"Today, activists from the Sea Lion Defense Brigade and In Defense of Animals, along with several autonomous individuals, crashed a press conference held by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) at Bonneville Dam. The press conference was being held to pre-emptively curb public revulsion over the agencies' plans to kill sea lions on the river beginning next week. They did not announce the conference publically, and they made it clear that "press ID will be required" in order to attend. Nevertheless, activists and some independent media representatives managed to skirt the crack security out there (yes, the same crack security that allowed six sea lions to be mysteriously trapped and killed last year...), and infiltrate the conference. They actually gave us all hard hats and ID badges."
Why haven't we heard much about this elsewhere?! Are they trying to pass this right under our noses? We can't believe we live in a state that could pass a law so full of ignorance. What about better laws about breeding in general like background checks for who are breeding and buying?
Here is the information on the senator introducing this bill. LC 2571 Senator Bruce Starr 22115 NW Imbrie Dr, #290 Hillsboro, OR 97124
503 352-0922
He is a senator for part of Washington county including Hillsboro and North Plains.
Please let them know (in as polite a way as possible) how incredibly wrong this is.
"I'm going to ride my bike 600 miles to raise money for and awareness of farm animals. I am undertaking this ride to mark my 10 year vegan anniversary and to benefit Farm Sanctuary, a group who was a big inspiration and influence on my decision to go vegan."
Check this out! Josh from Herbivore is doing this nutty ride for some cows or something. Chip in and sponsor his ride and make this thing good.
Save the date for the next Let Live Foundation event. March 29th.
"This talk features a critical look at the role of direct action in the animal liberation movement with veteran activist Peter Young. Exploring the nuances of direct action through case studies, Young will discuss the value of high impact action such as the only successful tactic to drive vivisectors out of the profession and why targeting a “weak link” can be more effective than a “soft target.” Learn how to effectively value the risk of action and why breaking a window carries more risk than releasing 1,000 animals. "
"After only two weeks of public campaigning, activists are calling for a temporary moratorium on the campaign to convince Boca to phase out eggs. Are we close to a victory?"
"The leafy green stuff are an essential part of a healthy diet and we are here to help you figure out how to incorporate those greens into your daily life! This 2 hour class will include information on the benefits of eating greens as well as tips on preparation and shopping for greens on a budget."
If you missed this weekend's Let Live event, it is now posted online for you to watch and share. Thanks to Tim K for getting this done for us so quickly.
"At the very worst—assuming we believe everything this researcher and the FBI are saying—that is obviously not First Amendment activity. But it’s critical to note that the FBI is not alleging that any of the defendants attempted a forced entry, or that any of the defendants struck this researcher. Read the complaint for yourself. The FBI argues that these activists were present at this protest, and that their presence makes them terrorists.
Let’s think about this guilt-by-association reasoning from another perspective. I was covering an antiwar protest a few years ago, and I was beaten by police while wearing my Congressional press credentials (a lawsuit was later settled out of court). I was attacked by a few cops, but there were many more at the protest. Let’s apply the same FBI logic to my personal experience: if DNA testing could link riot gear to cops who were at that protest, would the government hold all of them responsible for my attack?"
"P.E.I. mink farmers, feeling the sting of world markets with pelt prices down 30 to 45 per cent from last year, are hoping for help from the government."
"So much of you know now of the four people arrested under AETA being charged for UC anti vivisection demos. Red and Black usually has a prisoner letter writing night scheduled for the last tuesday of the month, and this one was going to be super special with the Dapper Cadavers and Peach Colored Jug Smugglers performing. What we didn't know is of the recent events that have transpired this weekend, and have decided to host Tuesday as a Benefit for the legal defense fund, of Maryam, Nathan, Adriana, and Jospeh. "
Check it out. A blog from Farm Sanctuary that takes you behind the scene's at both of Farm Sanctuary's... sanctuaries. Seems like a nice change of pace from some of the more depressing things we end up reading everyday.
So, our next benefit movie night is gonna be a real badass. We will be showing "Road House,", the 1989 masterpiece featuring the most important actor of our time, Mr. Patrick Swayze. Sunday, March 8th. 8pm. The Artistery, 4315 SE Division. $5, and the cost will include some food. Haven't figured that part out yet, but we will. Just pay attention. Oh yeah, the money is gonna go to help our pal Josh Harper get on his feet when he gets out of the slammer.
Don't forget this thing tonight. Good chance to brainstorm and bounce ideas a real live seasoned activist who has been getting things done for a while now. Especially good for those wanting to work on Vivisection and Animal Testing issues.
