Monday, March 31, 2008
"For the first time ever, graphic feature-length footage of the annual slaughter of some 2,500 dolphins in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, has been captured during a unique yearlong covert operation."
Sunday, March 30, 2008
"S.O.S.!!! Save Our Sea Lions!
Friday April 4th
911 NE 11th Ave Portland, OR 97232
White Building Just south of the Lloyd Center Max on the west side of 11th
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is planning to slaughter our Sea
Lions in a political attempt to placate corporate fishing interests.
This will only hurt our native Sea Lions - it will NOT save the salmon!
Please take a little time off work to help us pay a 'visit' to FWS
during their business hours!!!"
Hi, got any paper bags you wanna get rid of?
We're totally out of grocery bags!

Holy crap. Here we go with an official announcement....
Animals belong to themselves, not to us. They should not suffer in our systems of food, science, entertainment and fashion. Instead, they should live free of the tyranny we put upon them. But they cannot claim this freedom alone. "Let Live" is a grassroots forum for people who want to help. Through an open, respectful, and friendly environment this conference will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn skills and strategies to become better advocates for the animals, no matter ones experience level in activism.
This conference is for first-timers, experienced activists, and anybody in between who hopes to make a real difference for animals and build a stronger, more effective community and animal liberation movement. This conference is for anybody who wants to live and let live.
"Let Live" is taking place in Portland, Oregon, June 27th-29th, 2008. It will be held this year on the campus of Portland State University. Much more info to come soon, please check the conference website (www.letliveconference.org) often and subscribe to the blog to stay up to date. Any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. See you in June.
The "Let Live" Crew
Free show next Sunday April Sixth. @ 8:00pm
Slingshot Dakota (PA/NY)
Cars and Trains (PDX)
This will be in the store. After we close.
Come on out and have some fun.
Finally, some balance. Thanks for the heads up FOX.
"I did not lose my bike, but there has been a bike left at the end of my street for the past couple of days. One distinguishing mark is a sticker on the back rack that says “I Love Hunting Accidents”. If this is a stolen bike get in touch and tell me what Model and I’ll share where it is."
<"Citing threats of violence by animal rights activists, the San Francisco Art Institute said Saturday that it is canceling a controversial exhibition that included video clips of animals being bludgeoned to death, as well as a public forum it had scheduled to address the controversy."
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The most focused blog ever.
We gots 'em. Root Beer candies. Organic and stuff.
Thanks Portland Tribue for covering tonights Gene Baur event and his book.
We'll be closing early today, like 6pm to go set stuff up at the Clinton Street Theater. See you there. xoxo The Management
The New York Times discusses the validity (or not) of a boner as an activist tool. Or the giving of the boner. Or... we should just stop typing...
"Under provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is soliciting public comments on the sea lion removal proposal. Comments may be submitted from March 21 through April 4 via email ( SEPAdesk2@dfw.wa.gov) or by mail to Teresa Eturaspe, SEPA coordinator, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 600 Capitol Way N., Olympia, WA."
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
"As a result of the overwhelming response from IDA members, SFAI announced this morning that they have suspended the exhibit at the Walter and McBean Galleries, at least temporarily. The Institute will hold a public forum on Monday, March 31st at SFAI's campus to hear criticism of the work. Controversial 'artist' Adel Abdessemed will not be present, but the school's Dean of Academic Affairs, two art professors, and the exhibit's curator will be. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen by urging SFAI to remove the installation, and forwarding our alert to people around the country."
"IDA will be tabling at the Better Living Show (www.betterlivingshow.org) at the Expo Center this weekend. It's going to be a great show! Check it out....and, it's free!
I need some help covering the tabling shifts. The shifts I still need help with are:
Friday, March 28th - 5:30pm to 9pm
Saturday, March 29th - 11am to 2:30pm
2:30 pm to 6pm
Sunday, March 30th - 11am to 2pm
If you can help me out, please contact me at connie@idausa.org or by phone at 503-249-9996 x3."
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ripped from the headlines...
