Man oh man. Somedays the kinds of things we get in our inbox really help kick the day off right:
"I must say that I am incredibly disappointed in your policy on APO/FPO shipping. It IS NOT difficult or hard to ship to us.
We are over here giving you the ability, daily, to make these kind of choices and this is how you treat us. Shame on you. UPS and the USPS both ship to us free of charge from the east coast. Everything you send us is only charged to New York and then the USPS picks it up and sends it on to us. If they can do it, why can't you? I suppose that a shipping label and a two-second-to-fill-out customs form is too hard for you, huh? Shame on you.
You sell books that declare how important to you ACTION is in all of our choices. How difficult it is to live in our society, in this world, making these life-changing decsions and even going as far as to open a store and an online site to further your beliefs and get them out there to the rest of us. But not really, evidently. That extra step is just too hard.
Or are you just doing it for the money? Shame on you.
I was so excited to find a place that sold so much of what I needed in one shop. At reasonable prices. With a sense of humor. Fantastic! But only in your comfort zone, I guess. The minute things became hard, you stepped back and shrugged your shoulders. Who really cares, right? There couldn't be THAT many people "over there" who matter, or who care. Right? We only want to help those that are easy for us to help. Right?!? Maybe you should, for truth in advertising, start selling books with titles like, "I'm Vegan When It's Easy" and ,
"We Only Care About Those We Can Ship to Easily, Because We are Lazy Pricks!". At least those of us supporting your rights to do this would be aware of whom we were dealing with from the outset. Shame on you.
Maybe I'm wrong here. (It has been known to happen). Maybe you are all very nice people who care a great deal about the environment, your own health, our health, and the health and rights of the animals on our planet. It just seems to me that if this were actually true, you'd be willing to make a bit more effort to spread out and truly help. Maybe you should consider how your actions (or inactions, in this case) affect those around you. Isn't this the exact reasoning that we all became vegans to begin with? Shame on you.
Feel free to reply, or not. I already have my expectations. See if you can't make an effort to fulfill them."
"Dear Chad and Emiko,
I spoke briefly today with Chad - sharing my concerns that you are choosing to use "fucking" to describe your store hours on your door. A few more thoughts -
I am so sad that you are choosing to express yourselves with a word that is so connected to our misogynistic culture. It is a word that is often used to de-humanize a woman's sexual experience. I know you feel strongly that this word is part "of your store's thing." Perhpas some day you might consider why it is so easy to use language that is so tied to the patriarchy - when clearly you want to be an alternative choice for so much of our mainstream and unhealthy culture. I know that fucking is complicated and exciting word. Teenagers love the shock value of this word. I understand that it is an easy choice and an easy way to call attention to yourselves, but perhaps someday the cretive spirit will strike one of you to step outside of the box and use language that is clever, truly radical and also healing - instead of l!
anguage that plays into mainstream sexual politics in such an obvious way.
Food for thought? "