Thursday, November 30, 2006
Just letting you online customers know that the main mail order folks (Emiko and Chad) will be in NYC this weekend for a wedding and won't get to work on orders till Monday. So they might be a slight delay, don't hate us.
ps. Isa, feel free to call, maybe we can hang out Saturday or Sunday morning?
So, people have been asking, so... found a few reviews of Wednesdays movie, Your Mommy Kills Animals. Come see and decide for yourself if we're idiots for screening it.
Damn Isa! Washington Post and shit! You all famous with your nose up. Bring that to Portland and see what's up!
Seriously, congrats, we're proud of you.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
So, please help spread the word about the
Dec 6th screenings of "Your Mommy Kills Animals." All money raised at these 2 showings will go to the SHAC7 support fund.
Again, this movie is not something we are totally endorsing. There are some things in it we're not really into, but it does do a good job of getting info about the SHAC7 trial out there at least. It's worth it for that if nothing else.
Food Fight!'s very own Dave Vandermaas performing live with Modest Mouse's Johnny Marr.
“Bush supporters had significantly less knowledge about current issues, government and politics than those who supported Kerry,” the study says.
Lohse says the trend isn’t unique to Bush: A 1977 study by Frumkin & Ibrahim found psychiatric patients preferred Nixon over McGovern in the 1972 election."
"The state also argued that the hunting groups did not show that failure to have a hunt would cause "irreparable injury" to hunters. The state said hunters could go to neighboring states to take part in their bear hunts or take part in
hunts for different animals in New Jersey."
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Holy crap! Finally a bit of good news today. Good job to everybody who has kept the pressure on these scumbags.
In accord with the international day of solidarity with Green Scare Indictees, Detainees and Political Prisoners, friends of Green Scare defendants present the following event,
Liberating Dissent: Refusing to be Silenced
A benefit for Green Scare defendants and Grand Jury ResistanceWhen? Saturday Dec 9th, 6-11pm
Where? Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy Portland OR
How Much? $7-$100 suggested donation to benefit non-cooperating "Green Scare" defendants and grand jury resistance
Presentations by:Jeff Hogg – Grand jury resister imprisoned from May to November of 2006 for refusing to cooperate with a federal grand jury related to the green scare.
Paul Loney – Attorney to grand jury resister Jeff Hogg
Updates and information on the Green Scare, the Shac 7 and grand jury resistance
Performances by:The Rag and Bone Men – oldtimey dance tunes from the middle ages
Shickey Gnarowitz – Discordant dancy three piece klezmer
Tandemnation – melodic, screamy queer-core
Drunken Boat – raw energetic pop punk
Nux Vomica – energetic fusion of metal/punk/crust
Also:Vegan food for sale
Vegan bake sale
The "Green Scare" refers to the federal government's expanding prosecution efforts against animal liberation and ecological activists, which is strikingly similar to the "Red Scare" of the 1950s. The "Green Scare" includes the cases from the "Operation Backfire" indictments, and the cases of the SHAC7 (shac7.com), Eric McDavid (supporteric.org), Rod Coronado (supportrod.org), Jeff Hogg, Josh Wolf and several recent federal grand jury subpoenas.
For More Information on the Green Scare:
www.greenscare.org www.fbiwitchhunt.com www.cldc.org
If any of youz were wanting to get
Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World, you better get it soon because we only have 10 left (as of today at 2:20pm), and they're gonna be out of print until after Dec. 29th! oh snap.
From the looks of our online orders, they're going fast...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Check out the recent update on Josh Harper.
"Under the plea, the 39-year-old country singer agreed to pay a $15,000 fine, give up hunting, fishing and trapping in Minnesota for five years, and forfeit both the bear's hide and the bow he used to shoot the animal in 2004. The bear, named 'Cubby,' was killed in a 3-acre private enclosure."
Sunday, November 26, 2006
East Side Destruction Ride starts soon!