"Hi, all you animal lovers. This is pretty simple...
Please tell ten friends to tell ten friends today!
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on
it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to
abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (How about 20
seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for
animals' for free. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate
sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to
abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know."
"The San Francisco Art Institute is running an exhibit now through May 31st made up of video images of six different animals -- a doe, a goat, a horse, an ox, a pig, and a sheep -- being bludgeoned to death with a large sledgehammer by someone calling himself an "artist.""
"CBS' Big Brother is gearing up for another summer series and looking
to cast a new house guest who is an animal rights activist. This is an
excellent opportunity to reach viewers about very serious issues
concerning animals while having some fun along the way. If you are
between the ages of 21 and 50, are not afraid to speak up for your
beliefs, and want a chance to win a half-million dollars, you may be
the perfect contestant for this show.
Big Brother's deadline to find an animal rights activist is April 1.
There will be open casting calls in Portland, New York, Los Angeles,
Houston, Charleston, Tampa, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis, Chicago,
Louisville, Memphis, Des Moines, New Orleans, Boston, and Phoenix.
The show will be filmed in Los Angeles from July through September.
House guests will live in the house for three months and receive a
$600/week stipend.
To apply, simply send your name, age, city, and profession and
information about yourself to bigbrothercasting@ gmail.com."
Sea Lion Demonstration Planning/Sign Making and Political Prisoner Letter Writing
"Wednesday Mar 26th - 7PM
Sea Lion Demonstration Planning/Sign Making and Political Prisoner Letter Writing
Bye & Bye (smokeless bar w/vegan food &drink)
1011 NE Alberta
We will be writing letters to support political animal rights prisoners who desperately need to hear sympathetic voices.
We will also be planning what we will do to make our voices heard in the struggle to save the Columbia River Sea Lions.
Time is up, and we have to take action this week!
Please take the time to come hang out at Bye & Bye and help these brave prisoners and these amazing, charismatic creatures!"
PS. We've heard that mail has really died down for the SHAC7 folks, even if you don't come to the party, take a few minutes to drop somebody a line, ok?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wow. A month and a half of putting "meat on the pole" and that's it. Go figure.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Sorry for the last minute alert, but if you want to go out for a walk and put doorhangers around town for CAAT, show up at the Fuel Cafe at 2pm. Located at 1452 NE Alberta.
"'The War on Carnivores' presentation by Brian Vincent, Communications Director, Big Wildlife. Mr. Vincent will discuss government programs aimed at killing carnivores. In addition, he will talk at length about Oregon's Cougar Management Plan (CMP), which calls for aggressive, indiscriminate killing of the state's big cats. His lecture will include stunning visuals of wildlife, as well as shocking images of carnivore 'control' programs. The event is open to the public."
So, we'll be trying to make sure something comes together on this. Pretty sure along with IDA, ADL, and everybody else around town, we can do a bit to educate folks about this stupid lame thing. Note the text at the bottom:
"All net procedes from this Shrine event benefit Al Kader Operations.
They do not benefit Shriners Hospital for Children."
Friday, March 21, 2008
Hey you. If you swing by the store, we're gonna have a stack of flyers for the Gene Baur event on the 27th. If you can take one or ten and post them around town for us, it'd be a big help. Pretty please?
The Management
Monday we are supposed to get in Cheezly from the UK. "White Cheddar" and "Melty Mozzarella" I think. Still pricey at $8.50, but a bit less than Sheese. Keep your fingers crossed, we've heard good things.
Great benefit auction for a fellow in need tomorrow night at Sweetpea.
"The latest news is Michal has had to endure 2 operations and is still in hospital. However he is recovering but is said to be feeling very depressed. Since the accident Michal has received a few messages of support, from people who were told about the accident and these are said to be cheering him up."
