Wednesday, February 28, 2007
No buns tomorrow. Never mind. Sorry.
Pretty excited about this. Make sure and set aside the time to come and participate. It'll be fun too. Here's the PR:
"Earn Your Black-Belt in Verbal Self-Defense!
A workshop to help you effectively advocate for animal rights
Saturday, March 10th, 2007.
Clinton Street Theater
2522 SE Clinton St., Portland, OR 97202
Free (but you have to promise to mix it up and participate)
A workshop for animal rights advocates to help them hone their debating and outreach skills. Emphasis will be on improving confidence and effectiveness in day to day scenarios. Speaker Pulin Modi (College Campaign Coordinator, peta2.com) will cover frequently asked questions and help participants frame and practice effective answers and debating techniques. He will also touch on tabling and handling more public settings. In addition to the presentation, there will be a “practice” session where participants can engage in mock debate.
Pulin Modi (http://www.peta2.com/staff_pulin.asp) has been active in the animal rights movement for nearly ten years doing everything from organizing demonstrations and tabling on the grassroots level with the Animal Defense League to getting media attention for demonstrations and media oriented campaigns. He graduated from Vassar College in 2002 with a B.A. in Ecology of Social Change via the school’s Independent Program, as well as correlate sequences in Geography and Anthropology. Pulin has toured the country for peta2.com, the youth division of PETA, doing outreach at concerts and festivals, been banned from several malls for dressing up as a giant rabbit to protest fur, and traveled to college campuses with controversial exhibits like Holocaust on Your Plate and Animal Liberation Project for PETA.
Currently Pulin serves as peta2.com’s College Campaign Coordinator where he corresponds with college activists, generates campus media in local and national outlets, and develops resources to reach the enormous number of university students about animal rights.
Food Fight! Grocery, Herbivore Magazine, Blossoming Lotus, NW Veg, Scapegoat Tattoo, and peta2.com."
"For years, Kansas State students have has smuggled live chickens into games against Kansas, then thrown them onto the court and behind the opposing bench before tip-off. The students intend for the chickens to mock their rival's Jayhawk mascot."
3 new flavors of Soy Delicious. Cookie dough, strawberry, and some crazy coconutty thing.
"The guidelines forbid programmers from using animals in a way that goes against their nature, including making them perform tricks or putting them in situations that can be seen as offending their dignity."
We love when Lisa messes up a bunch of cookies or whatever. Because they're still great, and we can give them to you for free. Some come get some f'ed up but great Snickerdoodles.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Yo! Check this out. Get involved. It'll be good. Karen and Jenna are good folk.
"Jerk" and "Skull" shirts are back in stock.
Pulin Modi speaks at PSU
The kids at PSU with Students for Unity scheduled a speaking engagement with Pulin Modi, PETA college campaign coordinator. Open to the public, they will be discussing campaign tactics concerning animal rights. Free food catered by Veganopolis.
When: Thursday, March 8th @ 8:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.
Where: 1825 SW Broadway, Smith Memorial Student Union, room 329
"Dear Friends,
It's hard to believe we are coming up on the one year anniversary since a New Jersey jury found Jake, Lauren, Josh, Andy, Kevin, and Darius guilty in the SHAC 7 trial. The SHAC 7 were found guilty March 2nd, 2006--a day many of us remember very well. Although it's hardly a day for celebration, it is a day for action and a day of remembrance. While it's up to each of you to decide what, if anything, to do on March 2nd--we ask you to remember our friends behind bars and the animals suffering inside laboratories that the SHAC 7 advocate for.
*THE APPEAL*Many of you have been asking what the status of the appeal is. The notice of appeal has been filed and a few technical issues are getting sorted out, and we expect to have a calendar of dates for the appeal in the next few weeks. We'll let you know when we know more, but for now keep your fingers crossed for a good outcome. A victory in the appeals court would be great for Lauren, Jake, Kevin, Darius, Andy, and Josh, but it would also be a big boost to free speech and activists everywhere!
*THE SHAC 7 DESIGN-A-SHIRT CONTEST!*Want to help out the SHAC 7? One way to do that is to help come up with a new t-shirt design for the SHAC 7 Support Fund. T-shirts are a great way to raise awareness about the case and raise funds, and the support committee is looking for some great ideas for shirts. If you have an idea, please submit it to us soon! There are more details on what we are looking for, how to submit an idea at:
www.SHAC7.com/tshirt.htmAnd the winning shirt idea will get a free t-shirt once we get them
printed up!
