Tuesday, February 28, 2006
We stole this from one of our myspace friend's postings.
It's very American, not to mention also, very "godly", to make a buck off your reality show fits.
Dave's bread on sale now. All versions $3.50. Come and try this shit out. It'll knock your socks off, both feet.
Jury deliberation just started in the SHAC7 trial. Just letting you know. Keep those fingers and paws crossed.
Just got the new issue of Bite Back in stock. Come grab one. Worth it for the Martin Balluch interview alone.
Monday, February 27, 2006
This is the kind of day I just wanna close the store and go home. But there's always that possibility someone will come in and spend a million dollars...
We totally forgot to help promote this. Stupid Food Fight.
Here's what a customer had to say:
"Thought you'd want to know about the vegan suppers that Tabla on NE 28th has started doing. The first one was tonight (Feb 26) and they are planning another for March 12. The food was great, five courses, all served family style, and while there were 40+ people there, only a handful were vegan. It would be great to have more vegans represent!"
More info: $35 per person, swanky, bunch o' courses. Coming up next on March 5th and 12th at 7pm. For reservations, call 238-3777.
Portland can be really cool sometimes. Make sure and check out the video link from the SF PillowFight.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Anyone in Montreal, Canada?
Calling any vegans in Montreal...our friend, Karen, will be visiting your lovely city at the end of March for a week, and were wondering if anyone would want to show her around the town (or if you know anyone in Montreal who would), especially some vegan restaurants. If so, drop us an email, and we'll get you in touch with her. She's one of our favorite peoples!
Quickly coming to an end. Check the link for more info. Looks like next week will either be very sad or very happy. Let's keep our fingers crossed for the latter. We're warning you, if they get convicted, you will all be expected (and we will bully you) into writing lots of support letters to these folks and to keep their commisary accounts filled.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Go to our friend's show!
Our friend, Jason's band is playing. Please come!
Loch Berlin, Under Mountains, Old Growth, and Mustaphamond.
Redwing Coffee and Baking
1700 SE 6th Ave Portland
Never mind.
Within half an hour of posting that Found Dog notice on Craig's List, the owner called. Holy hell, that shit works great. Big Ups Craig's List!

Anybody want a sweet dog? Super damn cute and mellow. We just found her this morning, and will put up posters, but.... if you'd like to be her new buddy, get in touch.
"In a handwritten note posted on their website, they called the institution 'urine in wine'."
Friday, February 24, 2006
Uggh. When it rains it pours. I'm sure Bush's new court appointees will straighten this right out when it comes before them.
Just got this email from our compadre, Nicole:
near 7th and morgan in northeast. you get: your own private entrance, a fenced yard, kitchenette, bathroom, closet and bed nook in a basement apartment with windows.... what else. well, there's a travel trailer outside, a small vegetable garden, landscaping, chickens with coop, near the busline.
i will be living upstairs from you with beija and i believe 2 weiner dogs who you can choose to hang out with or not. we share bills and only share time together if we want to, but for all intensive purposes are just neighbors.
i would like you very much to be of the vegetarian persuasion, at least as far as cooking in house goes. just so i don't have wafts of roast beef coming up through the airvents? besides that i don't care. a great candidate would also have an interest in keeping up the yard with me.
rent, i believe is $375-400.00, plus bills.
it is a steal. a very fucking cute house. ask anyone or go to www.nicolejgeorges.com/personalphotos to see the upstairs.
if you are interested, email me back."
this is her email: kniqole@hotmail.com
Here, watch a couple of these videos, and it'll make you smile. Don't worry, they're rated G.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Earthbound food cart has moved from downtown to right near us in SE. 45th and Hawthorne, kinda across the street from Daily Grind. And it's all vegan now too, so...
Ann Arbor?
Anybody out there in Ann Arbor? We have 2 of our best friends that just moved there and they don't know jack squat about the town or anybody cool to hang out with. If you can lend a friendly hand or word of advice, let us know and we'll put you in touch.
From our forums. Awww, to dream...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Today is Emiko's birthday. You should
send her an email birthday wish, but don't tell her Chad said to, she'll get mad at me.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
"Dear Friends,
I am writing you as a both a friend and a defendant in the USA vs. Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty trial. My co-defendants and I need your help, we need you to attend court on wednesday - friday of this week and show support for our innocence.
We face varying degrees of sentences if convicted, some as low as 3 years others as high 23 years and we may be remanded into custody as soon as friday afternoon if we lose.
