
Thursday, March 31, 2005

You go girls! 

Forget about everything else. Support these kids. They're doing great work.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:49 PM

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A few more shirts. 

Hey you. We bought a few more t-shirts off of Josh (SHAC7). We have a few in medium and a few in Youth Large. $10 each. First come first serve.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:29 PM

Supreme signage. 

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:28 PM


So, the results are in from last night's Office Space screening. Thanks to everybody that turned out and to the other sponsors. Counted the money this morning and we managed to scrounge up $595 to go to the SHAC7 legal defense fund.

If you couldn't make it to the movie, please visit the SHAC7 site and donate some money online. The legal fees are going to be huge, so do what you can.

Thanks again. emiko and chad

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:30 AM

Good morning heart attack. 

Wake up. Yawn. Stretch. Ingest. Fall face first into the table and die.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:14 AM

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Old beat-ass skate decks? 

Hey you. Do you have any old skateboard decks in your closet? Looks don't matter. We need to collect 25-30 of 'em. Just bring them buy and we'll say thanks.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:13 PM

Don't scare us. 

Chris, hope you're feeling better. Give a call if you feel up to it. And don't scare us, dick.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:36 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Gift Certificates. 

So, we now have online gift certificates available for all you poor bastards who don't live in Portland. Pass it on. Give the gift that keeps on giving, sorta.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:30 PM

the Easter. 

So, tomorrow, we're gonna sleep in and open at noon. Because you'll all be at church.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:52 PM

Know your enemy... 

Find out how much money that rat bastard down the street that had the "Bush" sign in his yard gave to the RNC. Plus it's fun to look up celebrities!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:26 PM

Friday, March 25, 2005

The bad smell of roasted pig. 

Tee hee.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:00 PM

Fugitive and accused ALF activist Peter Young Arrested 

"For more info: nik@nocompromise.org until a formal support network is established.

We've just received word that on March 21st Peter Young was captured and is currently being held in San Jose, California. For those of you unfamiliar with his case, Peter has been a "fugitive from justice" since 1998 after being indicted on charges of violating the "Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act"--stemming from a series of 1997 mink liberations in Wisconsin.

Peter desperately needs our support at this crucial time. Peter has been isolated from friends, family, and the movement since his disappearance years ago. Now is the time to act!

The circumstances surrounding his recent arrest are unknown, but he faces several serious charges as a captured "fugitive."

Please take 5 minutes RIGHT NOW to sit down and write Peter a letter. He needs to know that there's a world of activists out here waiting to support him. Please refrain from going into too much personal detail in correspondence and refrain from writing anything that the feds might try to use against him. We have yet to communicate with Peter so there are many uncertainties at this time; keep this in mind.

Mail/ Correspondence should be addressed as: PETER YOUNG BOOKING ..05015987, PFN ..DVF828 C/O SANTA CLARA MAIN JAIL COMPLEX 885 NORTH SAN PEDRO STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95110

Make sure his name, Booking.., and PFN.. are on the envelope and all pages of correspondence. Mail restrictions follow at the end of this alert.

We are waiting to distribute information on jail visits and sending books and funds for Peter's commissary until his specific desires are made known to us.

He is currently being housed at: Santa Clara Main Jail Complex 150 W. Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:38 PM

A little slice of paradise. 

I've driven through this area plenty of times. Just lovely. Not really bike friendly, but...

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:09 AM

You scratch out back... 

And everything is right with the world.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:07 AM

Thursday, March 24, 2005

And another thing... 

"Pumping Ferociously."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:28 PM

Yay! Wendy's! 

Thanks Mr. Chard. I guess the square burgers aren't the only thing that makes Wendy's so very special.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:26 PM

Just stop it. 

This is great. Just great. Something we can do? Dunno.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:13 PM


Sorry Andrea. We'll miss not seeing you. Better luck next time. Sucks.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:12 PM

Memorial Day. 

Good song.

