Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Anybody want to put fliers for us?
Would any nice peoples want to come pick up a flyer or two for
The Jerk screening we're doing and hang them up in the usual places? It would mighty nice of you. We're going out of town until Monday, so time sucks right now.
Of if you don't feel like stepping foot in this f-ed up place, you can download and print out the flyer
Thanks peeps.
San Antonio has their first all-vegetarian restaurant. It actually looks pretty promising for vegan options. Now Chad and I have something to look forward to when I got visit my parents. Yay!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
"'I've been told by everyone I know who has eaten cougar that it tastes pretty good,' Barry said."
Driver Needed
"Driver Needed
I need a 2nd driver to help me do a transport of animals rescued from the Waveland, Mississippi Animal Shelter to the Seattle area. I will be leaving Thursday morning, February 8th and hoping to meet the transport in Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday afternoon. I am hoping to be pulling in to the Seattle area sometime Monday, February 12th. If you're interested at all and would like more information, please give me a call.
It's a very rewarding thing to do but it is alot of driving. I need someone who can drive straight thru on the way back only stopping for gas and to check and feed/water the dogs and cats.
Thanks, Connie Durkee
In Defense of Animals
503-249-9996 x3
Monday, January 29, 2007
Added some great local coffee to the online store, for you poor unfortunate folks drinking crappy coffee in middle America.
Hello there Boulder! Damn, this looks great.
We got a bunch of these wraps in, and they're short-dated, so they're on sale. Excuse the names, but we got Gado-Gado, Vishnu's Dream, King Creole, Rissoto Loco, and Under the Volcano. Come try them out and let us know if we should keep them around.
New smoothie mix from Vega now here and ready to be ingested.
New, and final, issue of No Compromise just came in. A double issue of awesomeness.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
A gal named Siue...
Our friend Siue is moving back to Canada and needs to sell off some stuff she acquired while here. Here's what she has:
BUNK BED with double (full) futon (wine cover) bottom and twin mattress
on top. Comes with some bedding (red and blue) and fun pillows. Has an
extra wooden ladder if you'd like it. Broken down and ready for pick up
now. Has all parts, good shape. Cash, money order or paypal. $175
(retails for $300)
PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER. Has built in amp and speakers. 33, 45, 78. Can
stack them. Has a 45 adapter (can stack them too). There's a new needle
worth $25 on there - I've played about 15 records with it. $50
SUPER 8 PROJECTOR Bell and Howell 10MS Super 8 and Regular 8. Works
well. Speed control. Can Project forward or backward.
The threading is a little fidgety, like most old super 8's. But you get
use to it.
Comes with projection screen. $35 (I bought for $50)
MINI DIGITAL CAMERA Nexxtech Precision. 26 photos in VGA mode (640 x 480
pixels) or 99 photos in CIF mode (352 x 288 pixels) Also short video
takes. Originally about $30. After 30 seconds without usage, this smart
camera turns off automatically.
Comes with a USB cable, keychain and its own little pouch. Uses 1 AAA
Model: 2512828 I've had it for 2 years. Works well. It's width and
height is smaller than a credit card, it is about an inch thick. Goes
anywhere! Picture quality is like cell phone. $10 (originally $30)
SEA MONKEY SET! Unopened. They live for two years. Comes with everything
you need for the critters. It's "UNDERSEA ADVENTURE" - shipwreck glows
in the dark, comes with little light. $10 (goes for $20)
travel clock with ocean, rain and some other sound plus alarm and
snooze. Fits in a back pocket $5
Email her at:
Now available online. So there, get off our backs ok?
Old school. Shatner style.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Bobcats and housecats. No f'ing difference. One is a "fur-bearer", oh, I see. How do fur-turds (furds?) not see it? At least I have a leftover 3 day old box of donuts for comfort this morning.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Working class women discuss the Patriot Act
"Come hear our panel of working class women who have been affected by various parts of the Patriot Act...people speaking on the panel: an animal rights activist, a (vegan) Arab-American, and 2 other women who have had hell to deal with thanks to the oppressive dictatorship that runs our country."
