
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Will you people contact Kami already? 

Just because we're not the ones pushing you doesn't mean it doesn't count. Kami is trying to organize the garage sale for us, and no one is getting in touch with her. The date for it is Sunday, May 21. We need tables to sell stuff on, clean clothes, and other items you want to donate to sell here. Contact her to find out when and how. And if you want to volunteer for this or any other events Kami's got brewing, get in touch with her for that, too. She just moved here and is already doing more than you, so show her otherwise.

*From our forums:

"After exchanging a few emails with Chad, I've agreed to step up and get things moving for this.

The date is going to be May 21. Since that's so close, things need to get started right away. If anyone is interested in helping plan this, I want to meet this weekend (Sunday afternoon?) and talk about ideas and get things in motion. I'm volunteering my living room as the place to meet. It's in North Portland. I'll provide some snacks. Bring your own beverage.
If you have an allergy to cats, you should be warned that some live at our house.

If you're interested in helping and can make it on Sunday, please drop me an email at nopockyforkami@gmail.com. Let me know what time on Sunday works best for you. If you're interested in helping and can't make it on Sunday, still drop me an email so that I can start a mailing list for this.


*Also from Kami on our forums a few days later:


the response to this has been LAME. i mean, it.
portland, i am so disappointed in you.
put your politics where mouth is.
if you don't want to work on the rummage sale but still want to do something, speak the fuck up. let's talk about doing some fun house shows."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 12:37 PM


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