
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bidding War....Catskill Game Farm 

"The Catskill Game Farm in Upstate NY has closed it's doors after 73 years of business. This has always been a shady operation, and on THIS Wednesday (10/18), the animals who live there- rhinos, zebras, various exotic birds, monkeys, lemurs, deer, guinea pigs- will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. This means canned hunts, roadside "zoos", slaughterhouses, and other horrors.

These beautiful animals, some of which are on the endangered species list, have sacrificed enough for the sake of human entertainment. A dedicated group of animal welfare activists is doing what they can to try to buy some of the animals at auction. It seems like a futile effort (1 rhino can get up to $60,000), but they can try to save some animals, and that's better than none. If they succeed, they will need to secure legitimate housing for these animals.

Three things you can do:

1. Donate money to help buy animals.
2. Notify Coalition for Catskill Game Farm Animals of any sanctuaries you know of that can accept more animals (get in touch with CfCGFA first, to coordinate)

For more detailed info or to donate money, please visit:


http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Coal … GFAnimals/"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 9:17 AM


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