Almost forgot. Be here at 5pm to watch the beginning of the crazy bike race from here to Proper Eats. All money raised goes to Green Scare defendants.
"Only the Vietnam War (eight years, five months), the Revolutionary War (six years, nine months), and the Civil War (four years), have engaged America longer."
Kevin now has his support site up. Good reading on there, check it out.
Hey you out there.
Know of a couple good places you could hang up fliers for the Dec 6th screenings of "Your Mommy Kills Animals"? It'd be a big help. We also have a couple of giant 13x20" posters if you know a high traffic spot that could use one. Thanks again.
There is a new update on Josh Harper's website about what to write for a first letter. Check it. Don't be nervous, just introduce yourself. Thanks.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Closed for T-giving and Buy Nothing Day.
So, don't come here those days. Friday is also the Fur Free Friday march downtown, so go down there and represent.
Then you can all come in on Saturday and spend money again...
New issue of Abolitionist Online. Check it.
Shac7.com put up new fliers to download and print out. The new one is the second one down on the page that says "Support the SHAC 7." It's a double-sided flier with general info. on the front, then each of their addresses to write to them on the back.
So please, anyone with access to making copies, make these and distribute them. Or give them to us to distribute. Any little bit helps them.
Dave's killer rolls
okay, it's looking like more after 3pm for the rolls...
Ham tube and chicken stuff
Got our ham tube and chicken nuggs in. Come and get 'em.
hi everybody. we got the pies and tofurkys if you ordered one. there are extra tofurkys of course (and a few pies) if you didn't order one.
and killer dave said the rolls should be here around 2pm. so if you ordered pies and rolls, come get your stuff after 2 just to be safe.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
"In Victoria, 60 barristers have formed a high-powered panel to act pro-bono representing protesters, animal welfare groups and the RSPCA. The group says it plans to take on cases involving the live export of animals and the whaling industry."
You go Australia!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Another good new thing we gots in the store. He's gonna make a shirt for us soon too.
Just put these online too. Very good.
Check this out, you know you have something you can pitch in. Tis the season...
Dear online consumer, you may now spend more money.
"Peeking out from behind a towering tray of chocolate cupcakes topped with pink icing were a pair of glasses belonging to Lisa Higgins, a dark haired, fashionably bespeckled young woman, and the brains behind Sweet Pea Vegan Bakery."
Just got a small run of FF thermal lined hoodies (Goodbye Cruel World design) and some new t's done up by Ryan next door at Scapegoat. The shirts are tough looking, all scary skull tattoo looking and stuff. Get one before they end up on
We're purposely trying to annoy you into writing anyone/everyone in the SHAC 7 a letter. Think about them during this "festive" time, and just make a small effort into writing. Please. It's the least we can do, right?
I feel like a jerk for forgetting to post these, but here's more SHAC7 support sites to check out. (thanks Sarah)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Last call. You better email us before Monday morning if you want a SweetPea pumpkin pie or some dinner rolls from Killer Dave.
Josh now has a support site. A work in progress, keep checking for more info. And keep up with the rest of the crew at SHAC7.com. Get to writing. Make a pal.
Are we gonna see you all there?
From Connie at IDA Portland:
"This is a REMINDER to ask you to mark your calendar for the annual Fur Free Friday march!
Starting (and ending) at Schumacher Furs, IDA will host a peaceful, police-escorted anti-fur march in the streets of downtown Portland, which will pass all the downtown stores that sell fur.
This Fur Free Friday marks the one-year anniversary of highly publicized, weekly demonstrations outside the Schumacher Fur Store.