In May of 2004 myself and 6 other people were arrested at our homes and indicted by the federal government on charges that the media and prosecutors call "domestic terrorism". These charges stem from the publishing of a website ( http://www.SHACamerica.net), a website designed to educate people of the criminal animal cruelty perpetrated by Huntingdon Life Sciences see ( http://www.InsideHLS.com), and to publish reports of anti-Huntingdon protest activities occurring across the country.
Myself and my co-defendants began trial on our charges a few weeks ago on February 6th. Since then we have seen the US Attourny's office present a case filled with inuendo, irrelevent material, and a witness list aimed at preying upon the emotions of the jury. What we have not seen however is ANY evidence of wrongdoing of any kind. The governments case challenges the basic ideas of free speech with particular focus on those who advocate for the rights of animals. The governments case is expected to rest this Tuesday, and it is at that point that we will be putting on our defense. We have been restrianed from showing footage of the documented crimes commited by HLS, we have been prohibited from allowing expert testimony on how vivisection is both morally and scientifically fraudulent, and we have been prohibited form mentioning the recent charges brought against HLS by the NJSPCA (see http://www.animaldefense.info/news/010506.html) We must show that we have support from the community!, we must show that we are not only innocent but we are right!, YOU CAN HELP US DO THAT! For the animals inside HLS, and for the the freedom of myself and my co-defendants please tell everyone you know to PUT ON YOUR BEST CLOTHES AND BIGGEST SMILES AND ATTEND COURT WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK.
Your Friend,
Andy Stepanian"
Big Ups Mr. Singer
"“When non-vegetarians say that ‘human problems come first’ I cannot help wondering what exactly it is that they are doing for human beings that compels them to continue to support the wasteful, ruthless exploitation of farm animals.”
- Peter Singer, Animal Liberation, 1990."
Just came across this quote. Damn straight.
Tonight on HBO, DEALING DOGS is premiering at 10PM. It's amazing that they actually made a whole documentary about this issue. Gives us hope.
"Each year, 42,000 dogs are sold to veterinary schools and research labs by Class B dealers, who are required by federal law to buy the animals from pounds, shelters and small breeders and to treat them humanely. However, many Class B dealers violate the law. DEALING DOGS exposes the abuses that took place at one of America's most notorious Class B dealers - Martin Creek Kennel in Arkansas."
Twas a positive day.

The Good Clean Fun show here at the store yesterday was a damn good time. Thanks to Issa and friends for hanging out and getting everybody fired up. And thanks for everybody coming out and playing nice. xoxo The Management
PS. Anybody have any photos or videos of the show, please hook us up.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Positive youth, not just for kids anymore.
One last time, Good Clean Fun, here at the store, 1pm. FREE.
But, if you can't come (and even if you can get here) go see them again tonight at Food Hole downtown. They're playing for free here, but need to get some $$ for gas and weed and stuff.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
So, the SHAC7 site has finally been updated with news from court. Check it out. And, really, if you can take a few minutes to write a note or card and drop it by our store, we'll be shipping over a care package in the next week. Come on Portland...
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Craig Rosebraugh (ex-Calendula) has been subpoenaed for a Grand Jury in Eugene. Geez. Again? Hang in there Craig, we're with you.
Food Fight would officially like to suggest you go to Wednesday night's Grand Jury Roadshow at Liberty Hall. We went to the one tonight at Laughing Horse books, and... yeah, you should go.
Here at the shop. Monday. 1pm. Good Clean Fun shall rock out on our porch. There is also rumored to be Rise Up Donuts and those vegan empanada guys selling there wares. God bless. Looks like it'll be ok weather, a bit cold, but... whatever, it's not rain. So, bundle up and come on over. What a wonderful way to celebrate President's Day or whatever the fuck holiday it will be.
Friday, February 17, 2006
"He said he hoped the accident would not reflect badly on the sport of hunting, something that had brought together the elite group of guests..."
Hi everybody. We're going to be sending out a care package to the SHAC 7 next week. Looks like they haven't been having a good run of things lately during their trial, so we feel like we should send them some kind of morale booster. So, this weekend, if anyone wants to bring anything to throw into the care package (kind words, pictures, vegan snacks, fun stuff) please bring them by. We know they sure would appreciate it, and anything like that will help right about now.
Hey you. Lend a smallish hand to the VeganFreak podcast. $4 a month subscription will help them get the proper equipment to run the show in a less time consuming manner. C'mon, do it.