Saturday, Jan. 27, 6:30 pm
Bread and Roses Center (819 N. Killingsworth)
"Junior's Cafe cordially invites you and yours to a family style vegan supper to be held the first Friday of every month. Aaron will be our chef again next month, and I am hoping to have a DJ to play some beautiful records for your entertainment.
Doors open at 7pm, and service will begin when everyone feels settled.
Price is $15 per person (not including beer and wine.)
Due to the popularity of the initial party, and the high demand for a limited number of spaces available each month we will be accepting reservations through the month of April. Please email me at juniorscafe@gmail.com to reserve your place now. If you need to cancel please let me know, as I will be creating a stand by list this time."
We now have the cupcake cookbook back in stock, as well as real live cupcakes from Sweetpea.
If you're one of the lucky ones who ordered donuts, they just arrived. Come and get 'em.
Just got a new shipment of that Scottish Scheese stuff. Price went down a bit to $9.25 and it has nicer packaging now. Gonna do a test run shipping some out mail-order, we'll see how it goes.
As a follow up to that video, here's some bands to watch out for. I love that Morrissey is "questionable" but Jay-Z is not.
This is why I believe in God, but choose to hate him. And, yes, God is a man, an old, bearded, dumb-shit man who lives in the clouds and is ready to strike me down at any minute. Bring it on pecker-wood!
ps. Please don't bother yelling at me, I know this song isn't representative of all God believers or anything, I'm just fooling around.
Monday, January 22, 2007
We here at Food Fight are nothing if not fair and balanced. As an answer to the "Hallelujah Diet", we present...
"For about $1,200 a week, leaders at the center teach would-be adherents the basics of the Hallelujah Diet, a vegan eating plan that centers on the consumption of raw foods and Christianity."
Sunday, January 21, 2007
That bull needs to learn how to finish a job.
Yay! Check out the video of this guy yelling at the Schumacher protesters. Mr. Drunky goes from defending the Schumachers (kinda) to defending slavery.
"The duck 'had been in the fridge for two days,' Beck said. 'It's just kind of freaky.'"
Thanks to Avail for still being great and still being into it and playing honest inspirational music after all these years. Last night's show was a nice recharge for the heart.
Time to submit some videos. I think this new reality show is about sustainability or something...
Friday, January 19, 2007
An alternative to GreyHound for all those going between PDX, Olympia, and Seattle.
Holy crap,
Strike Anywhere no less. We're there for sure.
"Benefit Concert to help support the National Center for Animal Law: Defending Animals and Activists
Featuring the punk rock sounds of Red Mark of Madness, Dispossessed, Coldbringer, Drunken Boat & Strike Anywhere
Friday, February 2
At Satyricon located at 125 NW 6th
The show starts at 7:00 pm and is all ages
All this fun for only $8
NCAL supports law students who will fight for the rights of all living creatures in courtrooms and halls of Congress. Every year, billions of animals suffer because of inadequate legal protections, and that needs to change. NCAL students learn how to fight the inhumane treatmentment of animals used for food, entertainment, and research, and how to defend activists who expose the truth of these abusive industries."
"Josh has faced some challenges since being moved to the FCI, but overall things seem to be going okay. Stressful, but less hungry. Josh and his codefendants are still ever-grateful for their lifeline, letters, so please please please keep 'em coming!!
The good news today is that Josh's partner has now been approved to visit him, so plans have been made for visits in less than 2 weeks- yay! Following close after his visits Josh will be celebrating his first (and hopefully last) birthday behind bars. Please start helping him through it now by sending a card and making a donation to the SHAC7 support fund! And be sure to include Josh's codefendant and good friend Jake in your birthday wishes- his is Feb.3!
Never forget to support the SHAC7 and all political prisoners. For more info on how you can help visit shac7.com and greenscare.org."
Jake and Josh are having birthday's coming up. Check the link to see what you can do to make their birthday's less shitty.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Doing an order, kinda short notice, of Mighty-O donuts. They'll be delivered on Tuesday the 23rd. A variety dozen ($13.50) featuring Cinnamon Sugar, Good ol' Glazed, Nutty French Toast, and Grasshopper.