*BENEFITS*There are still tons of great SHAC 7 benefits happening around the
country. Benefits are a great way to introduce people to the SHAC 7, meet other activists, and raise some funds to help keep Jake, Lauren, Kevin, Josh, and Darius supplied with the vegan necessities while they are in prison.
A special thank you to Portland activists, who have held more benefits than any other city! New updates are listed all the time: www.SHAC7.com/benefits.htm
You can also donate to the support fund online or by sending checks/money
orders payable to the "SHAC 7 Support Fund" and mailed to:
SHAC 7 Support Fund
740A 14th St. #237
San Francisco, CA 94114
*LAUREN GAZZOLA FEATURED IN JANE MAGAZINE!*All of the SHAC 7 prisoners are getting the word out in their own way, and
an article by Lauren was recently published in Jane Magazine! We'll have
it available online soon, but Lauren did a great job getting the word out
about the case and the animals at HLS!
*WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?*The best thing you can do to support the SHAC7 is put your freedom of
speech to good use! While Jake, Lauren, Josh, Kevin, Andy, and Dari are
behind bars, WE ARE NOT. Let's shut down HLS and other animal-abusing
scum for good... now that'd be something to write about!
*WRITE!*A big thank you to all of you who have taken the time to write and send
books, photos, articles, etc. The tremendous outpouring of support, and
hearing about all the great activism happening around the globe, has
really made a big difference for each of the prisoners. Even if you
haven't heard back from someone you have written, know that your letter
means a great deal to each of them, and they do plan on responding.
Stamps are limited in prison, so sometimes it takes a while to get back to
everyone. Even if you've not heard back, please consider writing again!
(Note: letters, cards, postcards, photos (no polaroids) and photocopies
are allowed. Books and magazines may only be sent from the publisher, and
no other items are allowed. Also keep in mind all mail may be read by
prison authorities!)
Thanks for Your Continued Support,
The SHAC 7 Support Committee"
Monday, February 26, 2007
Pretty tough. We need more folks in the movement willing to mix it up like this. Keeps it lively, ya know?
"Although Whole Foods will allow marketing of the lobsters at the Portland store, these lobsters will, as soon as they are caught, be arranged “vertically, claws up and tails down in plastic cubbyholes”—what Whole Foods calls “condos.”"
Anybody out there have a microphone/PA setup we could borrow for an event on March 10th? Nothing super powerful, just something to help the speaker not yell.
Thanks to Ashley for the lovely package we received today. You are a nice lady.
A crushing blow has just been dealt to the animal rights movement. We'll be closing down the store in the next few days. It's been nice knowing you.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
"Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired."
Sunday, March 11th, 8pm.
The Artistery
315 SE Division St
Portland, OR 97206
$3 goes to the SHAC7 Support Fund.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Just got 10 copies of the new issue of Satya. Come grab one if you're interested.
"The Humane Society of the United States said it purchased coats from reputable outlets, such as upscale Nordstrom, with designer labels — Andrew Marc, Tommy Hilfiger, for example — and found them trimmed with fur from domestic dogs, even though the fur was advertised as fake."
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wanna go to a fun show tomorrow (Friday) night? Come see sometime cashier Alan (LATS) rock out.
@ Satyricon, 125 NW 6th Ave, 8pm, $7
"March 15 (Thursday) 6:00-8:00 p.m. Seitan Patrick's Day Vegan Cooking Class
Here's a St. Patrick's Day dinner like no other you've experienced! Chef & author, Brian P. McCarthy is back to prepare a surprisingly simple and healthy St. Patrick's Day meal. His menu includes: Seitan Corned Beef with a Caramelized Sweet Onion Stone Ground Mustard Sauce, Orange Infused Rye Flat Bread with Bulger, Roasted Garlic Pesto Gnocchi, Irish Soda Bread with Currants, and Ginger Beer (non-alcoholic).
Class sizes are limited, so call today to sign up!
Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Store, 5000 SE International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222, 503-654-3215, ext 208 class fee $40.00
Brian is the author of The Vegan Family Cookbook. Cookbooks will be on hand for purchasing and signing."