What: Fur Free Friday march
When: Friday, November 24th - meet at 11:30 am - March begins promptly at noon
Where: Corner of SW 9th and SW Morrison, downtown Portland
Also, IDA has a 30 second advertisement about the fur industry scheduled to air on KPTV FOX 12 starting Sunday, November 19th thru Thursday, November 23rd. I don?t have the exact airtime for Sunday but the exact airtimes for Monday thru Thursday during Good Day Oregon are:
Monday, November 20th 7:27:15 AM
Tuesday, November 21st 8:43:30 AM
Wednesday, November 22nd 8:14:15 AM
Thursday, November 23rd 8:59:00 AM
Please watch for it and thank you to everyone who donated to help get this aired.
After the march, activists can join IDA in a Fur-Free Party on the sidewalk outside Schumachers--complete with vegan cake--to celebrate this hugely successful, ongoing anti-fur campaign. And then come back to Schumachers, 811 SW Morrison, every Saturday
from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. for our weekly outreach!
March Route:
Start at SW 9th & SW Morrison, head west to 13th Street, head south to Yamhill, head east to 4th Street, head north to Morrison, head west on Morrison and end up where we started.
For more information contact the NW IDA office at 503-249-9996 or email connie@idausa.org. Also pick up a copy of the latest issue of Herbivore Magazine to read "Those Meddling Kids: Portland activists give furrier the what for" by IDA's Northwest Coordinator Matt Rossell, who once worked undercover at an Illinois fur farm."
"The Party for the Animals is poised to win at least one, and possibly two seats in the Dutch parliament — another coup for a country known for progressive legislation on decriminalizing and regulating euthanasia, soft drugs and prostitution.
'We want a constitutional amendment, guaranteeing animals the right to freedom from pain, fear, and stress caused by humans,' said Thieme, 34, in an interview with The Associated Press."
Thanks to Robert and the other volunteers for all their hard work on the Vegan Holiday Festival yesterday. Great event. You folks busted your asses and deserve a high-5. Thanks again.
Friday, November 17, 2006
"As a luxury brand, there will be occasions where the use of fur will be considered important to the design and aesthetics of a product," said Laura Cummings, director of Brunswick Group press relations, which represents Burberry. "In those circumstances (Burberry) will continue to use fur."
Thanks guys for showing your support at the
Behind the Mask screening and for all the money raised for the SHAC 7's commissary fund. You all rule.
That means so much to them in prison, so feel good knowing those few bucks you give here and there makes a ton of difference.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Closing at 6pm today.
Gotta go to the Behind the Mask screening. You should go to.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tomorrow (Thurs. Nov. 16th) is the screening of "Behind the Mask" at the Hollywood Theatre @ 7pm. $5 a head. The director will be on hand for a discussion/Q&A after the film.
If you all can come, it would be very very good.
So f'in good. Just brought it down to Stumptown and they made me a laté with it. Best drink ever in my mouth.
The SHAC7 site now has official mailing addresses for everybody. Folks go to jail tomorrow, so try and get a letter out soon. It's going to mean the world to them.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Limited edition "EggNog" flavored cookies and cheese cake here. In catchy "unlabeled" packaging!
Look how cute Karen and her family are!
But the article fails to mention what
elitist assholes we are.
Anybody want to look into this for Portland? Seems like an easy thing to coordinate and we can get volunteers too I'm sure. Somebody (other than us) get on it.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Just bummed.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. — John F. Kennedy"
So, no big surprise, but it looks like the AETA passed today. Uggh. Feeling kinda "fuck America" right now.
SHAC7 folks go to jail on Thursday too. Who's next?
"Our environment is the basis for the sport of hunting. Without a healthy enviroment how would our hunting fare? Why damage the very thing that allows us to do what we love? Season Shot is the answer."
Sunday, November 12, 2006
"In a late night move on Friday, AETA was added to the House Suspension Calendar for THIS Monday! This underhanded fast-track maneuver, like the one in the Senate, means that AETA will not have any debate... only an up/down vote."
Friday, November 10, 2006
Looks to be the best cookbook around. Very exciting. Like another "Soy Not Oi!" Hells yeah.