"I never thought of this the day that I enlisted
That I'd be dodging bullets, seekin weapons that never even existed
For someone else's personal beef, I risk myself
While the Commander-in-Chief, would never come to fight himself
I feel I'm bein' tricked even worse that the civilians
Nobody ever told me that we would be killin' children!!
Feelin like the ones that sent me here are the psychotics
but if I say that out loud -- I'm "unpatriotic"
but would Donald Rumsfeld back me up with the chrome?
Would Tom Ridge fight or would he stay secure back home?
and would Condoleeza Rice cover grenades in a fox hole?
I'm startin to believe what I was told is not so
What's the reason for the war?"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:08 AM

Hearing today on Cougar Hunting. 

Do with this as you wish.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:12 AM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


"SB 662, one of the bills being sponsored by the California Animal Association (CAA), has been assigned to the Senate Agriculture Committee for a hearing sometime in early April.

SB 662 (Migden) seeks to amend California’s Methods of Slaughter law to include spent hens and small game birds. When the Methods of Slaughter law was amended in 1990 to include poultry, spent hens and small game birds were excluded. The law requires that animals used for food must be rendered insensible to pain prior to having their throats cut."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:05 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Why how come? 

How come it seems like 60% of our online orders are going to Florida these days? Must be Spring Break. Ah...1983, what a good year for movies....

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:00 PM

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Rocky Road Brownies. 

Geez. SweetPea Baking just brought by 8 or so Rocky Road brownies. Will you be one of the lucky few to get one? They also brought in some macadamia/white chocolate cookies. Damn Lisa, dat shits good...

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:27 PM

This has nothing to do with veganism and politics. 

We just thought it was a funny picture.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:47 PM

Rain finally. 

How long has it been since we've had a rainy day? I missed it. But will anyone show up at the store? Have a good Saturday.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:58 AM

Friday, March 18, 2005

University of Iowa Claims $450K Loss in November ALF Raid 

Poor "higher learning."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:53 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Food Fight is your source for all the good news you can handle.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:56 PM

National Call In Day To Wet Seal TODAY!!!!!! CALL NOW!!!!! 

From "the web":

"Here is your chance to let the folks at Wet Seal know what you think about fur. This Thursday we want every last one of you to call CEO Joel Waller at 949-699-4734 and tell him that you refuse to buy anything from Wet Seal until the company adopts a permanent fur-free policy. Parents won't let you call long distance? No problem - you can reach Joel toll-free by
calling 1-800-735-7325 and then entering 4734 when prompted for an extension.

Check the Wet Seal store locator for the store nearest you and call to complain to them as well. Check out peta2.com/tc/t-wetseal.html to see what else you can do to help the campaign.

One interesting piece of information is that each time you call
1-800-735-7325 from a pay phone it costs Wet Seal 50 cents. That’s money that will add up quickly.

Remember, as you read this rabbits are stuck in tiny metal cages wishing they were free and waiting for their death. Please do everything you can to stop this abuse. If we don’t do everything we can to stop Wet Seal from continuing to support animal cruelty nobody will. "

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:47 PM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Fresh sammies. 

Just got a fresh batch of sandwiches in from Veganopolis. The Caesar Seitan thing, a tofu scramble/potato wrap, and a sesame-ginger chicken nugget wrap. Only complaint is they didn't give us any free samples.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:43 PM

The hits just keep on coming. 

What a beautiful day.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:21 PM

Hey, guess what? 

You'll never guess. Don't even try. Ok, here is is: BUSH IS A FUCKING SCUMBAG. And he's getting his way...

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:18 PM


Daddy like.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:01 PM

Roadtrip to Clackamas. 

Hey everybody. Next time you find yourself out in Clackamas, near that Town Center mall thing, make sure you go visit Milky Way. It's on the other side of 205 from the mall, same side of the street.

