Thursday, July 31, 2008
"Join us for a demo against foie gras at Blue Hour restaurant in the Pearl! If you can't make it please call them anyway and ask them to take foie gras off the menu! A pre-demo uniformity and solidarity meeting is at 6:30 pm at NW 10th and Davis right near Blossoming Lotus. Then, at 7pm we will demo Blue Hour. "
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Next benefit movie night = The Goonies!
Sunday, August 10th. The Artistery, 4315 SE Division. 8pm. $3. Money goes to the Josh Harper (SHAC7) Commissary Fund.
Your job is to bring 2 people with you. Everybody loves The Goonies, right?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"The rage for sushi and sashimi, Japan's raw fish dishes that overtook the West and have now spread to increasingly prosperous China, risks wiping out one of the Mediterranean's most emblematic residents: the bluefin tuna."
"The sale was confirmed this week by Win Animal Rights in the USA.
H Partners Management - LSR Shares: 459,539
Value: $12,454,000
H Partners Capital - LSR Shares: 368,933
Value: $9,998,000
Combined asset of $22,452,000 / £11,258,085.54
ALL GONE! Thats the 2 largest institutional investments of HLS (LSR) shares gone in less than a month!
Thanks to all supporters and campaigners, including the campaigners that did demos in the US and London.
Right now the percentage of HLS's institutional investments is listed at 8.63%. Once the H Partners shares come off it will reduce to about 4 - 4.5% so not many shares are being held by institutions and companies.
Barclays is the next big shareholder...
Get angry, keep focused, we will not stop until HLS are gone too! For all the animals that are being tortured and killed by HLS. SHAC and the global animal rights movement will NEVER let you alone."
Sunday, July 27, 2008
"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation yesterday banning the artery-clogging substance in the state's restaurants starting in 2010 and from all baked goods by 2011.
Though some cities, such as New York, Philadelphia and Seattle, have enacted bans on trans fats, California becomes the first state with such a law."
Thursday, July 24, 2008
"Action alert - Contact for companies and individuals involved in the construction of new vivisection laboratory at UC Berkeley."
"The Red and Black is having a beer-cooler benefit dinner!
Friday, July 25th, the Red and Black will be hosting a three course, fine dining, vegan dinner. Still on a tight budget from our move this last January, we hope to raise funds for a beer cooler, automated dish-washer, and other such exciting amenities. The evening's chef will be Aaron Adams, with a tentative course menu as follows:
Heirloom tomato salad
Summer succotash with barbequed tempeh
and live summer fruit tart for dessert
Doors open at 7:30 and serving commences at 8pm. Cost is sliding scale between $15 and $30, with beer and wine available at additional cost. Please RSVP by emailing thesunisalwaysrising@gmail.com. Seating is limited so please respond soon. Include the number of your party and your contact information for confirmation. Please forward this to other interested folks, and we hope to see you there!"
"“First let me try to explain eco-terrorism. I’m surprised that you haven’t heard of it. Take one group, the PETA group. According to the FBI they’re the number one domestic terrorist group in America. They are considered eco-terrorists.
Eco-terrorists are, uh, I guess left-wing eco-greenies. They don’t have leader. They’re a leaderless terrorism group. They just kind of spring up sporadically. They do things like, uh, turn research animals out on the interstate, turn farm animals loose from semis in the middle of town. They drive spikes in logs going that go into the saw mill so that it will knock the teeth out of the saw mills. They put sugar in uh, in firefighting equipment in the, in the national forest, and, and just uh, it’s a different type of terrorism. They don’t have Osama bin Laden leadin’ ‘em…”"
This video is awesome, thanks Will.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
"'We could smell the horrible stench long before we reached the fur farm in Schlesen near Kiel on the night of July 22, 2008! The animals were locked-up four to a cage! The whole farm was in terrible condition! There were many we could not help this night! But we released at least 2000 mink! We gave them a chance to escape. A chance is better because in a few months they will be killed by the farmer. These animals deserve freedom! This action is dedicated to the imprisoned Austrian animal activists!'"
Hive Benefit NIght for The Prids
"This Sunday at PlanB (se 8th and Main) is Hive. Hive is a weekly goth/industrial night put on by Dean of Headhunter Productions.
When he heard about the incident this last Sunday he was visibly gravely concerned and expressed to me that he would do whatever he could.
This Sunday's Hive will be donating all *100percent* of it's proceeds and everything donated beyond to The Prids.
Inside, where it is smoke free, is gothy dancy music. Outside is Industrial, stompy music. So far as of now there will be a fire performance by a local vegan and friend of The Prids. Other performances/ shows are being ironed out.
That is THIS sunday, as in July 27th.
Doors generally open 9pm.
Thanks! "
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"The majority of passersby were sympathetic and several people said they were heading in to Bluehour until they saw the protesters there. Many stopped to watch the video and were horrified at what they saw. Several more passed by and declined leaflets, saying they would never eat foie gras anyway and would stay away from Bluehour. "
"The animal liberation movement is growing in size and strength � but so are the industries that exploit animals. These industries have vastly more resources at their disposal than activists do. Given this tremendous power differential, how can activists hope to compete? The good news is that there is a way to shift the balance of power in favor of the movement. And strategy is the way. "
Just bought this yesterday next door at Herbivore. Gonna dig into it today, it sounds great.