Send an email to info@foodfightgrocery.com with your name and how many boxes you want. Also include a phone number. If we order them for you, and you don't show up, we will hate your guts. Seriously.
Sheese should be back in stock on Tuesday. Maybe we'll even try to do the online-sales thing with it. Maybe...
Everything you ever needed to know about "isolated, confined, wolf and wild children."
Possibly the most powerful anti-war song ever. Check.
A community screening of "I Know I'm Not Alone"
by Michael Franti
A documentry about creating community during travels in Irag, Israel and Palistine. More info at www.iknowimnotalone.com or www.masterpeacehemp.com
7:00 pm, Sunday the 21st at The Master Peace's new location, 3623 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
We will have treats (cake by sweetpeabaking, coffee, tea and popcorn) Bring your own cup/plate to reduce waste!
So, The Mercury just posted a podcast discussion about the Lamb article, featuring the author, Matt from IDA, and a few others. Pretty good discussion. I wish the actual article would have shown a fraction of the sincerity that was displayed in the podcast. Things would have turned out much differently.
"Now farm owner Peter Harrison wants to demolish the 17 mink sheds, large concrete cesspits and two buildings used for an animal feed business at Kirkley Mill, where his family ran the fur business for 40 years."
We know you've been jonesin'...
We just got more chicken burgers and nuggets in.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
If you haven't heard of these cookies already, you should get familiar. They're f-in great.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
We're closing early. Nobody is coming in. Good night.
Want to lend a hand? Print out a few
fliers for the movie night on Feb 10th. We know it's still a few weeks off, so take your time, but... thanks.
"'The moles survived,' Werner said, noting the voltage was enough to run a cement mixer or heavy-duty power saw. 'It was in any event an unorthodox method to try to get rid of moles.'"
Finally a documentary on this.
Yay! And we just got an email from a friend who wrote Whole Foods. Here's their respose:
We thought you would like to know.
Whole Foods Market has made a business decision to discontinue selling
POM Wonderful pomegranate juice and associated tea blends by April 1,
2007 as long as POM continues to fund studies that may include the
testing on animals. We continue to sell a variety of other brands of
pomegranate juice within our stores that are fully in compliance with
our quality standards for food and that focus their branding efforts on
the juice itself.
We truly appreciate your feedback.
Jessie Walker
Customer Communications Specialist
Global Communications Team
An interview with Curt, the director of Your Mommy Kills Animals.
Monday, January 15, 2007
The sheep fight back.
(Thanks "vegan.")
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Pawsitively Pit Bull rescue and sanctuary are having a free movie screening of two pit bull inspired documentaries Off the Chain and Diva Dog: Pit Bull on Wheels.
Special guest, Chris Cory, will be present to introduce his documentary, Diva Dog, and answer questions. Pawsitively Pit Bull will have their info booth and further surprises.
Please come, learn, and help Pawsitively Pit Bull change the stereotypes of our pit bull friends.
When: Friday January 19th, 2007, 7PM
Where: Portland State University, Fifth Avenue Cinemas
In case you need a pick-me-up.
So, seriously, we need to all work together to make me not have another shitty day for at least a week, ok? Please put the angry emails (and message board posts or whatever else you may have planned) on hold for a bit. I'm gonna snap otherwise.
At least Alan sent me this link this morning. It's a good start to turning things around.
Sincerely, Chad.
Friday, January 12, 2007
"Last week,
Penney allowed the coats to go back on sale, with the word raccoon blotted out on its labels."
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Man, today is tiring me out. Thanks world!
"US forces have stormed a building in the northern Iraqi town of Irbil and seized six people said to be Iranians, prompting a diplomatic incident."
Our old buddy Art is part of this, and you should check it out.
"The Krapper was orignially a journal kept in the bathrooms of the three authors of this blog who are: Art Boonparn, Jason Russo and Catherine L. Foley. We are proud to announce The Krapper is now online."
"'It is as if they are fighting for a piece of cake and they could get more if it was denied to someone else. But the truth is there is no cake.'"
What a great quote, thanks Adam.
"'There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part, you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!'"
Read this. Then write a letter.
