"Do your part to end suffering and save farm animals from the dinner table by sponsoring a Veg Info Stand! For a limited time only, the Veg for Life Campaign is offering FREE veg stands and a supply of our Guide to Veg Living booklet to activists."
A really great idea that has already been tried out at least once here in town. It needs to happen all over. Kate says:
"I think ours has been set up for about a year now and we've only had to buy one box of additional flyers so far (though we haven't put any of the new ones out there yet). I printed out a few of them on the color laser that I can drop off.
The hardest part was buying the 60pound bag of rocks at the Home Depot to keep it weighed down, but even that wasn't that big of a deal."
This has nothing to do with nothin', except our pal Chris Harback has an art piece in it and... they're showing ReAnimator, so... that movie rules. And Chris rules.
"Oregon school cafeterias received more than 170,000 pounds of beef from a vendor ejected from the school lunch program Wednesday because it may have used meat from cows too sick to walk."
"The complaints are not about the section allowing someone to kill a wolf attacking, say, a dog or livestock. It’s the part about states and tribal governments having the right to allow greatly expanded killing of wolves in “non-essential” populations where local officials determine that wolf packs are taking too big a share of deer and elk herds also coveted by hunters."
"A group in portland is putting together a coalition to organize the largest ever single event of vegan outreach. A week long intensive Vegan mentoring program involving groups, restaurants,stores and indivduals You can see a layout of the plan at the messageboard we set up for organizing.
Our next meeting is Wednesday Jan 30th 7:30 PM at the Red and black around the corner from the Vegan mini-mall. "
"“Going thru the weight loss program I try to eat it more broiled, and baked but I can tell you this: any Southerner knows that if you’re not gonna eat the skin, don’t bother with calling it fried chicken,”Huckabee said through a smile.” And that’s good, I’m glad to hear that he did that because that means I’m going to win Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma- all these great Southern states that understand that the best part of fried chicken, is the skin.”"
Hey, late reminder about our volunteer round up night. From 6-8pm. Both in Food Fight and Sweetpea, several local groups tabling and looking for your help. There's a group for every kind of activity level.
If you've ever even thought about wanting to do more, get off your buttocks and come meet some people.
Well, I swear I talked to somebody about the sugar in the Sweetened MimicCreme, but I guess I could've been high or something. Either way, just learned that the sugar in the sweetened one is indeed bone-char refined. Sucks. We're sorry. If you bought one and want your money back, just ask. Totally our bad.
"The environmental impact of growing so much grain for animal feed is profound. Agriculture in the United States — much of which now serves the demand for meat — contributes to nearly three-quarters of all water-quality problems in the nation’s rivers and streams, according to the Environmental Protection Agency."
Man oh man. Somedays the kinds of things we get in our inbox really help kick the day off right:
"I must say that I am incredibly disappointed in your policy on APO/FPO shipping. It IS NOT difficult or hard to ship to us. We are over here giving you the ability, daily, to make these kind of choices and this is how you treat us. Shame on you.
UPS and the USPS both ship to us free of charge from the east coast. Everything you send us is only charged to New York and then the USPS picks it up and sends it on to us. If they can do it, why can't you? I suppose that a shipping label and a two-second-to-fill-out customs form is too hard for you, huh? Shame on you.
You sell books that declare how important to you ACTION is in all of our choices. How difficult it is to live in our society, in this world, making these life-changing decsions and even going as far as to open a store and an online site to further your beliefs and get them out there to the rest of us. But not really, evidently. That extra step is just too hard. Or are you just doing it for the money? Shame on you.
I was so excited to find a place that sold so much of what I needed in one shop. At reasonable prices. With a sense of humor. Fantastic! But only in your comfort zone, I guess. The minute things became hard, you stepped back and shrugged your shoulders. Who really cares, right? There couldn't be THAT many people "over there" who matter, or who care. Right? We only want to help those that are easy for us to help. Right?!? Maybe you should, for truth in advertising, start selling books with titles like, "I'm Vegan When It's Easy" and , "We Only Care About Those We Can Ship to Easily, Because We are Lazy Pricks!". At least those of us supporting your rights to do this would be aware of whom we were dealing with from the outset. Shame on you.
Maybe I'm wrong here. (It has been known to happen). Maybe you are all very nice people who care a great deal about the environment, your own health, our health, and the health and rights of the animals on our planet. It just seems to me that if this were actually true, you'd be willing to make a bit more effort to spread out and truly help. Maybe you should consider how your actions (or inactions, in this case) affect those around you. Isn't this the exact reasoning that we all became vegans to begin with? Shame on you.
Feel free to reply, or not. I already have my expectations. See if you can't make an effort to fulfill them."