'It's not because its citizens are evil and God has sent them a plague,' said Kevin McGowan, a crow expert at the Cornell Ornithology Lab in Ithaca, N.Y."
We beg to differ.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
"The Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary will be featured on Channel 8, KGW TV at 6 pm TONIGHT - FEBRUARY 15. For those that have cable tv, we have been told the feature is already running on Northwest Cable News (NWCN) Channel 49."
The Daily Show coverage of "The Dick" and his "bird shot." So great. Thanks to
Chris for this.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I guess this could happen with a lot of things a dog eats, but it is interesting that the Greenies package says they are 100% digestible.
The KFC sponsorship is the only reason she's found to boycott the Kentucky Derby?
"She says the sponsorship makes her want to avoid Kentucky all together. She attended the Derby in 2001 and 2003."
Oh, poor PETA celebs...
Monday, February 13, 2006
Here's a little something for you. Pretty brutal at the start, but then it gets good.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
"And you, light up my life, you give me hope... to carry on..."
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Bruno, aka Ali G, talks with some skinheads. Pretty damned great.
Grand Jury Roadshow
Download a flyer for the Grand Jury Roadshow
here. And then post it somewhere. And then make plans to go check it out.
"Come to an educational forum on Grand Juries, criminal prosecution, and
the use of confidential informants presented by Attorney Lauren Regan of
the Civil Liberties Defense Center. Learn the facts about the legal
system and what rights citizens have in the face of a growing police state
that is based on political whim more than a desire for safe communities or
justice. Come hear how grand juries and snitches deny your rights,
disrupt political movements, and destroy communities. How will current
events impact your community?
Saturday, Feb. 18th, 7PM
Laughing Horse Books, 3652 SE Division St.
Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, 7PM
Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy"
Friday, February 10, 2006
Awesome. A live Grizzly bear on display for
jerk-off hunters to "better understand."
Here's what IDA has to say. We agree and recommend you make some phone calls, or
whatever you feel is appropriate.
"Beginning Wednesday and continuing through the weekend, the Portland Expo Center is hosting the Pacific Northwest Sportsmen's Show, a trade show designed to "thrill" bloodsport enthusiasts. The promoter, Bill O¿Loughlin of O'Loughlin Trade Shows (www.oloughlintradeshows.com) boasts he's always had a live wild animal exhibit at the 31 hunting and fishing shows he has put on, and the dramatic draw in 2006 is a live, 650 pound grizzly bear named Brutus.
This particular bear was born in captivity, but all captive wild bears sadly originate from an orphaned baby bear whose mother was killed by a hunter. When not on the road for display or being used in commercials and movies, Brutus lives at Grizzly Encounter, a tourist attraction at the North end of Yellowstone Park Near Bozeman, operated by Bob Steele and Casey Anderson.
Also on display are Bob Steele's three black bears, boars Jacki and Andy and Cindi, a sow. The male black bears will be paraded around for paid photo ops with the public. Steele's two boars were born in captivity to Canadian black bears orphaned as cubs themselves. Cindy was an orphaned cub obtained from New Hampshire.
Please make calls to speak out against these wild bear exhibits!Bill O'Loughlin, O'Loughlin Trade Shows
P.O. Box 80750
Portland, OR 97280
Phone: 503.246.8291
Fax: 503.246.1066
Chris Bailey, Manager of the Portland Expo Center
2060 North Marine Drive
Portland, OR 97217
Phone: 503-736-5200
Fax: 503.736.5201
Email: info@expocenter.org
Let them know:Orphaned bears should be rehabilitated, not made captive and used for entertainment.
The public can be better educated without live animals using life-sized animal models, photos, and video footage of the animals in their habitat.
What a live wild animal display really teaches the public, especially children, is that it is acceptable to keep wild animals in small cages for amusement.
Glamorizing bear hunting will only lead to more orphaned bears.
Consider these facts from an advocacy group, Bear Alliance:
All bear cubs orphaned in the spring will die.
Remember more than 4 cubs are orphaned every day of the spring hunt. All will die.
Every day, 8 bears are wounded and escape. Virtually all will die a prolonged and painful death.
In a hunted population wild female bears live to an average age of about 5 years and a male bear about 3 years. A black bear can live from 30 - 40 years in the wild. Dr. Rogers has stated that he found that 90% of mortality of bears over 1.5 years of age was from human causes - the vast majority from hunting."
Geez. It's really good that this stuff seems to be coming to light more now, maybe some
"animal lovers" will get pissed and make some noise.
