Saturday, December 31, 2005
Today's Thanks.
So, today, we'd like to give the big thank-you / high-5 to our friends at
MooShoes and
Peace On A String for their donations to
Let Live. We hope all you out there are keeping tabs on who is helping out, so you can throw some support their way in the future.
Who knows, maybe there is something to this whole
"community" idea....
"'He went from joy, really happy joyful, then to discover this just angry and hurt,' says Cambra. 'I'm devastated.'"
Friday, December 30, 2005
Where do you even begin to comment on this one? If I believed in karma, this might be it...
Just received a a cooking DVD from Colleen at Compassionate Cooks for the Let Live! raffle. Thanks!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Yeehaw. Just got confirmation the Bigfoot will be donating art for Let Live. That kicks some ass, as he has made a name for himself in the art world as of late.
Also, we'd like to thank
Alternative Outfitters,
Galaxy Gauge, and
Tree Huggin' Treats for their raffle donations. You guys rule.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
So, this
Let Live thing is getting a bit exciting. Work is coming in. Tons of raffle stuff.
Flyers getting made up. Silk screened posters in the works. And we hear talk of people coming in from around the country for the show. Which puts the pressure on, but it's a good pressure. Yay.
Lars from Green House Framing just came by to bring a gift certificate for the Let Live! raffle. They just moved the business here to Portland, so show them some support and check out their awesome frames! You're going to need to get the art you buy at the auction framed, so...
"As many of you know a Federal Grand Jury has convened in Eugene, OR. to allegedly investigate eco-sabotage throughout the Northwest.
Grand Juries are secret government investigative bodies that strip witnesses of their basic constitutional rights. Once you have been subpoenaed to a grand jury you lose the right to remian silent, the right to hear evidence presented against you, and even the right to an attorney in the grand jury room. A grand jury can jail you without convicting you of a crime or giving you a proper trial!
The Eugene Grand Jury already seems suspicious. Those subpoenaed have already had their friends, family, and room mates harassed and intimidated by the FBI. It is up to all of us to make sure the government can not quietly trample the rights of others in our community!
So please consider making a donation, payable to Northwest Grand Jury Defense Network, and sent it to:
Northwest Grand Jury Defense Network
1037 NE 65th Street ..108
Seattle, WA 98115
A website, www.grandjurydefense.org , will be up shortly giving further details on this grand jury."
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Certain people deserve the kick in the ass.
"The woman told police she suspected whoever left the goat's head did so because of her eating habits, Nagy said. She is a vegan, a vegetarian who avoids all animal products."
Thank you Leigh and Ken from Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe for sending a gift certificate for the Let Live raffle!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
It's great getting to say thanks to so many people for donating stuff for Let Live. Like Sublime Stitching for example, thanks for the raffle donation.
Thanks to Sticky Fingers Bakery in D.C. for sending a gift certificate to raffle off at the Let Live Benefit.
Friday, December 23, 2005
And, hell yeah. Aubrey is donating something too. Let Live is shaping up to be super kick ass. Now if only we can get some people with money to show up and buy stuff....
Thanks to J.T. Yost for donating to the Let Live auction. Wahoo!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Holy crap. Just got a box from Sage Francis and Epitaph records with 30 CDs for the Let Live benefit. That f'in rules. Thanks guys.
Take a listen to this segment on yesterday's Democracy Now.
People Magazine wants to know if you'd wear fur. Cast your vote.
Annoying but clever. I wish our side would have had this good of an idea....
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Something to do. More letters to write. Get on it. Be the best pain in the ass you can be.
Closing early, so we can make it to the movie benefit tonight at the Hollywood Theatre. If you didn't know about it, you should fucking go. Please? We're showing History of the World Part 1 at 7pm. $3 at Hollywood Theatre, NE 41st and Sandy. All proceeds will go to the Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary in Salem, OR.
Thanks for Ralph from JumpStart Screenprinting for donating to the Let Live auction.