"Dear Chad and Emiko,
I spoke briefly today with Chad - sharing my concerns that you are choosing to use "fucking" to describe your store hours on your door. A few more thoughts - I am so sad that you are choosing to express yourselves with a word that is so connected to our misogynistic culture. It is a word that is often used to de-humanize a woman's sexual experience. I know you feel strongly that this word is part "of your store's thing." Perhpas some day you might consider why it is so easy to use language that is so tied to the patriarchy - when clearly you want to be an alternative choice for so much of our mainstream and unhealthy culture. I know that fucking is complicated and exciting word. Teenagers love the shock value of this word. I understand that it is an easy choice and an easy way to call attention to yourselves, but perhaps someday the cretive spirit will strike one of you to step outside of the box and use language that is clever, truly radical and also healing - instead of l! anguage that plays into mainstream sexual politics in such an obvious way.
"Farm Sanctuary's New York shelter (located in Watkins Glen, NY) has no live-in volunteers/interns lined up for the month of March. The shelter/animal care intern position is key to helping the farm run effectively, and helps alleviate the work load from the shelter staff. Here is some info, from the sanctuary's website on the live-in intern/volunteer position:
The Volunteer Internship Programs at Farm Sanctuary's Shelters provide individuals with unique opportunities to advocate for and connect with farm animals, establish community with like-minded people, and acquire valuable knowledge of the various facets of animal protection. Since Farm Sanctuary was founded in 1986, interns have played a vital role in our efforts by enabling us to operate our shelters, conduct educational programs, and initiate campaigns to end the suffering of farm animals. Apply today and you too can contribute to Farm Sanctuary's life-saving work.
Farm Sanctuary Internships are available at both of our shelters, as well as in various departments within our organization. Housing is provided for all interns who work at our California and New York Shelters. Occasionally, off-site internship opportunities may be available; in these special cases, housing is not provided.
Internships require a one to three month commitment; please see the individual listings below for exact requirements for your desired position. All applicants must be 18 years or older and committed to Farm Sanctuary's goals and programs. Intern space is limited; early application is recommended. Upon acceptance into the program, all interns are required to pay a $150 deposit. This deposit will be refunded upon completion of the internship.
For more information, and to get in contact with the New York sanctuary about interning:
This seems cool, however, we have no idea what it means. Are they talking about the google? The youtubes? Stop all the downloading! HELP COMPUTER!
"ExtTLD, for developing components on the open source Ext JS framework, has been released under a license apparently suited only to vegans, vegetarians and animal rights activists."
"A federal judge has ordered one of Portland's last furriers to pay nearly $97,000 in legal fees to the animal-rights protesters he has accused of destroying his family business."
"In an interview with the Cleveland Plain-Dealer earlier Thursday, the Ohio Democrat said he plans on “transitioning out of the Democratic Presidential primary race' to focus on a 'new direction.'"
"'The people of this country and this world must stand up to their governments and the Captains of Industry and demand action, real meaningful change, to stop species extinction, habitat loss, climate change and the strangulation of this planet. Unless we work for change together, in a unified way, those who come after us and suffer the consequences will surely wonder who we thought we were and justly condemn us for our apathy, denial, and self-indulgence.'"
Jonathan Paul support site up and running. Write a letter, his birthday is coming up.
We're not a recipe site, but, just to change things up... (thanks torrie)
"Mac the Sheese #1
22 oz. Package of Macaroni (Big elbow type) ¼ c. Earth Balance (referred to as EB) 1 wheel of Sheese, grated (Medium Cheddar was used here) 2 c. Mimicreme (Unsweetened) 2 c. Soymilk (Plain) ½ c. Nutritional Yeast (Red Star Brand) ½ tsp. liquid smoke 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. onion powder 1 TB mustard powder 1 TB prepared yellow mustard (French's) few drops lemon or lime juice salt lots of salt pepper 1 TB. EB 1 Box Sun Luck Panko (Japanese bread crumbs)
Cook the macaroni to al dente, and rinse under cold water.
melt the ¼ c. EB in a pan. Slowly add grated sheese until it looks like yellow crumbles floating in a sea of orangey oil. Stream in Mimicreme while whisking, until the sheese melts fully. Stream in the 2c. soymilk, add the liquid smoke, and then add the yeast, garlic, onion, and mustard powder. Mix throughly. Add the prepared mustard and citrus juice. Salt and Pepper it to taste.
Mix the noodles and sheese sauce together, then pour into a 9x13 in baking pan.
Melt the remaining tablespoon of EB and toss with Panko to coat. Spread Panko evenly on top of the sheesy mac.
Bake, uncovered, at 375 for 15 minutes. Finish under the broiler to toast up the Panko if you want.
