Wednesday, August 31, 2005
"I don't have many details other than there are a whole ton of dogs, and the rescuer has to be out now. She has no power or water and has been trucking in water for the dogs. Another helper has been getting food. They are all vaccinated and altered. None are human aggressive. The rest of the detail are not clear other than we are talking a matter of days."
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
DJs Retrograde and Retrovirus
Get in touch. Can't find your email.
Recipe posted using our fake smoked duck.
Vegan (or vegetarian) in Salem? Lookee here.
Crap. Get out of there. This goes out to our peeps in New Orleans and other less risky parts of Louisiana. This could suck. Don't be dumb. Leave.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
"Watch out for these witches and fairies, my friends, for in today’s world of ailing morality, they are everywhere. They protest outside leather shops. They ruin other people’s valuable winter coats by hurling buckets of blood on unsuspecting ladies. And they try to destroy the cattle industry with their left-wing talk shows. If you spot one of these demons, detain it and, when you’re through roasting that side of beef you’re having for dinner, replace that meat on the skewer with the heathen, and help restore a long-missed moral tradition."
Yay Kanye West. Boo Andre 3000. Fuck you 50 Cent.
"Call it a case of raise-'em-up rather than shoot-'em-up. When the hero with a in the video game 'Catechumen' uses a 'sword of the spirit' to vanquish a Roman soldier possessed by demons, a bright light appears and a 'Hallelujah' chorus sounds. The soldier falls to his knees and prays."
More great photos from Magnum.
This may very well be objectionable to many of you. But you may also find it very funny. Your call.
Chris. This lights up all of our lives.
Friday, August 26, 2005
New button from Herbivore. Good.
Another thing for sale.
A modern (read cheap and nothing special) computer desk. Barely used. Not fugly or anything, just kinda...whatever. $50. NO pic yet, but if you want to see it, get in touch.
Still trying to get rid of this darkroom stuff too.
Anybody want to take this camera off our hands? Trying to get rid of some stuff before we move to a new place. Works great, kicks ass.
Share some space?
Hey Portland friends. We have a 600 sq foot space under the stairs that we currently share with Herbivore Magazine. They're gonna be moving into a bigger space, and we're kinda sorta looking for somebody to share it with. We just use it for storage and packing orders really. It'd be good for a wee office space or studio, we can even share our internet connection. $275 would get you half the space and the interweb. You'd still pitch in a bit for electricity, but... yeah. Get in touch.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Between this and Nike ripping of Minor Threat, it's obvious that the designers and marketing heads of major corporations are in my age range and from "alternative music" backgrounds. Haven't you noticed all the indie rock playing in car commercials in the past couple years?
More new chocolates have arrived. So...yeah, you know...
Really, though, these new "Pepitas" things kick the ass.
Maybe they'll have pink fur-covered decks? Oh Snoop....
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
We only have 4 women's Don't Be A Jerk tshirts left. And they're in size large. So, if you've been wanting one in this size, now is the time. This is it forever.
We still have a buttload of unisex, so don't worry if you need unisex.
Guess you kids may have seen this already, but if not...
"And without question, this is a dangerous enemy to our south, controlling a huge pool of oil, that could hurt us very badly. We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. "
That poor innocent hunter.
Thanks to everybody who's submitted reviews for us. Touching. You are our little angels.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Fresh Cheesecake.
Just got a batch of chocolate chip cheesecake in. Don't be stupid, come eat it.
Got 2 new vegan energy bar things in this morning. This one and a "Berry Bery Bar." Good. You try? Maybe?
After a long vacation, vegan caviar is back home where it belongs. And now available in two flavors, "Black Lump Fish" or "Red Salmon." How fucking gross does that sound? Whatever weirdos, come on in and eat it up.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Great singer for a
great band.
Listen to the 8/20 podcast. At least the beginning. Just kidding, listen to it all. But most importantly to hear flattering blabber about Food Fight! Shit yeah.