"As background, a fierce campaign is being waged in California against animal research at the University of California system. There has been a wide range of both legal and illegal tactics. Illegal tactics have included the destruction of UC vans. In August, an incendiary device was left at the home of a UC researcher; no animal rights group has claimed responsibility for this crime, but the university, the FBI and others have recklessly attributed it to activists.
These “terrorism” arrests are not related to that bombing, though. And they’re also not related to the destruction of property. These activists–Nathan Pope, Adriana Stumpo, Joseph Buddenberg, and Maryam Khajavi– were arrested for First Amendment activity."
Hey everybody, sorry, but PSU changed rooms on us again for the Let Live event. Now it's in room 228, the "Multicultural Room". There will be signs, so... just sayin.
Interested in getting dissection out of your (or your kid's) school? Come check this out. Even if it doesn't seem to apply to you directly, still might be good to see how people effectively go about such things and maybe find a new angle on your own activism. I dunno, maybe?
"Federal authorities say they have arrested four animal rights activists in connection with incidents involving University of California researchers.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Friday announced the arrests of the four on suspicion of violating the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Those arrested were Nathan Pope, 26, of Oceanside; Adriana Stumpo, 23, of Long Beach; Maryam Khajavi, 20, of Pinole; and Joseph Buddenberg, 25, of Berkeley.
The agency says Mr. Pope, Ms. Stumpo and Ms. Khajavi tried last February to break into the home of a researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Federal investigators say Mr. Pope, Ms. Stumpo and Mr. Buddenberg put out fliers focusing on researchers at Santa Cruz days before the homes of two university scientists were firebombed.
The four activists are also accused of harassing and intimidating researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, at their homes."
There is a support night planned on the 24th for these folks. Check it.
"Australian police boarded the Sea Shepherd ship immediately after it docked in Hobart, Tasmania, yesterday and proceeded to seize all Sea Shepherd's video footage of this year's anti-whaling campaign--including footage of the clashes between the Japanese whalers and Sea Shepherd and footage of the killing of a whale (to be aired on the Animal Planet series Whale Wars)--as well as other materials."
"St. Louis Children's Hospital still uses cats for intubation training exercises in its Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course, despite its inherent cruelty and the availability of mannequins and advanced simulators that have proved to be superior to the use of animals. During the exercises, cats have plastic tubes repeatedly forced down their tracheas, which can cause bleeding, swelling, pain, possible scarring, collapsed lungs, and even death."
"Two months ago, on December 26, I wrote a post titled "Industry Sues to Re-Allow Slaughter & Sale of Ill, Injured Animals." The judge in that lawsuit just ruled in favor of the National Meat Association and American Meat Institute--apparently the ruling will become permanent if the state doesn't appeal. A federal judge has essentially said, "Sure! Drag those injured, broken, lame pigs into the slaughterhouse screaming if you have to! That's good meat!""
Activist Chat With Justin Goodman Monday, February 23, 2008 Sweetpea Baking Company 8 PM
Justin Goodman is a long time activist who has worked on a diverse group of campaigns. Specifically while at the University of Connecticut he spearheaded the UConn Animal Rights Collective's campaign against the primate lab there. He currently works with PETA on vivisection issues.
Come meet and chat with Justin about his experiences Monday night at 8 pm at Sweetpea Bakery. We hope to have a good discussion about successes, failures, strategy, researching issues, and tactics so please bring your own experiences and questions.
"Cutting back on beefburgers and bacon could wipe $20 trillion off the cost of fighting climate change. That's the dramatic conclusion of a study that totted up the economic costs of modern meat-heavy diets.
The researchers involved say that reducing our intake of beef and pork would lead to the creation of a huge new carbon sink, as vegetation would thrive on unused farmland.
The model takes into account farmland that is used to grow extra food to make up for the lost meat, but that requires less area, so some will be abandoned. Millions of tonnes of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, would also be saved every year due to reduced emissions from farms.
These impacts would lessen the need for expensive carbon-saving technologies, such as "clean coal" power plants, and so save huge sums, say Elke Stehfest of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and colleagues."
"The Parlour - St. Johns, a vegan-friendly/cruelty-free salon and tattoo studio, is throwing a party...just for fun.
Come hang out, enjoy free vegan snacks and beverages and get to know us. There's also going to be a DJ playing garage, soul, r&b, punk, psych, etc. Hope to see you there!
Saturday. Feb. 21 at 7pm. until whenever. The Parlour is located in St. Johns 7327 N. Charleston Ave. 503.289.0830 http://www.theparlourstjohns.com
For more info, call the salon or e-mail Jamie: jamiedott@gmail.com."