Like somebody? Love somebody? Wanna let them know? Next time you come by, fill out an order for a bike-o-gram for Valentine's. (Or do one online if that's easier).
For only $5, folks on bikes will hand deliver a cute Valentine's card with a vegan chocolate to your special friend. All the money goes to benefit Siren Nation.
All orders must be placed by 5pm Friday, Feb. 8th, and deliveries will happen between Feb. 9th–Feb. 14th.
And you can even send one anonymously if you wanna be all shy and stuff.
"Please consider posting something about Art of Politics on your blog (www.ArtOfPolitics2008.com). We're a PDX-based national political poster design contest. We'd love to see some art from you guys and your followers...."
Hey you. We're (us, and whoever we can get to co-sponsor this) getting Gene Baur, one of the founders of Farm Sanctuary into town for an event on March 27th. At Clinton Street Theater, he'll do some talking and meeting and signing his new book. Pretty cool, huh? Mark your calendar.
Wow, we just got dropped off some stuff from Sweet Lemon out in Beaverton. We're gonna start carrying some of their bento meals pretty soon. Go out there and check 'em out and tell them we sent you.
Hey, anybody out there have a grip of $1 bills they want to trade for twenties? We're almost out and the bank is closed tomorrow too, so... yeah, help. All you dancing customers out there, stop by.
Great new book we just got it. Come get and read it and get pumped for the AR Volunteer Roundup next weekend. We'll put it for sale online in the next day or so.
"The NOAA national marine fisheries service is about to decide whether to begin killing sea lions on the Columbia river. Some say the decision has already been made, and they are simply going through the motions (ala the FCC) of pretending we have a say in the matter. Perhaps. But this is the last chance to make any public comment about whether or not they should be allowed to kill sea lions on the Columbia river. Please take the moment or two that it will take, and make your voice heard. Tell them not to kill the sea lions."
"'I'm moving on to bigger and better things,' says Hurley. 'I need to be in a bigger city with more sophistication, more money. I had a lot of fun. I don't think people realized how much damage was done by the foie gras protesters.'"
"In what has been an unpredictably dramatic day for the campaign against whaling in Antarctica, the crew of a Japanese harpoon gunboat have seized Australian and British crew mebers of the Sea Shepherd vessel, Steve Irwin."
"The shop owners use 'mini-mall' wryly. They're quick to say they don't offer a food court or photo sessions with Santa. They're more about a group of friends who realized they could do more business and spread more veganism with one-stop shopping."
Sweetpea has donuts today. She's making a lot, so go over and get a fresh, risen, fucking delicious donut or ten.
Oh, and also, they're going to have pizza rolls. Eat a pizza roll for lunch, then a donut for dessert. Or a donut for breakfast and a pizza roll for lunch, then another donut for dessert.
So, we are now trying out having fresh soups every day. New flavor every day from Earthly Gourmet. For example, today we have red lentil and cauliflower. Yesterday we had garbonzo bean and wild rice. Tomorrow, who the hell knows. Come grab a lil bowl and see what you think.
"Papa G's vegan organic deli looks to open softly on January 21 2008. We are completing our extensive remodel of our location at 2314 SE Division st. We will be open from 7 am to 7 pm Monday -Friday and 8-6pm on Saturday and Sunday. We will offer an organic vegan salad bar, hot entree bar, deli case, vegan espresso and of course a variety of desserts and pastries. We will make all of our own vegan nut/bean yogurts, milks, and salad dressings as well as offering a morning granola bar with our own house made granola, flake cereals and hot breakfast en tree items. We are excited about our new opportunities and look forward to changing the way people view vegan food!"
"Producing a video about the animal rights movement in 2005-2006 called Your Mommy Kills Animals, Minneapolis documentarian Curt Johnson, 39, spent much of 2007 and may spend much of 2008 fighting lawsuits for allegedly misrepresenting the project to both anti-animal rights investors and animal rights advocates Shane and Sia Barbi, who are credited in the video as associate producers."
Pretty crazy. This guy lied to everybody. Pretty funny though that CCF funded so a positive piece on the SHAC7 trial. And our screening of it raised over a thousand bucks for somebody the CCF hates.
New update posted on Josh Harper's website. Might be a nice time to write a letter, no? Or at least come out to the SHAC7 Benefit movie night on Sunday. Or both.
Josh's birthday is coming up on January 31st and Jake Conroy's is on February 3rd. Cards, pictures, nice stories, or mindless blabber are all appreciated. Oh yeah, you could send a book too.
Joshua Harper #29429-086 FCI Sheridan Federal Correctional Institution P.O. Box 5000 Sheridan, OR 97378
"Food Fight is a vegan grocery store that offers everything from hot dogs and cupcakes to wallets and sweatshirts to Chinese medicine, all free of animal products."