Damn. Holy crap. Sweetpea just revised their cheesecake formula into the most kick ass thing this side of the... ummm... the Great Cheesecake Divide. Firmer and more powerful. You can not defeat it. 3 flavors arrived today.
Hell yeah. It looks like we'll be getting something from Chris Duncan for the
Let Live auction. Can't wait. That guy rules. Maybe you'll remember his Herbivore cover back in the day.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
YOU BETTA DON'T forget to come to benefit movie night Wed night at 7pm at Hollywood Theatre. C'mon, fucking MEL BROOKS! TREASURE BATH!!!
"'To be sure, Darwin's theory of evolution is imperfect. However, the fact that a scientific theory cannot yet render an explanation on every point should not be used as a pretext to thrust an untestable alternative hypothesis grounded in religion into the science classroom or to misrepresent well-established scientific propositions,'"
Big shocking news, of course, but you gotta always keep this in mind.
Monday, December 19, 2005
A good article on the Mother Jones site about Kevin Kjonaas of the SHAC7. I think the SPLC guy is a bit off, but.... Good to see some press giving this some attention.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
It's crappy out, but I'm pretty sure we'll be open. Monday, unless it's nuts out, we'll be here toiling away for you,
our little angels.
Hey you over there.
Go check out and support your new vegan store.
Now! Go!
"However, last summer the ice cap receded about 200 miles further north than the average of two decades ago, forcing the bears to undertake far longer voyages between floes."
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Here's your chance people. Free vegan sweets, come on...you can't turn that down:
Sweet Vegan Sundays
311 N Ivy St. Basement
This week's menu: "Kraft" caramels, strawberry fudge, pralines, candied orange peel!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Damn. I fogot how awesome Tartex is, eating up some "Herb Meadow" flavor, with some motherscratchin' Wheatettes. Damn.
Ok, "spying" and "eavesdropping" sound lame, but... c'mon, at least he
finally agreed that maybe
torture isn't super cool anymore.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
"Crozier joined Coronado in spreading false scents and pulling up a sensor and trap during a hunt for problem lions in the then-closed canyon.
After the verdict, Assistant U.S. Attorney Wallace Klein- dienst said Coronado is 'a danger to the community.'"
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
You know the drill, just f'in fill it out.
New button. Come and get it.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
This week, Sunday Dec 11 Liberty Hall Basement 311 N Ivy in PDX 11am-6pm
on the menu:
Dipped maple pecan, lime and coconut chocolates, deluxe caramel apples,
"Honey" Banana icecream bonbons
"Humiliation for Bush as last-minute twist means an isolated US is forced to sign up for future talks on global warming"
"'He thought he was going to die there,' Tammy Upton said. 'He had made his peace with
God and everything.'"
Yay! Fucking Alan is on the Apple website. He makes our buttons. He's the fully bearded one. He makes pierogie lasagna. Yay Alan.
This fucking sucks. A great guy. In addition to being one of the funniest people to ever live, he had integrity. Which is hard to find sometimes. He'll be missed. And in case you didn't know, he was a vocal supporter of animal rights. He and his wife even donated a dvd box set and tshirt for the upcoming Let Live SHAC7 benefit. He's dead, yet Larry the Cable Guy lives on....
Friday, December 09, 2005
Thanks Jon for sending your artwork for
Let Live.
We still need things to auction off, so everybody get off your asses and make/donate something.
Just got a dozen fresh cinnamon rolls from GearGrinders bakery. They'll be going fast.
We're getting 2 dozen donuts delivered Saturday morning. From RiseUp Donuts, the new kick ass donut kids here in town. Raised, yeasty, organic, and fucking rad.
So, finally updated this section of the site. Please email us with stuff to add and keep it useful.
Hey everybody.
What are you doing on Wed, the 21st at 7pm? You're coming to the movies with us, that's what. We (and our pals) are gonna be screening Mel Brook's "History of the World, Part 1" at the
Hollywood Theatre. $3 donation (or more if you're not lame) will get you in and all your money will go to Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary in Salem. Download a wee flier
Thursday, December 08, 2005
3 Hurricane Katrina Cats Need a Home
Hey everybody. Anybody want to help out 3 elderly cats (a family that's been through a lot) that were rescued by local In Defense of Animal volunteers?