Milky Way Tea & Pastry
9895 Se Sunnyside Rd
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 652-7875

All vegetarian bagel/coffee/bubble tea place. They make great bagel sandwiches with different fake meats, like smoked turkey, and other ham-tubish stuff. Really good. And really nice people. Open every day we think. Tell them how you heard about them, so next time we go in, we'll get free stuff.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:23 PM

Change is good? 

So, we went out to the Vita Café a couple of nights ago. Thought you kids might like to know that signs on their tables now say something like: "Change is good! Starting March 18th we will start serving fresh fish!"

Yay! Way to go Vita! You obviously know how to make your customer base really happy. Now I'll be all confused, fish or the Jimbo Burger? Damn. Too many choices...

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:47 PM

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Happy Birthday Peter. 

Damn. March is brutal for birthdays. Peter Brandt has one. He kicks ass. Not in a fighting kind of way, but in a "being a cool guy" kind of way. Not really "cool" like wearing sunglasses indoors, but.... you know.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:49 PM

In case you wonder... 

In case you wonder why we don't sell Silk, or other White Wave products. From NotMilk.com:

"The dairy industry owns and controls 90 percent of the supermarket soy market (Yes, Virginia, the SILK SoyMilk company has completely sold out to the largest dairy processor in America.) Knowing where the money is, dairy producers are able to bilk consumers $2 or more for a quart of soymilk which costs just a few pennies to manufacture."

"Dean Foods purchased 36 percent of White Wave (SILK) in 1999; and Suiza introduced its own brand, Sun Soy, in 2000. In 2003, Dean Foods merged with Suiza to become larger than KRAFT. They now are the number one dairy company in America. In early 2004, Dean foods exercised an option and bought the remaining 64 percent of White WAVE. They now own and distribute 100 percent of SILK"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:20 PM

Just when you think it's not all terribly depressing. 

So, a customer just sent us this. (Yeah, Christina, thanks a lot.) Makes you wonder why you even bother. But, I guess you gotta just prioritize things. We're gonna try and be better in the future. But it's tough knowing who owns who and who you're making rich.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:16 PM


Hey. Buy something from these folks. The owner is an online customer and they seem cool. All eco friendly, all vegan. All fair trade. Tell 'em Food Fight sent you.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:37 PM

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Another petition, but sign it anyway. 

Help Wankie. Tee hee. No it's not a funny situation, but saying "Wankie" in my head makes me laugh. But this is serious.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:03 PM

Happy Birthday Lisa! 

It's our friend, Lisa's birthday. She's also known as Sweetpea Bakery, the gal who makes the awesome vegan cheesecakes we sell. She's got the skills. Hooray for Lisa!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:51 PM

Friday, March 11, 2005

Movie Night! 

Hey everybody.

Sending out a copy of our press release (thanks Jeremy) for the upcoming benefit movie night. Please come. And please help publicize this as much as you can. Forward the press release to anybody you think might care. And, please download and post a flyer or two: http://www.foodfightgrocery.com/downloads/ff_officespace.pdf


For Immediate Release:

Portland's ever growing front of vegan businesses have again banded together to reward their patrons with "classic" cinema for a good cause. On the last Tuesday of the month we will be showing a special presentation of one of the greatest cinematic achievements of the 90's; Office Space. This event is to benefit the legal struggle of the SHAC 7 (www.shac7.com).

The SHAC 7 are animal rights activists indicted under the controversial Federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. The charges stem from these activists' alleged participation in an international campaign to close the notorious product testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences (www.shac.net). These activists are alleged to have operated a website that reported on and expressed ideological support for protest activity against Huntingdon and its business affiliates.

Exercising a right to free speech has charged them with "terrorism" and they now face an aggregate of 23 years in Federal Prison. The SHAC 7 case is the latest in an onslaught of attacks against domestic dissidents under the guise of fighting terrorism. This case is intended to pave the way for further silencing of activists involved in all issues.

