
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Earn Your Black-Belt in Verbal Self-Defense! 

Pretty excited about this. Make sure and set aside the time to come and participate. It'll be fun too. Here's the PR:

"Earn Your Black-Belt in Verbal Self-Defense!
A workshop to help you effectively advocate for animal rights

Saturday, March 10th, 2007.

Clinton Street Theater
2522 SE Clinton St., Portland, OR 97202

Free (but you have to promise to mix it up and participate)

A workshop for animal rights advocates to help them hone their debating and outreach skills. Emphasis will be on improving confidence and effectiveness in day to day scenarios. Speaker Pulin Modi (College Campaign Coordinator, peta2.com) will cover frequently asked questions and help participants frame and practice effective answers and debating techniques. He will also touch on tabling and handling more public settings. In addition to the presentation, there will be a “practice” session where participants can engage in mock debate.

Pulin Modi (http://www.peta2.com/staff_pulin.asp) has been active in the animal rights movement for nearly ten years doing everything from organizing demonstrations and tabling on the grassroots level with the Animal Defense League to getting media attention for demonstrations and media oriented campaigns. He graduated from Vassar College in 2002 with a B.A. in Ecology of Social Change via the school’s Independent Program, as well as correlate sequences in Geography and Anthropology. Pulin has toured the country for peta2.com, the youth division of PETA, doing outreach at concerts and festivals, been banned from several malls for dressing up as a giant rabbit to protest fur, and traveled to college campuses with controversial exhibits like Holocaust on Your Plate and Animal Liberation Project for PETA.

Currently Pulin serves as peta2.com’s College Campaign Coordinator where he corresponds with college activists, generates campus media in local and national outlets, and develops resources to reach the enormous number of university students about animal rights.

Food Fight! Grocery, Herbivore Magazine, Blossoming Lotus, NW Veg, Scapegoat Tattoo, and peta2.com."

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 2:42 PM


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