
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Help a brother out. 

So, this guy Tim is in a bit of a pickle. He wants to move to Portland, from Florida. His wife, the charming Kristen, is already here. What's the big deal? Well, Mr. Tim needs a written job offer for full-time employment so he can apply to his probabtion officer to move here. You can read the link above to see why he has a probation officer. A tough situation. Well, if there is anything you can do to help out, you can write Tim at logoliberation@hotmail.com, he seems like a good guy, who's done a lot of good work. He can give you a resume, and other details. Portland needs more good people, so do what you can.

Also, his wife Kristen is looking for work too, she's worked a lot in vet hospitals, so, if you have any tips for her, send 'em to us, and we'll pass the info along. Thanks everybody.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 4:31 PM


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