"So the issue of personal purity becomes one of basic math: Adopting a vegan diet means you’re not supporting the torment and slaughter of dozens of animals every single year. Helping just one more person to go vegan will save twice as many animals. But the reverse is also true: If you do something that prevents another person from adopting a vegan diet, if your example puts up a barrier where you might have built a bridge, that hurts animals—so then it becomes anti-vegan, if vegan means helping animals."
"The Unique Animal Expo & Pet Fair will be in the Main Exhibit Hall today. This is an animal expo open to the public and trade buyers where live birds, reptiles, and mammals, can be viewed and purchased. Meet and talk to the breeders of all types of livestock. Also all types of Animal-related merchandise will be on display and available for purchase. This event is rated for the whole family. It runs today from 10 AM to 5 PM. Admission is $8 for adults, $5.00 for Seniors, and $4.00 for children with kids under 5 admitted free with a paying adult. For more information call 503-717-8484 or 503-717-4145."
This is nice. Attica! Attica!, Camping Party, and Adam Brock are all gonna make some music and give their income to us to help us do stuff. Please come and hang out. And clap and tell the musicians thanks. 2/27/2009. At the Red and Black Cafe, 400 SE 12th, right around the corner from the Vegan MiniMall. $5.
"Fashion Week is in full effect and The Humane Society of the United States is watching out for our furry friends, as usual. This morning the organization led a press conference with NY State Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal following an investigation that uncovered some big NYC retailers selling unlabeled fur-trimmed garments in violation of state law (which requires that all apparel with real or fake fur be labeled as such, giving shoppers access to product information). All the big names were on their list, including Bloomingdale’s, Bergdorf Goodman and Saks Fifth Avenue."
"A "trailblazing" Norfolk town has begun heating many of its buildings - including the schools - by burning oil made from melted-down cow and pig carcasses. The strategy is described as "equal or lower in carbon footprint than natural gas"."
"A bill that would limit the use of animal testing methods for product testing has been introduced in the Connecticut General Assembly. If it becomes law, HB6120 will prohibit the use of animals in cruel tests for items such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and household products when alternatives methods that have already been approved by the federal government are available. The bill would instead require the use of alternative testing methods that have already been approved by the federal government to reduce and, in some cases, completely replace animal use."
"OK wieners, we’ve decided to try something different this time around. Before some dumb-ass dickweed leaks our new album all over the ‘net at some obscenely-low bitrate with the song titles mixed up and our band name spelled wrong, we’re gonna throw you a sweet, sweet (human) bone in the form of two wicked new songs (Supporting Caste and Human(e) Meat) from our rad new record while simultaneously trying to scrounge some spare change for a handful of organizations whose efforts in some way reflect our values. Don’t be a fuckin’ cheapskate either, you skinflint-tight-wad-Scrooge-McDuck motherfucker.
"If you may, please post these on the Food Fight calendar for March 8th and April 12th. I'll be doing this every second Sunday of each month and need to get the word out there. Your help would be great, thanks much!
What: CAAT Doorhanger Outreach When: Sun, March 8th, 10:30am – 1:00pm Where: Panera Bread 3435 SW Cedar Hills Blvd Beaverton, OR 97005
Description: Come and help distribute doorhangers for CAAT. This event takes place the second Sunday of each month. For more info please call (503) 435-9138 or e-mail eufkim@juno.com
"In any case, the byproduct argument loses its punch when you consider the environmental impact of conventional leather production, which involves a mind-boggling mix of acids, salts, fungicides and bactericides - as well as chromium, sulphides and sulphates. The result is a huge amount of water use, chromium sludge, and solid and airborne chemical waste. The bulk of leather processing has been outsourced to developing countries, where, according to critics, it's difficult to monitor standards."
"Hundreds of thousands of America's dairy cows are being turned into hamburgers because milk prices have dropped so low that farmers can no longer afford to feed the animals."
"Demonstrations against the fur industry will be held outside of Ungar Fur's every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. come out! bring friends. bring vegan food. bring guitars. bring bucket drums. just fucking come!"
AND, in a related note, please have some sense and realize that if you come into our store wearing fur, and we notice it, you're getting the boot. Please don't act shocked. You're welcome to come back in not wearing it, or to give it to us for disposal. The Management
Bummer. Looks like all of Wheeler's ice cream got sent to the wrong coast or something, so today's free ice cream party at the Hungry Tiger Too is cancelled. The vegan valentines dinner is still on however. Please tell anyone you know who may be planning on coming so they don't have a vegan riot on there hands.
