
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Pawsitively Pit Bull Wish List 

Hi all. So, I (Emiko) volunteer at Pawsitively Pit Bull, and it's a great organization who does great work. They just updated their donation wish list, and I though I'd reach out to you all, hoping some of you might have some of these items you don't need and want to donate. Please bring by donations anytime during store hours (unless it's one of the bigger items, we might have to work something else out), and we'll love you forever. So will the pretty pits.

Any questions: emiko@foodfightgrocery.com

Bike – mountain in working condition – 2 preferred
2 6x6x4 Outdoor Dog Kennels
3 4x8x6 Outdoor Dog Kennels
Home Depot Gift Cards
Low-cost spay or neutering
Bath mats (6)
Collars, halters and leashes
Dog treats
Wet dog food, canned
Dog toys
Pooper scooper w/rake
Liquid laundry detergent
Liquid fabric softener
Micro chip scanner
Dryer - 2 years old or NEWER
Office Max/ Office Depot Gift Cards
Safeway Gift Cards
Petco Gift Cards
Kong tennis balls
Everlasting ball toys
Cedar fence boards
Cedar fence posts
Springer for bike
Shower curtains (5)
2 XL Airline Kennels
Dust Buster or other hand held vacuum
King size bed
A wardrobe or armoire for coat and shoe storage


posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 6:24 PM


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