"Chaos Cafe hosts Jasper Mountain Band
All proceeds will go to the Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary
The Chaos Cafe, a Portland vegetarian restaurant, will present
Jasper Mountain, a bluegrass / Americana band, on Saturday,
March 22, 2008. Tickets are $5 to $10 on a sliding scale. The
show starts at 8:30 PM and go past midnight. The show will
feature Brad Creel, Chris Kokesh, the fiddle player from the
Portland bluegrass/old time band Misty River, and, of course,
Jasper Mountain.All of the proceeds from the show will go
directly to the Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary to help us continue in
our mission to help abused and neglected farm animals."
Guess who has a podcast? Go on, guess.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
We reject the sexist naming of this event, but it might be a nice road trip anyway.
Check it. Get involved. With something.
The next 20 people who come in and buy a bag of baby carrots and some broccoli, will get a free samosa. Hurry.
Fresh Samosas.
Big giant batch of fresh samosas in the house. $1.75.
Speaking of Kevin Kjonaas from the SHAC7:
"He is convicted of stalking workers at an animal research lab and is accused of abusing beagles."
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"Recently, cable station Turner Network Television (TNT) announced plans to run a reality show featuring notorious animal abusers Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. TNT cameras intend to follow Ringling as it travels from city to city, but you can bet that one reality—the animal abuse—will be kept hidden from viewers. This show will be nothing more than a lengthy Ringling commercial. Viewers surely won't see the behind-the-scenes abuse of elephants, tigers, horses, and other animals."
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
"...nvestigators say his death could be linked to 22 years of built-up plaque in his coronary arteries rupturing and releasing fats and cholesterol into his bloodstream, causing severe clotting, and cutting off blood flow to the heart."
Support Needed.

"I just received word that my friend
Laura is in poor spirits, is not receiving vegan meals, and requests more letters. She spends 23 hours in a cell and really needs your support....
She is an extraordinarily dedicated person who wouldn't hesistate for a second to write a committed activist in jail!
Kevin has been moved back to the dreaded Twin Towers facility, one of the worst in the country. In order for Laura & Kevin to receive mail in the most timely manner, please use the following addresses:
(and make sure to misspell Laura's name as shown)
Maura Michlle Lungarlli, booking # 1167062
Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF)
11705 South Alameda Street
Lynwood, CA 90262
Bus. Phone: (323) 568-4500 * Watch Commander: (323) 568-4506
Write Kevin at:
Kevin Olliff, booking #1167029
Twin Towers Correctional Facility
450 Bauchet Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Bus. Phone: 213-893-5100"
Monday, March 17, 2008
Benefit Auction @ SweetPea / March 22nd
Benefit Auction / Raffle for Our Friend Mike VincentWhen:March 22, 2008
Where:Sweetpea Baking Co.
1205 SE Stark, Portland
What:A silent auction and raffle featuring art from local artists, as well as
goodies and products from some generous local and national donating
companies. Highlights include a Hoffman Bikes BMX bike frame, signed by the
legendary Mat Hoffman, and a complete bike from Verde BMX. We've also got
skate stuff from Alien Workshop, Habitat and Coda, along with some bags and
gear from Dakine. There is something for everyone. All proceeds go to the
Michael J. Vincent fund.
On January 18, while riding his bicycle to work in los angeles, our friend,
mike vincent, was struck by a car and sustained major head trauma along with
many other bodily injuries. Last week we passed the 50-day mark since the
accident, which included three weeks in ICU, four brain surgeries, and an
endless emotional rollercoaster for all involved. Mike Vincent is a son, a
friend, and an all around great guy. He played a prominent figure in the
sport of BMX, initially as a rider and recently as a judge in all major and
endemic competitions. He is a regular figure at all Los Angeles road and
track bike gatherings. He is a professional golf caddy. He also somehow
manages to donate his time to the local animal shelter.
For more information on the auction, feel free to email info@souneymedia.com
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Great. Awesome. Thanks to those working on this.
Gene Baur flyer
Hey folks. Any chance you can print out a few of
these flyers and post 'em places in your hood? It'd be a big help. Thanks.
Oh hey,
Check out another local sanctuary run by good folks. Maybe lend a hand or something.