After fearlessly buying and
killing a lamb for kicks (with help from our
former ad-dollars), author Matt Davis is now willing to commit the ultimate sacrifice, and (following of the leads of random shitty college papers across the heartland) go vegan for 1 whole week!
Stay tuned for the drama! (i.e. "Dude, tofu is gross!")
From the New York friggin' Times...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
At least it's usually kosher...
"The problem for a would-be vegan like me is that traditionally L-Cysteine is produced from feathers, pig bristles and sometimes even human hair. These days L-Cysteine can also be produced synthetically but apparently human hair remains one of the richest sources of this amino acid – it makes up about 14% of your hair - and there is a small industry in China making the additive from hair clippings."
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
"Hi everybody. There has been a lot of discussion and arguing about how the activist community should handle "cooperating witnesses". Should they be shunned, ignored, shit-talked on message boards, or something else? How do we as a community get to the facts of the cases involved, or is it even possible? Uggh. The whole thing is very sad and we don't need more things splitting our community apart.
Please note, people have complained that posts from those who still think we should support these witnesses have been deleted (aka censored) by other forums. We will not do that. We'll only delete stuff if it degenerates into shittiness. Remember, things aren't always so black and white. Now get to thinking...
The Management"
Look what we're getting tomorrow. Finally, some good news...
'The beneficial effects of drinking black tea are completely prevented by the addition of milk, said Dr Verena Stangl, a cardiologist at the hospital.
Why bother?
"Imagine that somehow you were obliged to reconstruct a Holstein or an Angus from all its commercially disseminated parts, no matter how small, reclaiming them from all of their uses, no matter how diverse, until you succeeded in reintegrating and revivifying an animal that might, as in a film running backward, walk rump-first out of the slaughterhouse, back up the ramp to the stock truck, and back to the feedlot or the dairy barn. You might begin by gathering all the cuts of meat that come from a cow, but that would give you only a composite, rather like the diagram of the principal steaks and roasts you often find in cookbooks. There is the leather, of course, the hide. But that would still leave you with an extraordinarily incomplete beast. "
Monday, January 08, 2007
Congrats (again) to Isa. You deserve it.
Closing early today!
Closing at 7pm today. Gotta to Dave's birthday dinner. Yo yo yo, he's 33. Next time you see him, give him a hug. He really really likes hugs.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Damn, fine movie. Got the shaft from Fox in distribution, but it'll be out on DVD this week. President Camacho!
"Hi, my name is Alan, you never ever post stories I send you. Boo hoo, my beard hurts..."
Warning: This article starts with a photo of a pile of dead pigs, and then follows up with many uses of the term "pig shit." But it's a good one to pass around to all those classic meat-eating enviromentalist folks out there.
"Even light rains can cause lagoons to overflow; major floods have transformed entire counties into pig-shit bayous. To alleviate swelling lagoons, workers sometimes pump the shit out of them and spray the waste on surrounding fields, which results in what the industry daintily refers to as 'overapplication.' This can turn hundreds of acres -- thousands of football fields -- into shallow mud puddles of pig shit. Tree branches drip with pig shit."
"The US Army is to apologise to the families of officers killed or wounded in action who were sent letters urging them to return to active duty."
Friday, January 05, 2007
Here's a campaign from PETA that can really work. Not that PETA is the only people working hard on it, we know about the more direct ways folks have been working, and we appreciate it. But, these are some simple things that could make a big difference. Now get on the phone to
Whole Foods.
"Because these cows are so healthy, some farmers keep a cannulated cow on the farm to help improve the health of the other animals in the herd."
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Josh got moved today!
Yay- that means visits from friends, more food, and better commissary in the works!
Please note that his mailing address has now changed to:
Joshua Harper 29429-086
FCI Sheridan
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 5000
Sheridan, OR 97378
Pt. 2 of online Mercury bloggy wars. We're not about to jump in and fan the flames of this. Online "debates" = a bottomless toilet.
Life is tiring sometimes. Especially "virtual" life.
