
Friday, March 25, 2005

Fugitive and accused ALF activist Peter Young Arrested 

"For more info: nik@nocompromise.org until a formal support network is established.

We've just received word that on March 21st Peter Young was captured and is currently being held in San Jose, California. For those of you unfamiliar with his case, Peter has been a "fugitive from justice" since 1998 after being indicted on charges of violating the "Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act"--stemming from a series of 1997 mink liberations in Wisconsin.

Peter desperately needs our support at this crucial time. Peter has been isolated from friends, family, and the movement since his disappearance years ago. Now is the time to act!

The circumstances surrounding his recent arrest are unknown, but he faces several serious charges as a captured "fugitive."

Please take 5 minutes RIGHT NOW to sit down and write Peter a letter. He needs to know that there's a world of activists out here waiting to support him. Please refrain from going into too much personal detail in correspondence and refrain from writing anything that the feds might try to use against him. We have yet to communicate with Peter so there are many uncertainties at this time; keep this in mind.

Mail/ Correspondence should be addressed as: PETER YOUNG BOOKING ..05015987, PFN ..DVF828 C/O SANTA CLARA MAIN JAIL COMPLEX 885 NORTH SAN PEDRO STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95110

Make sure his name, Booking.., and PFN.. are on the envelope and all pages of correspondence. Mail restrictions follow at the end of this alert.

We are waiting to distribute information on jail visits and sending books and funds for Peter's commissary until his specific desires are made known to us.

He is currently being housed at: Santa Clara Main Jail Complex 150 W. Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:38 PM


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