You can also read a bit over at the
VeganFreaks blog.
A note from Lisa at Sweetpea:
"Valentine's Day is lame and commercial, yes. But do you want to use it as an excuse to eat cake? Of course! And do I need an excuse to try out some new cakes on you? Yes!
So how about a heart shaped cake for two, for only $12.
You can choose from a decadent Black Forest Cake (chocolate and cherry) with Dark Chocolate Ganache
an amazing Strawberry Cake with Fresh Strawberries and Vanilla Buttercream.
If you send me an email or a reply to this message I will make one just for you, otherwise you can grab one last minute from Food Fight on Monday or Tuesday.
(If you live outside of Portland, I can't ship them, sorry! But soon, soon, I promise!)
(503) 449-6228"
Going fast.
Chocolates going fast for Valentine's day. Just thought you should know that. You betta don't forget, or no nookie for you.
"Embattled animal testing lab Life Sciences Research Inc, target of an intensive protest campaign by animal rights activists, was forced to start trading shares on the Pink Sheets this week, five months after it expected to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange."
Life Sciences Research is the new name of HLS. Just so you know.
"Wyman told the Craig Daily Press that the animal, Clyde, would probably be killed. Wyman told the newspaper that Clyde had never attacked another worker in the nine years he has owned it. Wyman also told reporters that the massive elk is normally so gentle that kids have gone to the ranch to feed it apples."
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Two Portland dates. It's sad that this kind of thing is needed. We'll be there.
Eating some drumsticks right now. Baked, and dipped in BBQ sauce. Fuckin' A.
PS. Going over to Bay Leaf again, at 8. See ya there?
PPS. Calling in sick tomorrow morning, going skating with Dave. We'll open up around 1 or 2.
So, this guy Tim is in a bit of a pickle. He wants to move to Portland, from Florida. His wife, the charming Kristen, is already here. What's the big deal? Well, Mr. Tim needs a written job offer for full-time employment so he can apply to his probabtion officer to move here. You can read the link above to see why he has a probation officer. A tough situation. Well, if there is anything you can do to help out, you can write Tim at logoliberation@hotmail.com, he seems like a good guy, who's done a lot of good work. He can give you a resume, and other details. Portland needs more good people, so do what you can.
Also, his wife Kristen is looking for work too, she's worked a lot in vet hospitals, so, if you have any tips for her, send 'em to us, and we'll pass the info along. Thanks everybody.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I don't know. But it's cool. Thanks to Isa from theppk.com for this.
"The event was not without political overtones. The Reverend Joseph Lowery, former president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, in praising King's wisdom, said she had known ``there were no weapons of mass destruction over there,'' referring to Iraq. Bush sat expressionless behind Lowery as the crowd of 10,000 erupted into a standing ovation. He spoke of ``misdirection over here,'' citing poverty, hunger and a lack of health care for black Americans."
Thanks to
Jenna and Bob for this. Cool idea.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Bay Leaf, never mind.
Shit, it didn't open today. "Maybe tomorrow." They said. Son of a bastard...
Bay Leaf
So, today is the first day open for Bay Leaf, the new chinese vegetarian place up the street from us. 49th and Division I think. Waiting for a lunch-time report. Can't get away for food till after 8. mmmmmm....
So, the SHAC7 trial starts today. It's funny how all these press articles focus on what a couple of people did a few years ago in Britain, as evidence of what the SHAC defendents might intend to encourage. Of course, there is no mention of anything in particular of what the defendents themselves are accused of doing. And, I'm still blown away by how our society tends to think of property-destruction and violence as the same thing. Not the same in my book. A broken window, or a broken jaw... any difference?
Uggg, a bad start to a long day.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
I wish all videos were just like this. And, Sinking Ships rules too. Good rock, plus...
Saturday, February 04, 2006
"The lawsuit asks the court to take away egg producers' 5.25% sales tax break on the purchase of cages because they violate the California penal code law against keeping an animal in a confined space without offering an adequate exercise space."
Interesting way to attack this issue. Once again, our pal Peter deserves a pat on the back for his work on this.
If somebody we know is reading and in the neighborhood, would you mind doing a bank deposit for us before 2pm. And we need quarters too. There will be a donut in it for you.
I guess this isn't a big surprise, but... still sad. For those Poison Idea fans out there, tip your 40oz of Blue Sky cola out for Pig.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
"The newly formed Bruin Alumni Association is offering students $100 per class to supply tapes and notes exposing university professors who allegedly express extreme left-wing political views."
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