Holy shit did we laugh. Oh how we LAUGHED! GLORY BE! WE LAUGHED!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
"'Something we always say to people taking part in protests is to make themselves asset free. HLS say we owe them �300,000 and they will not be getting a penny.'"
"In case you have trouble visualizing it, three million gallons of liquid manure is roughly equivalent to the water in six Olympic-size swimming pools."
Friday, August 19, 2005
These photos make me miss our old home town. Damn.
Lookee. Selling some darkroom equipment. You interested? Get in touch.
Crazy. Everybody know about the march downtown tomorrow?
Meet at noon on Saturday August 20 at the elephant statue in the North Park Blocks march to the Benson Hotel where the American Society of Primatologists are holding a conference and then onward to OHSU.
Just added a handful of new items to the online store. Nothing new if you come in to shop, but for you poor folk out in non-Portland, we're throwing you some extra love.
"We only use the actual customers names on the bill," said Patricia Andrews-Keenan, a Comcast spokeswoman.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
"A non-partisan prayer and fasting movement..." Incredible.
(thanks Chris www.neckdeep.net)
This is a big time newspaper. Look at our lovely friend, Nik in the NY Times article about the City Reliquary in Brooklyn. We're gonna be there in October. Can't wait to see Nik and the relics.
It's funny how "shit happens" is an appropriate comment for new articles.
"Fashion" people are turds. But don't tell 'em that. Just be nice, yet firm. About their turdness.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Just checking out the latest VeganFreak podcast. Good stuff. Plus, today they play some Minor Threat, which is always a great thing.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
NY Times correction
I was just informed by Jeremy at Otsu (www.veganmart.com), the guy who showed me that "Safer Beef" article in the first place, that The NY Times is in fact considered a liberal newspaper. I wouldn't have thought that since it's so widely read.
Okay, so I used to be obsessed with Morrissey and The Smiths when I was a teenager. Really obsessed. I'm talking "scratch my name in your arm with a fountain pen" obsessed. (I did scratch his name in my arm. I still have the scar.) Anyways, I started listening to Morrissey again in the past year. His new album rules, and it started me being obsessed with him again. But not as bad as when I was younger (thankfully). The last album I bought of Morrissey's when he went solo was "Bona Drag", and I just listened to it again for the first time since then, and let me tell you, it rules. I forgot. But it all came back to me. You know how amazing it is when you love a band like The Smiths or Morrissey, and after years of not listening, you remember every single lyric like you never stopped?
This is an article written by a non-animal rights, non-lefty newspaper. The facts are out there, obvious if you're willing to look or care. Yet these assholes keep eating meat and making the demand for it.
I saw Lance Mountain skate yesterday! I was a bit starstruck. I love him, even if he is Christian.
Friday, August 12, 2005
If you're looking for something great to do Saturday (8/13), then go to Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary. They're having a sale and fair from 8 AM to 11 AM. Vegan Syd will be there representing. Meet some beautiful animals and buy some stuff for a good cause. Bring the kids!
For a little while there I'd almost forgotten about At the Drive-In. Not really, but just hadn't listened in a long time. Damn good times associated with that band, their shows, and times spent with loved ones. Anybody out there remember the Blue Flamingo in Austin?
Sweetpea dropped off a small pile of insanely good cupcakes. Going fast. Raspberry icing on lemon cake? Almost makes me believe in a higher power.....almost.
Uggh. It is over. I have one. My knuckles not bloody, but covered in toner....
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Our friends Tom and Tracy. Notice the beautiful Tshirt.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
More testing. More sketchy results. Is anybody gonna sue? Lots of people have been eating animal because of a lying company. Seems that way at least. Damn it.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Cowardly terrorists, not distinguishing between military and civilian targets... wait... nevermind.
Give us more reviews. You owe us that much. Damnit.
Don't miss this one! Join In Defense of Animals to take over the streets of downtown Portland for a spirited, landmark rally & march against fraudulent research at OHSU's Oregon Primate Research Center and in support of reliable, non-animal research. Help us expose the vivisection industry¹s fear of publicly debating fraudulent research!