"Paul Shapiro, director of The HSUS' Factory Farming Campaign, said 'the decisions these companies have made are historic and will help end one of the most cruel and inhumane practices associated with factory farming: the veal crate.'"
Today is Emiko's birthday. She'll
punch me in the nuts for posting this, but... whatever, she's can't hit that hard, she's vegan. She's a good kid, leave her a comment and make her smile.
ps. We're closing up at 6:45 today to go out and have the fun.
"US-based Whole Foods, the world's largest natural and organic grocery chain is to buy its smaller rival, Wild Oats for $565m"
"Street stalls collecting tens of thousands of pounds a year have been closed in what police say is a clampdown on the funding of the criminal actions of animal rights extremists."
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
"American meat eaters are responsible for 1.5 more tons of carbon dioxide per person than vegetarians every year."
It's awesome how this info is finally spreading around.
Just got a new shipment of Sheese. And we added "Strong Cheddar" if that floats your boat.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Check this out. A work in progress. Can't wait to check it out.
Hey you. Got any packing stuff taking up space in your house? Packing peanuts, bubble wrap? You know the stuff. We'd love to take them off your hands.
Some new dressing now online. And for dinner tonight.
"Thursday February 22nd
Meet at Westmoreland Park at 5 p.m.
Location: SE Mcloughlin Blvd & Bybee Blvd. 97202
(on the 19 bus line)
See you there!"
A spot to check to find depressing news from a Euro source. Thanks Keith for sending this our way.
Monday, February 19, 2007
"The Court of Appeals just unanimously ruled that Jeff's case will be reversed and remanded back to the Circuit Court for resentencing as a result of Judge Velure's errors in imposing the original draconian sentence. The opinion just came out this morning and we are still reviewing it for details, but it looks like Jeff could potentially get about 15 years taken off his 266 month sentence. We will provide you with more information as it becomes known. The entire opinion is included below for those who are interested. Congratulations to Jeff and his family! "
Thanks to Kate for getting the first one up. It's in front of Stumptown on Division St. If anyone is interested in finding out how to maintain one themselves, email Kate at: vegstandpdx@gmail.com.
Our friend Nicole Georges needs to move. Here's her info. in her words:
"hi friends.
i am looking into two options:
get an apartment by myself
or basement apartment or mother-in-law style shed, or get a small two bedroom house to share with one other. below are some specific house details.
if you know of an apartment with a For Rent sign,
have a basement with a separate entrance,
or anything like that,
please let me know!
if not, please pass on my info to whomever you see fit. i would appreciate it!
(p.s. please do not respond "sorry but i'll keep my eyes out", because it makes me feel discouraged!)
i found a house for $795/month.
it has lovely hardwoods, two point five bedrooms.
it is on interstate and bryant, which is prime locale if you ask me. so close to the max and new seasons.
there is a giant yard and a "mother in law", i.e. a gigantor garage good for studio space for you and i.
if you are looking for a place to live in march or april and are interested, please let me know. and/or repost please.
I have two small sized dogs who have won the hearts of many.
I like to hang out in my studio space doing art projects.
i don't bring the party home (maybe just one partier at a time).
i am vegan. you don't have to be but don't be cooking hells of meat please.
i am relatively quiet and courteous, pay things on time.
i don't do any drugs.
i am a gaylord.
you would be a male or female,
not totally nuts or lazy.
reliable and communicative.
dog loving.
if this sounds excellent, email kniqole@hotmail.com
and subject: HOUSE!
please repost!
"We're still pretty new, but we've been meeting twice monthly for potlucks and dining out since October and we rock!
So, if you want more vegan friends or if you want to just eat good food, join us! We are a kid friendly group too, which is pretty hard to come by in a vegan gathering, so all the more reason to join! If anyone has questions, feel free to email me through the site, I'm the organizer, Reba."
"The store sells more than 35 certified humane foods, including yogurt, milk, chicken, butter, eggs, pork and veal — a meat whose sales have gone up more than 25 percent since the store began selling it with the label, D'Agostino said."
Yay! Gotta love the animal welfare movement. And...
"Consumers might see "caged free," "free farmed" and "animal compassionate," which will be used on a line of meats sold by Austin, Texas-based
Whole Foods Markets Inc."
Pretty awesome. Thanks Ben. Also,
this is pretty dope.