Saturday Nov. 11th, at 4pm the Herbivore store (5519 NE 30th Ave.), Jennifer McCann, of the blog "Vegan Lunch Box", will be signing copies of her new cookbook aptly titled "Vegan Lunch Box." Show your support.
Grand opening party!
Saturday Nov 18, 2006 at 7:00 PM.
Akemi Salon
3808 N Williams suite D
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Come on! You're supposed to be "sportsmen." Fucking swim for it!
"'I watched the film recently and it had some heart-rending horrendous moments but it has got a new edge. It has a broader appeal that it will get across to the public - much more than other animal rights films.
'Most of them show blood and gore without giving the other side.
'People do have the idea that animal rights people are weirdos and alternatives but now we have doctors and lawyers who are against vivisection.'"
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Yay! Hallelujah! Etc, etc.
Just got some free passes for Fast Food Nation next Wednesday. Come by and get one before all the Mercury "passholes" come gobble them all up.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Now carrying Prana Bars. And they're pretty good.
Busted being too cool. I don't know what happened, but there used to be lots of reviews on this site, but they've mostly gone away. Bummer.
"the person behind the counter was too busy and too cool to even look up at me while I was standing in front of the counter. I guess the computer or whatever they were engrossed in was more important. I hate to spend my money in a place like that. I do like the the fact they have vegan junk food. I will bypass the junkfood to avoid the cooler than you attitude though."
"Move to France Dixie Chicks!"
This author must be high as a kite. Interesting facts in the beginning, but what the fuck kind of conclusion does she come to? Uggh...
"Flipper in captivity may lead to irrefutable proof that mammals that walked the earth one day went into the sea; that animals very rarely willingly go down the route to endangered species category.
Many of God’s creatures come with built-in radars, and left to their own devices, seem to know what’s best for them.
The DNA of the dolphin with legs could someday retire ALF and other radical animal rights groups to Endangered Species category."
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wow. Great and sad. Thanks Lauren.
"Free Earthlings Screening
Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Portland State University
Smith Memorial Student Union at SW Broadway and Harrison
In the Multicultural Center in Room 228
Sponsored by NW IDA, NW VEG, and Food For Thought
Catering of coffee, tea, and vegan cookies will be donated by Food For Thought Organic Veg cafe."
'Our customers have had to come in here and be faced with that and we are trying to run a business here and it puts a damper on the day for our staff when they see that as well. It makes them feel
frustrated, angry and annoyed that people can just do this.'
Congratulations to Sir Robert Cheeke for his cover shot. You can kinda see his wiener, so that's cool too.
New group. Interested? Get involved.
"Please, if you care about the sea lions, write and call Senator Wyden now, and demand that he stop scapegoating sea lions for the decline of salmon. If sea lions are responsible for '2.1%' predation on salmon, as Senator Wyden suggests, then there is a long line of culprits who need to be addressed way before killing sea lions can even be considered. As I reported in my previous article, the dams themselves are responsible for a full 75% mortality rate among salmon trying to pass through them to the sea. They, of all factors, are responsible for the waning runs. Fishermen, too, are responsible for a much higher percentage of salmon mortality than sea lions."
"Two nights previous, 36 turkeys were liberated from a large turkey farm in Virginia, USA. In a matter of fifteen minutes we were in the utterly unguarded property, loaded the lovely ladies into carrying cages, and were gone into the darkness with no sign of us ever having been there.
Destined for a thanksgiving dinner plate, all are now happy and healthy and recovering in far better conditions than they have ever seen before.
We'd like to dedicate this liberation to the SHAC 7. Stay strong brothers and sister, the fight goes on!
By the way, it's still three weeks until thanksgiving - what are YOU waiting for?"
"Some of them broke into a Foxton farm on Sunday morning and released 20 battery hens. They say a Parliamentary committee found battery cages were in breach of the Animal Welfare Act - but have failed to act on it."
