SHAC-7 Defendant Andy Stepanian has located a great first amendment attorney who has represented members of MOVE, the Black Liberation Army, Republican National Convention arrestees, and many others, and has argued numerous times in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals (where the SHAC-7 will appeal their convictions). However, Andy needs to raise $7,000 by THIS TUESDAY in order to be able to hire this attorney and file his appeal on time. Unlike many of the other defendants, Andy has had only a public defender up until this point. Having received the maximum possible sentence for his charge, it is extremely important that he have competent counsel to work on his appeal - otherwise we will not see Andy for another three years.
All donations need to be RECEIVED by this Tuesday, October 3, or Andy will not be able to hire this attorney (by Wednesday, he will be in jail). If you can donate, or if you can hold an emergency fundraiser in your area, PLEASE do so for Andy. All donations can be sent to the address below. For questions on the issue, or how to transfer money in time, please call: (603) 387-2018
Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to the "Animal Defense League," and all mailed donations should be sent to:
2119 South 16th St.
Apt. 2
Philadelphia, PA 19145"
I guess you're in-boxes have probably been getting flooded with this info today already, but if not, read up quickly and make a call or two. Or just stick a pistol in your mouth, and....
"Hell no longer awaits - it is here!"
Anybody going to see this bit of evil rock on the 2nd here in PDX? We should meet up. There should be Food Fight representing, along with representatives of Herbivore Magazine and Scapegoat Tattoo. Come let us sign your corpse-paint.
"You win the award for the funniest YummyEarth organic lollipop pitch!!! Please keep up the good work!!!"
- from the owner of the Lollipop company
So, to everybody who ordered donuts for tomorrow, we got an email saying they'll be here between noon and 1pm. Take that for what it's worth. We'd still suggest calling first before coming to pick 'em up. Cash ($11) would be best if you're only buying donuts. But please buy some other crap too and pay however the hell you want.
New isue of Herbivore now available! Get it.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
So, make sure and come in Friday after 3pm, when Dave is working, and give him a
big ole hug. Dave loves that shit. Then try and get him to hi-5 you.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
"On October 5, people everywhere will walk out of school, take off work, and come to the downtowns & townsquares and set out from there, going through the streets and calling on many more to join us - making a powerful statement: "NO! THIS REGIME DOES NOT REPRESENT US! AND WE WILL DRIVE IT OUT!""
So, it's my
(Chad) birthday coming up on October 12th and here's what's going on. No super official details, but here's the basics. Everybody is invited.
Where: Pirate's TavernWhen: Oct 12th, probably 7 til whenever
What: Giant letter writing party for the
SHAC7 defendants and birthday dinner with portion of $$$ going to the
SHAC7 commisary fund.
What else: Hanging out. Shooting the shit. Everybody giving me a
reach-around for my BD.
And even more what else: RSVP if you're coming so Pirtate's Tavern knows how much food to make. Send it to info@foodfightgrocery.com and we'll put you on "the list." It'd be cool if you bring paper and pen and envelope and stamp.
I'd be really happy to see everybody out there. Good cause, good food, good time. Meet some new folks. Get on a
FBI watch list. Yay?!?
Monday, September 25, 2006
Based out of Portland. "Anti-terror" group backed by the fur industry and other greats. Check their links section. Rumored to be found around town taking photos of activist folk. Hopefully they can add us somewhere on their site. Please?
They're finally back in stock. Come and get 'em fools.
""It isn't that humans are better than animals, or animals are better than humans," she said in an interview. "When we talk about oppression, we need to look at it as a whole and how it is interlinked."
Sunday, September 24, 2006
So, the official Herbivore Store grand opening party is going on Sept 30th from 6 to 10 in the pm. Free food and hanging out. Go buy some stuff and give them a positive kick in the pants. And they'll have Issue #12 on sale there to. It is at 5519 NE 30th, just north of Killingsworth. Yep.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Just booked another movie night at The Artistery. This time we're showing "Safe Men." A movie we love, but you'l think was "just ok." Either way, you shoud come. The $3 will go to the SHAC7 commisary fund.
There is a fundraiser dinner tonight at Proper Eats to get money together for the "Vegan Holiday Festival" in November. Go eat and help out.
Yo Portland. We're going to be getting a delivery of Mighty-O Donuts (www.mightyo.com/)from Seattle on Friday the 29th. You want in?
It is gonna be $11 for a mixed dozen. Flavors are: Cinnamon Sugar, Glazed, Chocolate, and Pumpkin.
Cash only please. Email info@foodfightgrocery.com by Wednesday the 27th to place your order. And if you say you want 'em, you better not flake out or we'll have to beat on you.
Food Fight! Grocery Management Team
"“Dude, skinny ties are for skinny guys. I’ve got a little bit more to love.”"