"While doing pet rescue in New Orleans, Leslie and I were dispatched to a home that had five adult cats whose guardian had relocated and she could no longer keep them. She was desperately worried about her babies. One cat had already died since the storm and when we arrived, Batman, was also dead. The other three, Petie the 13 year-old momma cat and her two 12 year-old offspring, Lil’ Shit and Gumbo, were alive, scared and hiding. It’s hard to imagine what trauma these cats have been through as Katrina survivors, and now their once-stable life was about to get upturned again."
If you can help, contact Portland IDA at: 503-249-9996 x3 or email: connie@idausa.org.
They can forward you more backstory and pics. Damn cute cats, damn cute.
I wish we more stuff like this in town. To brighten ones day...
from IDA:
"Schumacher Furs has a new ad on TV and it is airing on all 3 network stations in the Portland area. Please call these stations and let them know you find these ads offensive and that they are actually promoting animal cruelty by airing them.
Channel 2 KATU: 503-231-4200
2153 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232
Channel 6 KOIN: 503-464-0600 and ask to speak with the Manager
222 SW Columbia Street, Portland, OR 97201-5899
Channel 8 KGW: 503-226-5000 and ask for Programming
1501 SW Jefferson, Portland, OR 97201-2549
These stations have complaint categories regarding raciness versus ethical/animal issues and they are tracking these so please call! They DO care what the public thinks!
Talking Points:
1) Over 40 million animals are killed for fur each year.
2) Many of them are caught in painful traps and suffer for days before they are killed
3) There are no laws to govern how animals on fur farms are treated or killed
4) Millions of animals are raised in tiny, unsanitary cages with
no veterinary care
5) These animals are killed inhumanely by bludgeoning,
strangulation, gassing or anal/genital electrocution.
Thank you for caring enough to ACT! In Defense of Animals!!!
"EIGHT TO TEN YEARS for a fire set at an empty McDonald's, which caused $5,000 in damage."
God damn it. Frank is a customer of ours and he and Nonny can use all the help and suport they can get. This shit is getting scary. Note the PayPal address in the article concerning donations for expenses related to the Grand Jury.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
This fucking rules. David Cross comes off way better as a comedian in writing than in stand-up.
(stole this from chris www.neckdeep.net)
Saturday, December 03, 2005
You gotta go. This is the place to get all your X-mas gifts at once. What's better than handmade, local goods for your loved ones? This year, they're having it on 2 different Sundays, so if you can't go tomorrow, then go next Sunday. Yes.
Team New Zealand had a good idea. Hmmm.....
Sweet Vegan Sundays at Liberty Hall Basement
Dec 3
311 N Ivy 11am-6pm
Candy, Candy, and more Candy - Siue got a dehumidifier!
Indian Candy, vanilla fudge, eggnog fudge etc.
All vegan of course.
An old friend is moving to town. Fuck yeah Chris. We at Food Fight are completely thrilled. Another old guy to hit
the parks with.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Jordan and Justin want to meet some vegan girls. And they won't shut up about it. Somebody out there, please go out with one or both of them and shut them up.
UPDATE: (Sorry, we think they took down their myspace page. But you can find them around town. Jordan works at American Apparel in NW, but Justin is some wandering artist type, so who knows where he is on a daily basis.)
"In addition it's important to remember, animal free doesn't mean taste free. Keller recommends giving your body a break by eating
semi-vegan a few days a week."
Finally, an answer to this bland existence.
Sometimes things work out.
It's good to see our leaders fighting "misinformation." Go Team!
I don't care what people say, there
are some truly dumb fucking questions.
"The pressure is upon politicians to give the same rights to animals as we humans share. Next, it will be animal welfare payments, education, Medicare benefits and retirement benefits."
Another petition. Just sign it. Won't take but a moment luv.
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