
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

SHAC Contact Info - Kevin and Josh 

From New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance (NJ-ARA) for all those interested:

"As you have read in our previous alerts, Kevin Kjonaas and Josh Harper, 2 of the SHAC defendants, are still in jail.

Janine Motta from our office, visited with Josh this morning. She reports that he is in good spirits and things are going as well as can be expected (they are still waiting for vegan food to come in). They are confined to their cell 22 hours each day with nothing to do and nothing to read except letters from the outside. There are no books, no email, no newspapers, etc. Getting visitors (they're allowed 1 per day for only 15 minutes) and receiving mail are the highlights of their day.

Even if you don't know Josh or Kevin, please take a few moments to drop them a line. What would you say to them? It's okay to start with "You don't know me but..." Talk about your animals, tell them how you got started in animal rights, let them know you appreciate all their efforts for the animals, talk about a campaign or project you are working on, tell them a silly joke, anything! They could really use the support and you'd be surprised how much a simple letter or card means.

Kevin Kjonaas
Monmouth County Correctional Institution
1 Waterworks Road
Freehold, NJ 07728

Joshua Harper
Monmouth County Correctional Institution
1 Waterworks Road
Freehold, NJ 07728

They can receive letters (no stamps, envelopes, etc.), photos (no polaroids), and books only from the publisher (no www.amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, etc.). Please keep in mind all mail is read by the authorities and write accordingly.

Or, you can send them an email (which will be mailed to them) at:

If anyone is interested in visiting, please contact Janine at our office at njara@nj-ara.org or 732-446-6808 to find out the details and restrictions."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 5:04 PM


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