"Compassion Over Killing is teaming up with Mercy For Animals and the Animal Protection & Rescue League as well as compassionate people everywhere to ask BOCA® to stop using eggs in its product line."
"Daniel was just moved back to his designated facility in Marion, Illinois. He is in the Communication Management Unit, a unit created to heavily monitor communications of its prisoners, and will be serving the rest of his time here. We truly hope that his time passes as quickly as possible here.
Please continue to write!
Support Daniel McGowan! DANIEL McGOWAN #63794-053 USP MARION U.S. PENITENTIARY P.O. BOX 1000 MARION, IL 62959"
"Yesterday, enthusiastic Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan wrote about this case: "Tomorrow in a federal court hearing in San Francisco, we'll find out if the Obama administration intends to keep the evidence as secret as the Bush administration did." As I wrote after interviewing Wizner two weeks ago: "This is the first real test of the authenticity of Obama's commitment to reverse the abuses of executive power over the last eight years." Today, the Obama administration failed that test -- resoundingly and disgracefully:"
"From family pets to farm livestock, state lawmakers are crafting a broad and aggressive animal welfare agenda this year.
Legislation has already been introduced to regulate puppy mills, stiffen penalties for watching dog fighting and provide tax deductions for adopting pets.
Significantly, the state Senate also has redefined the mission of the former Agriculture Committee – now called the Food and Agriculture Committee. The panel now has a chairman who supports animal rights and consumer causes – a blow to agriculture, which for years has counted on the panel to thwart unfriendly bills."
"Though we may act like teenagers, or even younger.... most of us here at Herbivore are, well, a tad bit older...
That's why we are so excited to have Claire Askew, a REAL teenager, come and talk with us about her new book! Generation V: The Complete Guide to Going, Being and Staying Vegan as a Teenager, is what every American teen needs to read. Period.
Please come meet Claire, get her book, have her sign it, and listen in as she does a reading for us, too.
"Hey Portland Vegans! We need your help to expand our community. We had a great time and helped mentor dozens of new vegans. We pulled off 34 events, and came in under budget. We learned a lot and we can do better this year. We are having our first big planning meeting. Even if you can't commitment to coming to all our meetings this is a good one to come to as we are setting up teams to divide the work.
Tuesday the 17th 6:30 PM at Chaos Café (SE 26th and Powell)"
We're gonna stop selling it again. And we know we sell other items in plastic bottles, but it seems the water is the liquid you can get for free at home or in a restroom tap or wherever, so come one.
You are invited to: SHARE THE LOVE, a romantic evening of dining and serenades.
Come celebrate your Valentines at the Clinton Corner Cafe with us. For $20 (includes a drink) you will be contributing to Out To Pasture sanctuary, a not for profit animal sanctuary which provides permanent housing and care for a variety of abused, neglected or abandoned animals.
Featuring a three course vegan Italian supper by Amanda Spring. Hors d'oeuvre - warmed bagette with herbed chao cheese Entree - vegetable lasagna and organic green salad Dessert - delectable strawberry shortcake cupcake
Accompanied by music from: Alan Singley Grey Anne Justin Power
Please reply to heart2elk@gmail.com with a confirmation or call 503-936-3934.
Thanks on behalf of the animals and I hope to see you there!
""I don't know if that [quotation] is accurate, but I believe it and I support it," said Mr. Kennedy, who has been involved in a vigorous legal effort against the meat industry for years, arguing that manure and other products associated with large livestock producers emit toxic wastes that threaten the environment.
Mr. Kennedy also has said that a single hog consignment can put out more pollution than a city of a million people."
"The Radical Cheerleaders for Animal Rights performed today in front of Scamps store inside Lloyd Center Mall to bring attention to scamps history of selling puppies from puppy mills. After the performance, an activist is aggressively detained by mall security resulting in angry shoppers expressing their disgust with the security guards. "
Flunky rent-a-cops gone wild. Feel free to call Lloyd Center Mall to let them know what you think. (503) 282-2511
Hey folks. So we've been given a bit of bad information. The Live Live meeting for today is actually being held in room 328 and not 237 as originally reported. Sorry about that.
The United States should hang it's collective head in shame about this one. We are all part of the problem, the problem being a populace that let's this kind of thing take place.
"Someone placed an ad in the Livestock section of the paper trying to give baby bull calves away free to good homes. Can you provide sanctuary?
If you have space where you live, please consider taking one or more baby calves to give them a good life that they deserve. In return, they will provide you with friendship and free organic fertilizer for your garden."