To show support of this organization and the greater cause of free speech in whatever outlet, Food Fight! Vegan Grocery, Herbivore magazine, Veloshop Bike Shop, Veganopolis Cafeteria, and the Tube Bar will be sponsoring a screening of Mike Judge's hilarious depiction of the plight of the working person on Tuesday March 29th at the historic Hollywood theater beginning at 7:30pm. Josh Harper of the SHAC 7 will be on hand to speak and answer questions. This event will carry a suggested donation of $5.

For any additional info: info@foodfightgrocery.com or call Chad Miller at 503-233-3910.

Sponsor contact information:

Food Fight! Vegan Grocery
4179 SE Division Street
Portland, OR 97202

Herbivore Magazine and Clothing
5254 NE 32nd Place
Portland, Oregon 97211

Veloshop Bike Shop
211 SW 9th ave.
Portland, Oregon 97205

Veganopolis Cafeteria
412 SW Fourth Street
Portland, Oregon 97205
(503) 226-3400

Tube Bar
18 NW 3rd Ave
Portland, OR 97209


posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:54 PM

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Check it. 

Cool vegan cooking site. The Post Punk Kitchen. They have a cable access show in Brooklyn. Hoorah.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:27 PM

New cream cheese. 

Got the new WholeSoy cream cheese. It's organic, comes in two flavors, and we thinks it will replace the Tofutti stuff. So there.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 3:02 PM

Since You've Been Gone 

Okay, so we secretly (well it's not a secret anymore) like that new Kelly Clarkson song, "Since You've Been Gone." We like to imagine that Jimmy Eat World wrote it for her, but it's probably not true. But anyway, looks like one of my (Emiko) favorite singer/songwriters likes it, too, Ted Leo! Go here, click on Ted's picture under the "Music" area, then click on the song and see him cover it acoustically. It's great.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:14 PM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Concerning Blossoming Lotus 

Somebody emailed us (thanks Laura) about the new place downtown, Blossoming Lotus:

"So, you asked about Blossoming Lotus a while back and I don't know if you got any responses. I was there over the weekend and the food was really good. I got a baked tofu and avacado sandwich. It was little firm thin strips of tofu, not a big slab. Also had a really fresh and creamy tomato soup special. The tofu scramble looked good too with toast and margarine. Everything seemed not too healthy but definitely light. Really, really good fresh juice. The place has a sunny coffee shop feel but with an amazing selection for such a small place. While I was there the chef, I believe, was making a beautiful carrot cake and fresh foccacia used for the sandwiches. All vegan! It seems like most customers are there for the yoga place but it is a great restaurant all on its own. You do have to take your shoes off to go to the bathroom and you may even encounter some sweaty naked people changing clothes. But, the tasty food and friendly service make even that small shock to your sensibilities well worth it."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:27 PM

Milky Way? 

So, just heard on the stupid vegan grapevine that there is some new vegan place in...get this....Clackamas Town Center. If you're in the Portland area, you know that this is kinda funny. Seems like it might be a vegan Vietnamese deli kinda place, with bubble tea and fake turkey sandwiches and the like. This is the online yellow pages info we could find:

Milky Way Tea & Pastry
9895 Se Sunnyside Rd
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 652-7875

Somebody report back to us on this. Pronto.

(pause...time passes)

Ok, so I just called them. A bit of a language barrier, over the phone at least, but they said no animal products and they were gonna fax us a menu tonight. Yay! Adventure food!

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:13 PM

New crap. 

Just got some new stuff in today. Chocolate rice nectar (word on the street is that it tis the shiznit.) Also, not really in yet, but should arrive before we close, the return of Tartex patés from Germany and these crazy frozen gluten steaks. So f'in good.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:54 PM

To balance out that last blog... 

something cute to cheer you up.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:16 PM

Fair game. 

Well, I guess it'd be speciest not too. I mean, if you can blow up rabbits and deer...

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 7:27 AM

Monday, March 07, 2005

Like skateboarding? 

This is a nice way to spend a few minutes. On MSNBC no less...