Been thinking about this a lot lately, and stumbled upon this PETA podcast with Bruce Friedrich. Give it a listen. You may hate PETA or whatever, but just give it a listen and think about what he has to say and how we all could be doing things better. We need to all constantly be checking ourselves to make sure our ego and pride and resistance to personal change isn't getting in the way of making real change.
Also, please don't listen to this and just say, "Yeah, all those other folks are doing it wrong, bunch of jerks..." Make sure you follow up with action yourself. Don't like how local/national AR groups go about doing things? Then get involved with them and make some changes happen. Or start your own group, it's not that hard.
OK, back to spraying down produce and stirring the nacho cheese. Very important activist work in it's own right.
Monday, July 21, 2008
No more PayPal for us.
Sorry folks, but we no longer take PayPal payments for our online store orders, their fees are just too much. You can still pay with your credit or debit card no problem.
Domino's Scientists Test Limits Of What Humans Will Eat
Our dear friends The Prids - David, Mistina, Joey and Maile -
and two of their significant others - Kristin and Chris - were in a
serious accident early Sunday evening while en route to Los Angeles on
tour. A tire blew, they lost,control of the van and it rolled several times. David was airlifted from the scene of the crash, he suffered a broken collar bone, broken ribs and has 6 staples in his head. Chris broke his arm, and they are waiting for
MRI results to determine if he's sustained a spinal injury. Maile has a
broken vertebra and toe and a severe cut with stitches on her knee. Joey
broke ribs, Mistina suffered a concussion, and as far as I know Kristin is
in similar shape. As of late tonight, everyone but Chris has been released
from the hospital, and they are staying at a hotel in Fresno.
Donations are being accepted on their
website news page via paypal.
(update since this... David Prid back in the hospital this morning, he was
vomiting blood this morning)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
"The appeals court disagreed. "Preventing cruelty to animals, although an exceedingly worthy goal, simply does not implicate interests of the same magnitude as protecting children from physical and psychological harm," wrote Judge Brooks Smith of the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals."
"After being made aware of the cruelty inside HLS, throught protests in London and in the USA. Along with polite emails from across the world. Eagle Asset Management/Raymond James have sold their half a million shares in LSR on 15th July, we thank them for taking an ethical stance on this and to stop dealing with HLS/LSR. Thank you for your support!"
Thursday, July 17, 2008
New update finally posted from Josh Harper. If you were at the Let Live Conference opening night, you heard Will Potter read this.
"The Out to Pasture Animal Sanctuary benefit yard sale is happening
this weekend, July 19th- 20th on the lawn at 2907 NE Weidler Street
across from the Hollywood Fred Meyers. So come on down and find that
special item you just can't live without and help buy winter hay at
the same time. Or come over at 10 am Saturday and help unload boxes
of stuff. Donations can still be dropped off. Call Kit at
503-756-8652 for more info."
"Where: Meet at Bye & Bye Vegan Bar (Smokeless & all ages during daytime) 1011 NE Alberta St
When: 2PM Sunday July 20th
What: Meet at Bye &; Bye, then walk neighborhood streets leaving door hangers informing residents of the failed shame that is the cruel, wasteful Oregon Primate Center.
See: http://www.ohsukillsprimates.com
This is a fun activity and does not involve confrontation."
"On Monday, July 14, Daniel appeared in federal court in the Western District of Wisconsin (Madison) before Judge Barbara Crabb and was found in civil contempt for his refusal to answer questions before a grand jury."
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
"The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says four bears were public safety risks, partly because people fed them. That causes bears to lose their fear of humans."
Congrats Robert, nice article.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Cheer up.
"Usually, a piece about an escaped chimpanzee is a fun story. This one is sort of sad and disturbing, maybe because chimpanzees aren't supposed to wear short pants and live in suburban houses with humans who treat them as their children. It rarely ends well, does it? Because even though the humans love them dearly, cute baby chimps grow into big adult apes, who can bite, which can have a tragic trajectory, as we shall see."
If you were at the Let Live Conference, maybe you got to meet Jeremy Beckham.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Don't forget benefit movie tonight. As usual @ The Artistery @ 8pm. $3. 4315 SE Division. Come remember what a bad-ass Carlin was and throw a few bucks to help out Jonathan Paul.
"Kazemian, of Vernon, was most recently arrested on July 17, when he was caught by the state Division of Fish & Wildlife officers when he was allegedly pouring human urine from a gallon jug near a bear trap that had been set up on his neighbor's property. He allegedly poured the urine near the trap to deter bears from entering the trap."
Friday, July 11, 2008
"I am glad I know what they call it now so I don't accidentally order that off the menu. I respect other countries cultures, so I won't be too hard on them but that would be like ordering human meat because we love our dogs and they are part of our extended family. It would be wrong and will never happen in my lifetime...I would never eat cat or horse or parrot either for that matter...though I would like to try frog legs the next time I am in France. The Asian countries eat the grossest things, but if that was all we had to eat here and didn't have them as pets then we'd be having Pappillon soup to start and Labrador steak for our main course...