WHEN: Saturday, August 20, Rally begins at 12 Noon
WHERE: Begin- N. Park Blocks; between W Burnside, NW Couch, NW 8th & NW Park (at the statue of elephants)
Oregon Health & Science University and the Oregon Primate Center are sponsoring the American Society of Primatologists (ASP) Conference in Portland, Aug 17-21. Both the ASP and OHSU are refusing to defend their research in a scientific debate. IDA will not let them hide from the truth; animal research is fraudulent, cruel, and must end!
This police-escorted, 1.8 mile march will stop at the Benson Hotel where the ASP is meeting and end at OHSU (bus shuttle will carry marchers up Sam Jackson Rd. from Duniway Park and return to N. Park Blocks after demo).
Please attend this inspiring event & bring a friend!
For more information contact Connie at 503-249-9996 x3 or connie@idausa.or
"If convicted, Durand and Ippolito can face up to seven years in prison."
For filming...
Food Fight likes this book and it's authors. So shut up and buy it already.
Damn. This stuff makes me wet myself. It will probably make you write us with anger. But maybe not. These are the risks you have to take.... in business.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Donate your crap and help good stuff happen.
Hang in there guys.
Ruth and husband. Hang tough. Things will work out. You're in our thoughts.
Vegans have good attitudes.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
"According to the FBI and Bourne, ELF, ALF and Stop Huntingdon Life Sciences, which targets research labs, are akin to al-Qaida in their use of violence to push their political agendas, and in their ability to slip through law enforcement cracks."
We should be getting this book in Monday or Tuesday. You should get it. High hopes for it, plus, we designed the cover, so.... yeah.
"The human milk business will have global implications because once the US demand flares up, it will have to depend on overseas sources for supply. "
Pass this around to your conservative friends. You know you have one or two in your closet. George Will? Wow.
'Whenever anything comes up that might cause them some embarrassment, they try to hide it,' he said."
Friday, August 05, 2005
We're tabling it for the first time. Come by and say hi and buy lots of cool DIY stuff.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Yep. Whether you've ever even been here or not. Screw it. Make something up.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Can't wait to give this message to our neighbor. He's gonna shit his hat!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
"Of course, for alternative, anti-mainstream dudes like yourselves, you might need something a little bit more punkin'. And trust me, we have got just the thing: Oberto meat snacks. Players, let me assure you, these processed-and-cured jerky competitors are stiz-upendous. Take it from me, a guy who understands the elaborate clothing styles, secret handshakes, and hep vernacular that define your wiggedy-wiggedy wack-daddy scene."
Hell yeah. Now drop the rest of the charges too. But 2 years is a lot better than 80. Congrats
Peter, even though you can't read this. We're with you.
"It was the greatest moment of my career, maybe my life, when I pulled these dogs out and knew I'd saved them from a life of hell and misery," Wagman said.
Man, oh man. Sorry Jordan. This is the 5th time his car is getting keyed for this sticker. Last time they keyed off his Food Fight sticker too. All stickers are free for you from now on.
More new crap you gotta try. You'll thank us later.
These guys do great work, go help them raise some money.
Also got Chocolate Peppermint Cream patties. Geez, we're starting to run out of room in the chocoalte and candy sections.
Holy crap. Man, I've seen this guy before, but he really continues to blow me away with his asshole-itude.
Hooray! Take that Atkins!
Just got a couple boxes of Skittles in. Only like 50 bags, so....
Haven't busted into one yet, but we just got a couple boxes of "Pecan Joy" chocoaltes in. Supposed to be like Almond Joy, but without the gross shit. Come try one while they're around.
Just got these DVDs in. They look really great. If they're half as cool as the
web site then we'll all be in for a treat.
Hey Boulder, CO. You're about to get your own vegan market. Spreading like a virus. Nice folks too. Good luck Lynn.
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