Our friend, Nicole Georges, along with a few other outstanding people will be doing readings at the San Francisco Public Library Tuesday, April 25th.
Here's the detailed info:
the RADAR reading series: underground & emerging authors + the occasional superstar.
Tuesday April 25th: Chris Carlsson, Nicole Georges, Rachel Howard, Chana Morgenstern
At the San Francisco Public Library
CHRIS CARLSSON, the visionary producer of Processed World, the journal that aims to aim white-collar anomie against capital itself, and the coeditor of Bad Attitude: The Processed World Anthology; coeditor of Reclaiming San Francisco, the untold history of the city's speculators, land-grabbers, immigrants, minoroties, sailors, waterfront workers, poets, artists and neighborhood activists; cocompiler of the interactive CD-ROM Shaping San Francisco, a pioneering, multimedia approach to the city's lost histories; original member of the leaderless, grassroots social movement Critical Mass and editor of the AK Press anthology Critical Mass: Bicycling's Defiant Celebration; author of the novel After the Deluge, a utopian tale set in 22nd-century San Francisco; and editor of the collection The Political Edge, which explores San Francisco politics in the wake of the Gonzales mayoral campaign; and an organizer of the performance art space CounterPULSE.
from Portland, Oregon, NICOLE GEORGES, artist and author of the ongoing graphic novel/illustrated memoir Invinceable Summer; who makes sock monkeys and other handmade crafts, such as stuffed Norwhales, the unicorns of the sea; who is cofounder of the Portland Zine Symposium and organizer of the Midwest Underground Media Symposium and is affiliated in some way with everything from Farm Sanctuary to Rock the Vote to Rock & Roll Camp for Girls; who plays in the bands Fact or Fiction and Sour Grapes; whose Invinceable Summer zine has been collected into the anthology Invinceable Summer from Tugboat press; who is included in the forthcoming collection Baby, Remember My Name; New Queer Girl Writing; who is a visual artist whose work is shows in various bookstores and galleries and who is a true lover of animals.
RACHEL HOWARD, who is the author of The Lost Night, a memoir about the emotional aftermath of her father's unsolved murder; who writes book reviews and covers
dance for the San Francisco Chronicle; and iwho s currently working on a novel and several short stories.
CHANA MORGENSTERN, who was born and raised in Jerusalem and resides in San Francisco; who is currently at work on a multi-media project of interviews she conducted with Israelis and Palestinians on the subject of home; who for two years served as resident writer and teacher of San Francisco School of the Arts Creative Writing Department; who is getting an MFA in fiction at Bard College and working on a novel; whose plays and monologues have been performed at the New College Theater and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Forum; who is the author of the chapbook Touching New Jersey (Little Red Press) and the recipient of Miriam Ylvisaker Fellowship in Fiction; and whose recent works can be read in Red Letters Journal, On our Backs Magazine, El Pobre Mouse, Shifter Magazine and Marjorie Wood Gallery.
Hosted by Michelle Tea, who will bake homemade cookies and distribute them to those
who ask questions during the fantastic Q&A segment following the readings.
Tuesday, April 25th
6pm sharp * all ages * free
the San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street
in the Latino Reading Room / basement level
RADAR is sponsored by the fabulosity of the Hormal Center and Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.