"The purpose of the event is to increase our book count for prisoners and write letters to oppose the potential private prison being built in Northeast Portland. Come stock our shelves by purchasing quality political literature at cost from the Blackrose Collective bookstore! There will be vegan/vegetarian brunch, coffee and tea provided. We will have letter writing supplies and information about private prisons and the potential private prison being built. Let Multnomah County know that we don't want a private prison in our city!"
So, we've pulled our ads and stopped distributing The Mercury. Along for the ride are Scapegoat, Herbivore, Veganopolis, and Pirate's Tavern. Anybody else?
"The President asserted his new authority when he signed a postal reform bill into law on Dec. 20. Bush then issued a 'signing statement' that declared his right to open people's mail under emergency conditions."
From England...
"Cheese is to be treated as junk food under new advertising rules for children's television.
Commercials promoting it will be banned during children's TV programmes and those with a large proportion of young viewers."
Somebody on our forums found this. Wow.
"I coined the word 'convegan' because I got sick of saying 'convenience vegan.' Basically what it means is that my diet is vegan when it is convenient for me to eat vegan. That means that when I'm in a restaurant, if I can order something vegan from the menu, or assemble a reasonable vegan meal by combining side dishes or asking the chef to leave something out of an existing item, I do so. If there is no good vegan option, then I choose an option that comes closest to meeting my dietary goals.
If I go to dinner at a friend's house and everything they have made has meat and/or cheese in it, I go for the combination of items that best meets my nutritional goals.
If I have been exercising strenuously, or I feel that I don't have enough protein in my diet, I will sometimes choose to eat chicken to get the protein I need.
I make a blanket exception for sushi. I will occasionally ask for sushi that is vegan, but I have a deep craving for raw fish and wasabi that won't quit."
Pretty great.
"Intended as an act of 'intellectual philanthropy,' OpenCourseWare (OCW) provides free access to course materials such as syllabi, video or audio lectures, notes, homework assignments, illustrations, and so on. So far, by giving away their content, the universities aren't discouraging students from enrolling as students. Instead, the online materials appear to be only whetting appetites for more."
In a note related to the Mercury article, if you want to sign up and be a dipshit too, check out a class in "Animal Skinning". Hurry, class starts soon!
So, this is why we will no longer be advertising in the Mercury after our contract runs out.
"The nation's biggest meat corporations have taken notice. Tyson Foods announced in November it has established a renewable energy division that will be up and running during 2007. Competitors Perdue Farms Inc. and Smithfield Foods Inc. are making similar moves."
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Our friend Aaron is a great cook, and he's doing a fancy vegan meal at Junior's this Friday, Jan. 5th at 7pm. Please reserve your spots now, so they can know how many to expect. It's their first time doing this, so they are stressing making reservations! It's $15 and it's family-style eating. Hope to see you there.
Reserve you table via email: juniorscafe@gmail.com.
If you have any questions you can also call the restaurant at 503-467-4971.
From Junior's:
"Junior's Cafe will be debuting a series of four course family style suppers on the 5th of January 2007. We will only be offering dinner the first Friday of every month in conjunction with local gallery openings in lower Southeast Portland. Dinner will begin at seven PM at a fixed price of fifteen dollars per person--not including wine and beer. The menu will be based on what we find fresh from the market that day. It will be fun and it will be delicious. We encourage you to make your reservations early, as space is limited. We welcome reservations for as many as you want or just yourself; it's family style after all. Please reserve you table via email: juniorscafe@gmail.com. If you have any questions you can also call the restaurant at 503-467-4971. Thank you for your interest in Junior's first foray into the supper scene."
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
"Nothing is more valued by a
hunter than the moment he kills his first animal. But for 12-year-old Dylan Capaccio, that moment was soured."
"The first thing you learn in the hog plant is the value of a sharp knife. The second thing you learn is that you don't want to work with a knife. Finally you learn that not everyone has to work with a knife. Whites, blacks, American Indians and Mexicans, they all have their separate stations.
The few whites on the payroll tend to be mechanics or supervisors. As for the Indians, a handful are supervisors; others tend to get clean menial jobs like warehouse work. With few exceptions, that leaves the blacks and Mexicans with the dirty jobs at the factory, one of the only places within a 50-mile radius in this muddy corner of North Carolina where a person might make more than $8 an hour."
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