Powered by mandarins and avocados.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
If you haven't seen his new "White and Nerdy" video, please do.
Marshmallows are spent, yo.
Hey, we want to get rid of these marshmallows. They're old and lost their poofiness, so they're on sale for $2.
"In response to comments on your website about our company, Mexi-Snax could you post this note:
To our Vegan Friends,
All of us at Mexi-Snax appreciate your concern over discovering we have whey in our 14 oz conventional Pico de Gallo tortilla chips. We would first like to clarify that there is not any whey in our 9 oz Organic Pico de Gallo. About 50% of the stores carry our organic product so please check to see if you have been purchasing our 9 oz organic product which does NOT contain whey. Our 9 oz organic product is available to all of the stores that carry our 14 oz conventional Pico de Gallo so please ask for the 9 oz size if it is not in your store.
Our spice company for our conventional 14 oz products was sold to a larger company earlier this year and in that transition, our formula was changed to include whey. Due to the strict allergen laws, as soon as this was brought to our attention we changed our website to reflect whey as an ingredient. We are working with our spice company right now to remove whey as an ingredient in our 14 oz Pico de Gallo. In the meantime we apologize for the inconvenience of you having to switch to our 9 oz organic Pico de Gallo.
Mexi-Snax has 18 products and besides our Nacho cheese flavors, only this one size of Pico de Gallo has dairy. Vegan products are important to us. And we will rectify this situation as soon as possible. We greatly appreciate your support of our products. Please feel free to contact us anytime at customerservice@mexisnax.com
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
So, we've kinda been getting some new stuffs in and putting them online. Maybe you should see if anything strikes your fancy.
Stop! Put down the Mexi-Snax! Bastards just ruined my day by adding whey to our favorite corn chips. Uggghh....
"'The devil came here yesterday,' he said, referring to Mr Bush's speech on Tuesday. 'It still smells of sulphur today,' he added."
"He carried out the first attack on the day he was awarded his PhD."
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
"The remaining SHAC 7 defendants were sentenced today.
Despite questioning the strength of the government's case against Andy and Darius at the end of trial, the court sentenced them both to prison today. Andrew Stepanian received the maximum sentence of 36 months in prison, and Darius was sentenced to 12 months, 1 day. Both were ordered to pay into the $1,000,001 restitution.
Andy must turn himself in to begin his sentence within 15 days, and Darius must turn himself in in 30 days."
Monday, September 18, 2006
"Pickard has been brought to New Zealand by the council for foods of animal origin, an industry body representing milk, eggs, fish and red meat producers."
Today is the last day of the Ringling Circus. If you can, show up starting at 4 to help IDA protest this poop. On the MAX side of the Rose Garden.
These folks are so tough. If you are so inclined, throw some money there way.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Portland demonstration.
Sept 20th. - 12:00–2:00 p.m
Pioneer Courthouse Square.
Get on down there.
Mark your calendars. Never seen this movie, but it sounds cool.
Who among you will bring me a double soy latté? WHO!?! (or is it whom?)
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Be warned. This place seems sketchy.
Check it. Buy it. Come ride it around the block.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
So, wanna buy a kinda shitty looking, but pretty solid car? Our 1985 Accord. Beat up but runs great. Needs a new muffler and some rouge. Like 135,000 miles. $400? Get in touch.
"September 13, 2006
A former Christoval High School football star was killed Tuesday in what police described as a tragic hunting accident.
Justin David Lytle, 21, of Christoval, was sitting in the front seat of a golf cart near Christoval Road in southern San Angelo, according to police reports, when a flock of doves took flight from the underbrush.
One of his hunting partners, Wayne Hayner, 24, of Mertzon, sitting in the back seat of the cart, raised his shotgun and fired just as Lytle stood up to also take aim at the birds. Lytle was killed instantly.
"We're investigating the incident," said San Angelo police spokesman Lt. Curtis Milbourn, "though there's nothing that would make us believe it was anything but an accident.""
America wants MORE intense hunting and beautiful girls.
Damn, this is a coffee kinda day. I hear there is some kind of fucked up El Nino thing this year, it better not get out of control, or... or... we'll complain like a bunch of... of... vegans.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
"The activists are trying to protect animals, while the right-wingers are defending the greedy, corrupt, and powerful - and being handsomely paid for it. That's why the media is an ever-flowing fountain of conservative hate speech from Horowitz, Malkin, and the like.
And that's why you'll still see them treated as respectable commentators on cable TV, probably this week, as the first of the SHAC 7 start doing their time."