Saturday, November 04, 2006
"We will also mark the anniversary of Barry's death on November 5th each year. This year is the 5th anniversary of his death, so on or around the weekend of Sunday 5th November please remember Barry whatever you are doing for the animals. Why not dedicate your actions to Barry's memory, whether it's doing a demo, leafleting or an info stall, sabotaging a hunt, rescuing animals or taking direct action to make animal abuse less profitable. "
"As I have often noted, “humane slaughter” laws are difficult to enforce, and the economic realities of the meat-packing business militate against conscientious self-enforcement of such standards. Moreover, such laws arguably increase overall suffering, because they make the general public feel better about eating meat or about any other regulated use of animals. This is the Catch-22 of animal welfare."
"Anyone who maintains that she or he is an “animal rights” advocate but is not vegan cannot be taken seriously."
"Many advocates do claim that it is “elitist” to maintain that there are moral baselines, such as veganism. But that is like saying that it is “elitist” to say feminists must reject rape. It is simply inconsistent to maintain that you accept an animal rights position but continue to consume animals. Many advocates seem to think that veganism is optional and that it is only the “vegan police” who insist on veganism. That is no different from saying, in the context of advocacy for children’s rights, that those who condemn all pedophilia are “pedophilia police.” If a children’s rights advocate is not a member of the “pedophilia police,” she isn’t an advocate for children’s rights."
"According to the search warrant,
police seized computer equipment, animal rights books, pamphlets,
T-shirts, fliers,
a stuffed animal and 'duffel bags w/ wrist rocket, 3/8' shot,' an apparent reference to a type of slingshot. The FBI would not comment on the case. "
Thursday, November 02, 2006
"Please note that Andy is being held at USP Lewisburg in PA until his departure to North Carolina where he will be held for a longer period of time.
We're not sure how long he'll be in Pennsylvania, but send him a postcard or a letter to keep his spirits up!
Andrew Lloyd Stepanian 26399-050
P.O. BOX 1000
"Have a nice day pervert."
By the way, Food Fight loves the word "comeuppance."
"'We're here to recruit and get back at those liberal vegans,' he said. Ashley explained that it 'got the adrenaline pumping' to stand up and espouse his views.
Mader looked to the animal kingdom for guidance.
'I see PETA fighting for the rights of animals to be treated ethically, when animals don't ethically treat themselves. In nature, they eat each other. They're here for our enjoyment,' he said."
We are almost out of grocery bags and our order of new (recycled) ones didn't come in this week. You gots any around? We'd love to take them off your hands.
We're gonna close up today at 5:45ish to get set up for tonights screening of EARTHLINGS at the Hollywood Theatre. It's free, and at 7.
What more could you ask for?
"Scientists and conservation bodies are pressing for a global moratorium on deep-sea fishing which they regard as particularly destructive.
Some fleets have switched to deep-sea fisheries following the collapse in more commonly-caught species such as cod.
Known as bottom-trawling, ships often use heavy trawls which are dragged across the ocean floor, destroying coral and other ecosystems."
"'It is really quite amazing,' Sinclair said. 'The mice were still fat, but they looked just a healthy as the lean animals.'"
Finally, we're on the cusp of being able to be unhealthy and healthy at the same time.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Breaking news. Local Food Fight customer snaps this picture of somebodies license plate.
From Robert at the Vegan Holiday Festival:
"I also wanted to let you know we're still looking for some volunteers. All volunteers actually get "paid" because they get a free entry ($5 value) and a free meal ticket ($7 value). So if you know anyone who wants to get in free and get a free meal by volunteering please have them contact us pdx_vegan@yahoo.com or robert@veganbodybuilding.com"
We're getting a graphic novel by this guy Ethan to sell in the store. Haven't seen it yet, but if this is any indication, we're in for a treat.
"It's about taking civil rights that we enjoy and giving them to chickens."
More from the unbiased genius at the Center for Consumer Freedom.
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