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:41 PM

Catch and release anybody? 

Yeah, I wonder how this lobster died? Hmmm. 100 years old and ends up in a fish market. Geez. You'd think whoever caught this would maybe have some kind of second thought before bringing it back to the land. But that would reflect too well on humanity I guess.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:18 PM

Easter Crap! 

Hey. Just added a bunch of Easter things to our site. Order please. And stuff you face.

PS. Food Fight! in no way endorses Easter. To us, it's just an excuse to eat more candy.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:55 PM

Ricemellow Creme Fluff is back...finally! 

Well, we finally got the ricemellow fluff again. So come one, come all, and get's some of dat stuff.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:04 PM

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Rocks and jerks. 

Crap. Last night somebody threw a rock through our neighbor, Kalga Cafe's, door, smashed the glass and stole a chunk of money. If you're wanting to go out to eat this week, how 'bout you go to Kalga and help them recover some of that money.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:48 PM

New Bike Advocacy and Community Building Project 

Got this email from Lauren at byCycle. Sounds like a great project to support:

byCycle is a small collective of people working on projects of interest which advocate and facilitate bicycling as way to build a healthier, sustainable, more livable city. We advocate bicycling as a viable lifestyle choice and not just a sport. We are a not-for-profit group

Our main project right now is developing a bicycle route finder for the Portland area. The route finder will be similar to Mapquest, but for bikes. One of the very exciting things about our route finder is that it will be built so anyone can take our code and build a route finder at minimal cost in their own town.

Mapquest and similar programs use expensive industry standard data to perform their tasks. We have decided not to use that data, and instead are selecting and entering routes in by hand. Aside from cost, we feel this will create a carefully designed system which, although not as inclusive as Mapquest, will contain routes that users can be sure of.

To help support the route finder project we are looking for places to sell our sweatshop-free shirts. We currently have one style (see site for details), but will be expanding our design selection soon. If you are interested in selling our shirts or distributing pamphlets for the byCycle project in your business or buying a shirt yourself, please feel free to email me. Check out our site at http://www.bycycle.org.


Lauren Donohue

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:32 PM

Another worthy survey. 

Have a minute? Read up and sign up. Thanks.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:14 PM

They must be stopped! 

Animal Rights Terrorists are a threat to us all. "THEIR GOAL IS TO KILL AND DESTROY ALL COMPANION ANIMALS" Holy crap. Betcha didn't know that. Looking for a fun website to email and mess with? Look no further.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:34 PM

"Life Just Got Easier!" 

Not for those chickens, fuckface. Watch the video on this page and see how good farm raised chickens have it. Then write this company and tell them to kiss the ass.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:10 PM

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Pie any means necessary. 

In your face.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:15 AM

Friday, March 04, 2005

Atkins logo revealed! 

Yes. Found this on our Guestbook thing (Thanks Urso). Look familiar? This version is from "1984". Oooooohhhhh.....

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:17 PM

Vegan Meetup This Saturday @ Veganopolis 

The Vegan Meetup group is having a "Meetup" this Saturday, 3/5 at 4pm at Veganopolis http://veganopolis.com/ 12 SW Fourth Avenue (between Stark & Washington Streets).

"Portland area vegans seeking to socialize with fellow friendly vegans!" So if you think you're the only vegan in a meat-eating world, go the the meetup and see that you're not.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:03 PM

Our Godless Constitution. 

Put this in your pipe and smoke it.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:56 AM

Really? Feelings? Get the fuck outta here. 

Whodda thunk it? Animals might have the feelings? Shut yo mouch.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 11:17 AM

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Yay IDA Oregon. 

Thanks to Valerie for this link. Go team.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:19 PM

Road trip coffee creamer. 

Another cool thing we just got today. Vegan powdered coffee creamer. In tubs, or individual travel-packets. Now off you go.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:11 PM

New Shirts!!! 

Check out our new shirts! Yay! Buy one! That would be good of you.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:06 PM


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