From the Josh Harper Support Team:
“Josh Harper was sentenced to 3 years in federal prison today to be followed by 3 years of supervised release for his speech activity during the course of the SHAC campaign. While this sentence was 5 months below the minimum range recommended by the government, it still seems unduly harsh. For example, Josh was convicted on only 2 counts versus the 6 counts his friend and co-defendant Jake was convicted of. He received 3/4
of Jake's sentence though. Kevin Jonas's sentence was 3 years below the guideline range, Lauren Gazzola's was nearly 4 years below, and Jake Conroy's was nearly 6 years below range. A reduction of 5 months therefore
seems very unfair.
Josh was given the maximum possible sentence for the AEPA count, 3 years, and 1 one year for the "black faxing" count which is set to run concurrent. He was also given a one million and one dollar restitution.
Josh closed his statement to the court by saying,
"From Boston Harbor to the civil rights movement to the modern day animal rights struggle, when correctly applied, I still support the use of direct action and continue to want nothing more than animal liberation." His dream is our dream too, so let no one be deterred by this sentence or the punishment of any of his
co-defendants. The struggle against speciesism continues.”
"Today, SHAC 7 defendant Joshua Harper was sentenced in federal court. After brief presentations by his defense attorney, Josh made a moving statement to the court. In the end, the court imposed a 36 month sentence in federal prison which he will have to begin within the next 30 days.
Andrew Stepanian and Darius Fullmer will be sentenced next Tuesday, September 19th at 9:15 a.m. at the Federal Courthouse in Trenton.
Thank you to those who have attended court so far--please make every effort to be there next Tuesday.
Don't forget to donate to the SHAC 7 Support Fund! Donations can be made payable to the "SHAC 7 Support Fund" and sent to:
SHAC 7 Support Fund
740A 14th St. #237
San Francisco, CA 94114
Donations can also be made online using paypal. www.SHAC7.com"
We just talked to Josh and he has been sentenced to 3 years. Fucking hell.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
"Please note: Only 4 of the defendants were sentenced today, as the court
ran out of time today. Josh Harper will be sentenced tomorrow, September
13th, at 9 am. Please come out and support Josh!
Andrew Stepanian and Darius Fullmer will be sentenced next Tuesday,
September 19th. Please mark you calendars and plan on being at the federal
courthouse in Trenton next Tuesday. Time TBA.
Today was the first day of sentencing for the SHAC 7 defendants. It was
both an inspiring and a disappointing day. Inspiring to see a courtroom
packed full of activists who had travelled from all corners of the country
overflowing into the lobby--a powerful reminder that despite attempts by
the government, activists will not be intimidated.
It was also a disappointing day, as the government dealt yet another blow
to activists everywhere. Once again, the government reminded activists
that speaking out too loud and being too effective won't be tolerated in
post-9/11 America.
The organization SHAC USA was sentenced first, which is ultimately a
symbolic act by the court, as the entity SHAC USA does not really exist.
The court then moved on to the individual defendants.
After a tirade of inflammatory rhetoric by the prosecutor, impassioned
speeches by the defense, and commentary by the court, the court handed
down the following sentences:
Kevin Kjonaas: 72 months
Lauren Gazzola: 54 months
Jacob Conroy: 48 months
In addition, the court ordered the (penniless) defendants to pay
$1,000,001 in restitution.
While the sentences are unjust, just as this entire case has been, there
is some victory in that most of the defendants received significantly less
prison time than proscribed by the federal sentencing guidelines.
While we are temporarily losing several activists to prison, as everyone
knows, the campaign will continue as it always has. This movement is much
bigger than six people!
Unfortunately, the court had a scheduling conflict, so there was not
enough time to sentence all of the defendants today. As a result, Joshua
Harper was scheduled for sentence tomorrow, September 13th, at 9 am, and
Darius Fullmer and Andrew Stepanian were scheduled for September 19th.
The sentences will be appealed, but in the mean time, sharpen those
pencils and get ready to write! As soon as the defendants start their
prison sentences, addresses will be available online--stay tuned to
A big thank you to all those who came out for sentencing--we hope to see
you tomorrow and on the 19th!
The three who were sentenced today were ordered to turn themselves in to
the U.S. Marshall in 30 days to start their prison sentences."
Ok. So, it's bad, but not as bad as it could be.
Today, 3 of the defendants were sentenced.
Jake got 48 months.
Lauren got 52 months.
Kevin got 72 months.
That's a long time to spend in jail for speaking, but at least it wasn't as much time as our piece of crap government was trying to get out of them.
Josh should be sentenced tomorrow, with Andy and Darius to follow sometime next week. Everybody keep your fingers crossed.
Also, these people are going to need money for their commisary. That goes for food, stamps, paper and pens for writing. Let's all do what we can to make their time more bearable. That includes sending money, but also support. The importance of letter writing can't be overstated. We'll try and get some guidelines and other info up soon.
