
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Protecting Primates Rally & March 

Don't miss this one! Join In Defense of Animals to take over the streets of downtown Portland for a spirited, landmark rally & march against fraudulent research at OHSU's Oregon Primate Research Center and in support of reliable, non-animal research. Help us expose the vivisection industry¹s fear of publicly debating fraudulent research!

WHEN: Saturday, August 20, Rally begins at 12 Noon
WHERE: Begin- N. Park Blocks; between W Burnside, NW Couch, NW 8th & NW Park (at the statue of elephants)

Oregon Health & Science University and the Oregon Primate Center are sponsoring the American Society of Primatologists (ASP) Conference in Portland, Aug 17-21. Both the ASP and OHSU are refusing to defend their research in a scientific debate. IDA will not let them hide from the truth; animal research is fraudulent, cruel, and must end!

This police-escorted, 1.8 mile march will stop at the Benson Hotel where the ASP is meeting and end at OHSU (bus shuttle will carry marchers up Sam Jackson Rd. from Duniway Park and return to N. Park Blocks after demo).

Please attend this inspiring event & bring a friend!

For more information contact Connie at 503-249-9996 x3 or connie@idausa.or

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:00 PM


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