"PNCA’s Feldman Gallery + Project Space will featurethe illustrative art of Sue Coe, one of the most important politically oriented artists living in the U.S. today. "
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
"'Greenpeace, when we started it, was 100 percent opposed to killing whales, which are highly intelligent, socially conscious creatures. Greenpeace has now compromised on that completely,' Watson said.
'There is no such thing as sustainable whaling. The trouble with Greenpeace is it's just one big feel-good organisation. Sometimes I feel like Doctor Frankenstein.'"
Check out Backspace's new menu. All vegetarian, and any item (except maybe lasagna) can be made vegan. They even have vegan cheese. Download their menu on their site. Shit it's just like a
Valentine's cupcakes and cookies!
Sweetpea made some beautiful and tasty heart-shaped sugar cookies and cupcakes with chocolate hearts on them. To hey with those boxed chocolates.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
In case you've forgotten how fucking awesomely nuts this video is, do yourself and check it out. Fencers, football players, and dancing ninjas.
Stalker mail...
Which one of you sent us that cool postcard? We know you live in Portland. Whoever you are, thanks, it's really nice.
Hey, check this out if you have some time. Add a review or a spot or something.
"Seniors at
Eddyville Charter School are raising three not-so-little pigs to earn money for their senior trip."
"All that stuff, 'You eat like a pig.' Now I know why," said Cortnie Jones, as she dumped a bucket of food scraps into a trough. "Pigs are exactly what you think."
"It really stinks," Brown added.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Uggh. Anybody have more info on this kind of thing in sodas? Apart from the issue of whether you should be supporting big cola companies (you shouldn't)...
Just got these in. Good stuff. Buy one and help a brother out...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
"Josh wants to thank everyone who's been writing to him and his co-defendants. Letters continue to be the best part of each prisoner's day, so please keep writing!!
Josh wanted to pass along that many of those awaiting responses should be receiving them soon. He'd been unable to get envelopes for about a week and just mailed out 60 letters to his supporters and friends.
Please stay tuned and keep writing!"
Thanks to everybody who came out to see "The Jerk" last night. Managed to raise $221 for the SHAC7 commissary fund. Fun and easy night.
We'll be cleaning out the donation box and adding it in for a check this week. If you didn't make it to the movie, come on in and throw in some $$$ if you can.
"The Master Peace is now OPEN in our new location at 3623 SE Hawthorne!"
Nice folks. Go check out their new spot.
This may be the first and last time we post a link to a car commercial. Thanks
Friday, February 09, 2007
"The Utah Animal Rights Coalition and several protesters have filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court claiming they were silenced unconstitutionally while demonstrating outside the Jordan World Circus."
Not sure what the hell is going on with this, but...
So with the whole PETA thing, is meat a no-no for you?Everybody thinks people who promote PETA don’t eat meat, but I think animals were made to be eaten. I take my part in the food chain very seriously. I eat meat, the rarer the better. I just don’t think animals should be slaughtered for their fur.
You were in Moby’s video “We Are All Made of Stars.” Did you tell Mr. Vegan that you are a carnivore?No. In fact, they snuck filet mignon and lobster into my trailer! I don’t think Moby had any idea what was going on in those trailers, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
"The man arrested for shooting a snorkeler in the Smith River near here on Tuesday told police he believed he was shooting at a large rodent."
It's just like a mini-mall.
"The Sea Shepherd ship Robert Hunter has closed in on the Japanese whaling fleet. The Sea Shepherd helicopter Kookaburra has flown over the Japanese whaling ship the Nisshin Maru and the three harpoon vessels accompanying it. The identification of the Japanese fleet is 100% positive. The Sea Shepherd ships have covered thousands of square miles and have been searching for the whaling fleet for over 6 weeks."
We have 5 sticky buns left from Morgan at DoveTail Bakery. They are stupid good. So soft and sticky and you'll be bummed if you miss out.
Check out what's going on this weekend at the Expo center. Free to children under 6.
"Other popular exhibits include Brutus, the Montana Grizzly. If you didn’t get to see him last year at 600 pounds, he’s back and weighing in at over 800 pounds."
Food Fight complimentary
sponsorship packages available.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Been wondering what's going on with Herbivore Magazine? Check the update...
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A new online community thing. Sign up, ok?
Yay! Hopefully soon we will be seeing more of this.
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