Monday, September 11, 2006
New web comic to be updated weekly. Yay!
"We are taking applications all this week for Servers, Linecooks and Dishwasher/Food Prep. If any one is interested they may come in apply in person Monday Sept
11 to Friday Sept 15 at these times 9am-11am, 2pm-4pm and 7pm-9pm. Our Pre-Grand Opening is Tuesday Sept 19th so some applicants will start immediantly.
Pirates Tavern
2839 NW St Helens Rd
Portland OR 97210
Friday, September 08, 2006
Check out Herbivore on the #3 pick!
("Seitan is just a form of fermented soybeans." Uhhhh...)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Brian McCarthy, author of "The Vegan Family Cookbook" will be doing a vegan cooking class and sampling at Bob's read Mill Whole Grain Store.
5000 SE International Way
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Class fee: $40.00
"Bob’s Red Mill is pleased to welcome Chef Brian McCarthy, author and instructor to our cooking school. Brian has been a professional cook for over 25 years and brings an incredible wealth of knowledge to this vegetarian breakfast class. Join us as we enjoy his selection of dishes: Banana Bread, Good Morning Muffins, Sour Dough Pancakes, Potato Sausage Skillet, Vegetable Scrambler and Chai Tea. Brian’s book, The Vegan Family Cookbook, will be available for purchase and signing the night of class. Join us for a night of great food and loads of fun!"
Class sizes are limited, so call Cassidy at 971.206.1254 ext.254 if you would like to sign up."
A BIG fucking step! It's amazing the government doing something correct.
Then you have idiots saying this:
"The proposal's critics, which include the Department of Agriculture, said the slaughterhouses provide an affordable, humane and regulated way of disposing of unwanted horses."
The 4th Annual 'Wine and Music at the Farm' at the Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary
Saturday, September 30, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
7500 Wallace Rd. NW
West Salem, OR
Admission is $15 per person. This is the major fundraiser for the animals, so please come prepared to open your hearts and your wallets.
Donations are used to help support their continuing efforts to improve the lives of previously abused and neglected animals.
Volunteers will give tours of the Sanctuary from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. You can meet the special animals who call the Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary their home. There will be a brief presentation about the Sanctuary and how you can help. Listen to the music of Nick Ignelzi¹s Butte Creek Ramblers, enjoy some wine from local wineries, and taste great vegetarian and vegan appetizers. There will be a raffle and auction as well.
Please RSVP by September 25. This adult only event (sorry, we cannot accommodate your pets or children at this event).
For more information, please call the Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary at (503)581-0122 or click the link for their website to download the invitation and RSVP.
Pretty cool, pretty cool.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
"Northwest VEG is organizing a Walk for Farm Animals to benefit Farm Sanctuary, a national, nonprofit animal protection organization. Each year Farm Sanctuary rescues, rehabilitates and provides lifelong care for hundreds of animals rescued from factory farms, stockyards and slaughterhouses. In addition to operating shelters in New York and California, they work to gain legal protection for animals used in food production and to raise public awareness about factory farm cruelty and more compassionate alternatives. Farm Sanctuary also promotes a diet free of animal products. The Walk helps fund Farm Sanctuary's rescue and protection campaigns.
The Portland Walk is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, Sept. 30, just a few days before World Farm Animals Day on Oct. 2. Pre-registered walkers will meet at Blossoming Lotus Café, 925 NW Davis St. at 9:30 am for refreshments and to receive their Walk for Farm Animals T-shirts. [Thanks to Blossoming Lotus for accommodating our Walk start/finish!] At 10 am, we will begin a route of approximately 3 miles, passing Whole Foods Market, Powell's Bookstore, the Central Library, the Portland Farmers' Market, Pioneer Square, Veganopolis, the Portland Saturday Market, Old Town, and back to Blossoming Lotus.
(Check out a PDF of the Walk map.) Walkers who raise over $100 in pledges receive Farm Sanctuary prizes. It's easy to register on-line at www.firstgiving.com/farmsanctuary.
Prize of a custom animal art (see artist's paintings on NW VEG homepage - www.nwveg.org) to the top individual fund-raiser; prize for top team includes gift certificates from local businesses. Thanks to Mirador Community Store, Kinta Restaurant, and Food Fight Grocery for donating gift certificates!"
Sunday, September 03, 2006
You missed it... if you weren't here. Bad assed eating contest. Fun time skating and in the dunk tank. Maybe you can make it next year. Thanks to Fogatron and everybody who came out and had fun. We're taking tomorrow off, so... see you later.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Our friends at Little Otsu in SF getting great recognition.
Finally got these back in stock. These will wreck your teeth, in a good way.
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