Friday, March 14, 2008
So, in case you didn't know, the Gene Baur thing is coming up soonish. And thanks to everybody who is co-sponsoring, Herbivore, SweetPea, Scapegoat, IDA, NW Veg, Veganopolis, and Blossoming Lotus. Yay?
Holy crap. We now have fresh hot samosas for $1.50! Come eat them.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
"Position: Barista/Counter person
We have a barista position opening March 24th, and will be interviewing next week. We would love someone with previous experience, but it is not required. We do require that you work independently and quickly, solve problems, help our customers in a friendly manner, arrive on time, and know how to clean. The position will start at 25 - 30 hours a week. $9/hr plus tips.
Please drop a resume by the bakery at 1205 SE Stark St. or email it to: info@sweetpeabaking.com."
"The Westland/Hallmark video was shot and edited in ways that made it more effective than some earlier undercover slaughterhouse videos, according to people who work in the meat processing industry and longtime animal rights advocates. The film showed clear legal violations but avoided the bloody images of many undercover videos. As a result, local and national television stations could replay the images over and over."
Interesting piece on the effective use of video.
""Moko just came flying through the water and pushed in between us and the whales," Juanita Symes, another rescuer, told The Associated Press. "She got them to head toward the hill, where the channel is. It was an amazing experience. The best day of my life.""
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"The president of a slaughterhouse at the heart of the largest-ever meat recall denied under oath on Wednesday, but then grudgingly admitted, that his company had apparently introduced sick cows into the hamburger supply."
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
"Don't forget that tonite is our last night leafletting against OHSU Researcher Eliot Spindel's cruel and useless nicotinte experiments on baby monkeys and their mothers at OHSU's Brain Awareness Series. Here's the info:
Where: Newmark Theater, 1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR (inside the Antoinette Hatfield Hall)
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
We will bring the signs and the literature. All we need is you to help hand out the information. Hope to see you there! Connie"
Monday, March 10, 2008
Mark you calendar if you are into the hardcore punk rock stuff. Seven Generations and A Better Hope Foundation are both rad and will be playing in front of SweetPea's pastry case on Monday, March 17th at 8pm. $5 cover charge. Come help us guard the pastry case from getting crushed by sweaty people.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Please come watch "The Big Lebowski" tonight at 8 in the pm. You'll laugh and pee yourself all over again.
"At 1545 hours (0445 GMT), a clash between the crew of the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin and the Japanese whaling ship Nisshin Maru turned violent when the Japanese Coast Guard began to throw flash grenades at the crew of the Steve Irwin.
Captain Paul Watson was struck by a bullet in the chest. Fortunately, the bullet was stopped by his Kevlar vest. The bullet struck just above the heart and mangled Captain Watson's anti-poaching badge, which was worn on his sweater underneath the Kevlar vest."
Friday, March 07, 2008
Seems like the fine folks at Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary could use some help right about now. Several events coming up (check their site for a listing) or just send 'em a check or donate online. Great place doing great work. Send some love.
"Come to People's Food Coop on Friday, March 14th 6-9pm for vegan potluck dinner and great movie "Behind the Mask." Open to all."
"The contaminated milk and the recent ruling by U.S. District Judge Anthony Alaimo raise new doubts about a 30-year government policy that encourages farmers to spread millions of tons of sewage sludge over thousands of acres each year as an alternative to commercial fertilizers."
Thursday, March 06, 2008
So, last minute notice (again) about this month's movie night for the SHAC7. This time, everybody's favorite quote-fest,
The Big Lebowski. 8pm. 3 bucks @ The Artistery, 4315 SE Division. You come watch.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Sweetpea Brunch
Hi Friends,
From Sweetpea:
We are attempting the all you can eat brunch again! lessons learned from our first run- we will have a ton more food, plates glasses, and whatever else we ran out of last time.
please be prepared for a line, if its anything like last week there will be crowds.
please come out and eat some food! 9am to noon-ish.
also, we are upping the price a little bit, to $12. remember it is all you can eat, plus juice and stumptown coffee.
everyone was amazing last week, you guys showed some support! sorry to anyone who felt like they didn't get enough, we will fix it this week.
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