"Now for the seventh time in ten years Huntingdon Life Sciences have been infiltrated and exposed again. Shocking cruelty and footage of experiments have been filmed inside HLS during 2007 and 2008; and primates caputred in the wild were shipped over by plane to France and then road to HLS, enduring 30 hour journeys in small cages from Vietnam. "
"Hanson Concrete ( http://hansonpipeandprecast.com) is a subcontractor of UC Berkeley's Li Ka-Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences at University Avenue and Oxford Way - which would provide a 70 percent expansion of the University of California-Berkeley's current Northwest Animal Facility. Tens of thousands of animals will suffer and die each year in the basement of the Li Ka-Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences.
Hanson has contacts all over the country. Their West Coast Regional Headquarters is in Portland. Please let them know that assisting in construction of a facility that will include basement-level animal torture facilities with the assistance in construction of the Li Ka-Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences at UC Berkeely is unacceptable.
West Region Headquarters Sue Tanenbaum, President P.O. Box 11305 Portland, OR 97211 503.285.8391 503.286.0603 fax"
"RSVP now for Portobello's Valentine's benefit dinner. Half of all proceeds go to House of Dreams no-kill free-roaming kitty shelter! The cost is a flat $25 per person for a delicious three course vegan meal, at 6pm or 8:30pm, February 14th. Reservations required. Contact Portobello Vegan Trattoria at (503) 754-5993 to make your reservation. Help kitties and treat your sweetheart at the same time! Sweet! Check out House of Dreams at http://www.kittydreams.org Portobello's myspace page is http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=128664968"
Holy crap balls. The new Alternative Baking Company "Cookie of the Season" is friggin' nuts. Chocolate cookie, with peppermint, and white chocolate chips. Enough said.
"Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 2:00PM Location: Hungry Tiger Too (207 SE 12th Ave, Portland, OR 97214, 503.238.4321) Wheeler's Frozen Desserts Presents - Free Ice Cream Social
Wheeler's is committed to providing a variety of decadent and delicious flavors of ice cream for vegans. They are proud to announce that every one of their varieties is 100% free of animal products.
So please join us in exploring and enjoying their vegan ice cream flavors. Each created with a passion for excellence and the knowledge that creating a uniquely healthy treat requires dedication and intensity.
They also offer a line of designer ice cream flavors (all vegan) that are perfect for any occasion and setting. From something as simple as Vanilla to an exotic and sensational flavor like “Kanye West Platinum”. No matter what your particular palate or request, their ice cream designer™ will meet your culinary goals.
See the full event details, including location, at http://www.meetup.com/Viva-la-Vegan/calendar/9523547/.
Please help us get an idea of how many are coming by RSVP'ing at:
"This is your chance to send your friends and lovers a little note and sweet treat, while supporting Siren Nation. For $5, you can send your sweetie a special card designed by local artist Rebel Cricket, along with a vegan chocolate bar! On February 12, 13, and 14th, the Siren Nation cupids will take Portland by storm on their bikes delivering these valentines.
The deadline for ordering valentines is February 7th, by 3 pm, so don't delay! Click the link below to order online via our secure paypal account, or go to any of these order stations around town:
In Other Word's Bookstore (8 B NE Killingsworth St) North Portland Bikeworks (3951 N. Mississippi Ave.) Community Cycling Center (1700 NE Alberta St.) Veloshop (211 SW 9th Ave) Citybikes Annex (734 SE Ankeny St) Food Fight Grocery (1217 SE Stark St.)"
"The animals don't have a voice. They need YOU to be their voice, and they need the Radical Cheerleaders to be the RAAAAAAWWWWRRR in that voice. You will see Radical Cheerleaders at WTO protests and war protests, but you never see them outside of a business that profits off of animals... UNTIL NOW! That is why we are here...and we just love to yell, dance, chant, cheer, and shake our booTAYS and our pom poms! Rise up, resist! "
Next Let Live Series event, check it out. A great event for students who give a crap about this kind of thing.
"Classroom dissection, once considered the practice tool of choice for learning anatomy, physiology and the theory of evolution, has exposed greater questions of ethics and cruelty in the classroom. With a notable scientific shift to studying animals in their natural environment, and the advent of sophisticated learning tools, many question: how can we stop dissection in schools?"
"At nine months, the animals are just as curious and capable of recognising carers and familiar objects as the average baby. When compared with infants kept in isolated conditions in orphanages, the animals are even more advanced."
Just put together a Support Josh Harper "Fan" page on Facebook. If you're on FB, leave a nice comment, or upload photos of Josh or tell a story if you know him. We'll try and keep him updated on things posted on here.