
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Grand Jury Defense Fund 

"As many of you know a Federal Grand Jury has convened in Eugene, OR. to allegedly investigate eco-sabotage throughout the Northwest.

Grand Juries are secret government investigative bodies that strip witnesses of their basic constitutional rights. Once you have been subpoenaed to a grand jury you lose the right to remian silent, the right to hear evidence presented against you, and even the right to an attorney in the grand jury room. A grand jury can jail you without convicting you of a crime or giving you a proper trial!

The Eugene Grand Jury already seems suspicious. Those subpoenaed have already had their friends, family, and room mates harassed and intimidated by the FBI. It is up to all of us to make sure the government can not quietly trample the rights of others in our community!

So please consider making a donation, payable to Northwest Grand Jury Defense Network, and sent it to:

Northwest Grand Jury Defense Network
1037 NE 65th Street ..108
Seattle, WA 98115

A website, www.grandjurydefense.org , will be up shortly giving further details on this grand jury."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:22 PM


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