Holy shit. Get down here. It's donut time at Sweetpea. Just glazed ones right now, but super awesome. Really, SUPER awesome. Kicks the crap out of Voodoo for sure. Get in early before they go sell out.
"It has been reported that on the 6th January 2008, 129 rabbits were liberated from a lab breeder in Lincolnshire. This breeder supply HLS, as well as several UK universities."
If you come in and buy a head of lettuce and tell us "I want this f'ing lettuce for $1.50!" we will sell it to you for that instead of $2. You will then save a whopping 50 cent and save us from having to donate it in a day or two when it starts to wilt.
"Can you please post this for a guy who called NW IDA in need of a roommate and/or a room to rent. He's vegan and he's having trouble finding someone to live with who doesn't eat/cook meat. Thanks mucho! Connie
Laurentiu Mihalacne (he's from Romania) 503-459-8633 Single male, 39 years old, vegan, non-smoker and non-drinker"
Awesome. Another new AR group here in town will be hanging out at the Volunteer Roundup thing later this month. So, really folks, make sure to come to this if you give a crap. We could all be doing a lot more, things won't get better by themselves.
So, in case you didn't get to see this, here it is. Feel free to come in and make fun of Chad's giant head and crooked mouth and say "Hi Lisa" and "Yes, we're excited about all the new ideas..." blah blah.
"Can you help us end the live animal lab at the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine (OHSU)? Twenty years ago, live animals were commonly used in physiology, pharmacology, and surgery classes at medical schools. A standard lab involved anesthetizing the animal, followed by injecting pharmaceuticals or practicing surgical techniques. After the class, the animal was killed.
Today, OHSU still offers this cruel and unnecessary exercise. The school uses pigs in its first-year physiology lab. The next lab is slated for February 2008.
Pigs are highly intelligent, social animals who have been shown to be more intelligent than dogs. Animal behavior experts agree, and scientific evidence suggests, that pigs are very smart and sensitive animals.
Call, e-mail, fax, or write a letter to Dean Mark A. Richardson, M.D., M.Sc.B., M.B.A., and politely ask him to end the school's live animal lab program. Being polite is the most effective way to help these animals.
Mark A. Richardson, M.D., M.Sc.B., M.B.A. Dean Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine Office of the Dean, Mail code: L102 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. Portland, OR 97239 Phone: 503-494-8220 Fax: 503-494-3400 richarma@ohsu.edu
Fortunately, more than 90 percent of schools have eliminated live animal labs from their curricula altogether. Innovations in medical simulation technology, availability of alternatives, increased awareness of ethical concerns, and a growing acknowledgement that medical training must be human-focused have all facilitated this shift. Only 10 out of 126 medical schools in the United States still use live animals in their curricula. "
"Any day now, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is set to begin killing the sea lions of the Columbia River. You can stop them. Please let them know that you do not support the killing of sea lions, that you want to see them find some other alternative. Please do what you can for these beings. They are not theoretical -- they are living, breathing beings who love their lives, and you can save them if you only care enough to take some small action."
"On October 29, 2007, Dylan Barr entered a guilty plea to one felony count of Second Degree Extortion in Seattle, WA for disrupting the operations of Washington Mutual Bank with a Denial of Service attack because of its investment in Huntington Life Sciences. After a two-year period of legal limbo and non-snitching plea deal negotiations, he was sentenced to 232 hours -29 days— of community service and ordered to pay Washington Mutual Bank $25,000 in restitution."
So, the news folks were just here filming away. It's gonna show tomorrow (Friday) on the 6pm news. If anybody can Tivo that shit, or get a digital recording for us for some DVD copying action, we'd be greatly happified. All we have is a VCR that isn't hooked up. And a BetaMax.
Hey, read up this from Lisa at SweetPea. Help kick start her getting back out of debt.
"Hi Friends!
Sweetpea is really close to opening and very excited, but also cutting it close on money to get the bakery finished.
I have made some special gift certificates so that those of you who want to help can do so, and get a great deal out of it!
You can come by the bakery and purchase a card for these amounts: pay $20, get a card for $25 pay $40, get a card for $50 pay $75, get a card for $90 pay $100, get a card for $120
if you want a bigger one than these, I can do it! It would be a great help right now to have some cash flow, and I will love you forever, and probably give you free coffee all the time. (cash or check only please!) xoxoxo Lisa (503) 477-5916"
So, tomorrow morning at 10am, KGW (Channel 8) is gonna be around here filming and talking and stuff. Come wander around and make us look like a thriving business. Wear a FF shirt too. Ok? Ok.