Thank God we are better developed in the US...China needs to catch up to truly compete with the US and Europe. These definitely would be food considered "unsightly" and I hope to never see it on any plate near me or even in a picture.- Starshines, Los Angeles, CA USA"
Thursday, July 10, 2008
"A Mendocino County woman who was trying to kill mice in her trailer with a gun ended up shooting herself and another person."
"A Tampa woman bit off another woman's fingertip during an argument at a Tampa meat market."
"The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter."
He then punched the air while grinning widely, as the rest of those present including Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy looked on in shock."
"With Ungar closing on its busiest day (Saturday - Press release to follow), activists are starting a weekday campaign to educate passers-by, patrons, and employees about the horror that is the fur industry.
Join us Monday 7/14 3PM-5PM at Ungar Furs - 12th & Yamhill Downtown.
This is YOUR chance to change the hearts and minds that can make a Fur-less PDX happen!!!"
Sweetpea now has sammies. I forget what kind I just saw, tofurky I think, but there was also some kind of seitan/potato salad thing too.
Go show Sweetpea some love, whether you need a sandwich or a coffee or a cupcake. They could use a hug.
"A man found guilty at the end of the longest animal rights trial in legal history has launched an appeal, claiming the judge should not have heard the case because of his interest in blood sports."
"Online retailer Overstock.com announced today that it will stop selling fur effective immediately. Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock.com, spoke with us about fur, socially responsible policies and his personal connection with animals."
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
ALV Openrescue at Wallan egg laying factory
"YO! We’re not serving the Foie Gras Shakes so everybody can chill and come boogie down at the party!"
BUT they're still slicing up the 60 lb. roasted pig for your food and entertainment, so, enjoy!
Monday, July 07, 2008
From the Peta blog:
"Anyone out there who loves to shop without getting off the couch and also hates to see animals suffer will love the fact that the Home Shopping Network (HSN)—which reaches 90 million U.S. homes—has adopted a permanent fur-free policy. "
"Clothing made from seal fur is to be banned throughout the European Union. "
We know we mentioned this already, but here's more words fromPortland ADL:
"Pix Patisserie in Portland, Oregon is celebrating Bastille Day on July 12 by
(among other things) serving foie gras ice cream Coke floats (see link at
bottom - listing is at very end of article). Local activists have recently been
making headway getting restaurants to take foie gras off the menu and did not
expect it to pop up at a bakery such as Pix.
Not only is it a shame that birds were tortured to make foie gras, but in this
case the foie gras is being used in a novelty item that is most likely going to
be thrown up by anyone that tastes it. We're queasy just thinking about it.
The owner/pastry chef of Pix, Cheryl Wakerhauser, has been contacted and
declares that she has no control over the events organized at her locations.
Please email her and ask her not to serve foie gras Coke floats:
In addition, please call the managers at both locations and express your
Lebahan Borgerson
3402 SE Division St.; Portland, OR 97202
3901 N Williams Ave; Portland, OR 97227
Just got more flavors of Temptation ice cream. Green tea, peach cobbler, coffee, and... a couple others.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
From Andy's MySpace page:
"We do not have much information at this time, but Andy Stepanian was transferred overnight to a penentiary in Mation, Illinois.
It is unclear whether he will be here long term.
Regardless, please take a few minutes to write Andy.
The move was unexpected, he does not have phone privileges, and is now even further from home
More updates when we have them...
Andrew Stepanian 26399-050
PO BOX 1000
MARION, IL 62959
Send him a letter to cheer him up or even a card."
Thursday, July 03, 2008
"Special guest Gabriel Rucker of Le Pigeon serving Foie Gras Ice Cream & Coke Floats"
If having the 60# pig on hand isn't f-ed up enough, Pix Patisserie will be serving Foie Gras Ice Cream and Coke floats.
If you'd like to give them a call and tell them what you think about it:
Be polite.
RIP "The Animals Voice". You can check out full PDFs of many issues here. Thanks for all the work Veda.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Hey make up wearers, we're selling it now. And it's cheaper here than New Seasons, so shit, come on. And if you're wearing non-vegan make up, pfffffff that's fucked up.
Added some new pictures to our Flickr page from the conference.
In case you don't know about Sip, you need to get over there, it rules.
And, word on the street is if you are "rad" and maybe want some work, message them through the MySpace.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
"Please join PETA's KFC campaign coordinator, Nicole Matthews, and local activists to help spread the word about KFC cruelty. PETA's giant crippled "chicken" will be in Portland next week to hold a protest urging KFC to stop breaking birds' wings and legs and scalding them to death and to end the abuse of these intelligent, sentient beings.
What: "Boycott KFC" banner drop over Alberta Bridge
When: Tuesday, July 1, 3-4 p.m.
Where: Alberta Bridge over I-5, Portland
We are looking for activists to hold signs during the demo. If you can help or have any questions, please e-mail Nicole at NicoleM@peta.orgor call her at 269-908-0050. Nicole will also be leafleting at Portland KFCs on June 30 and July 1. Please give Nicole a call if you would like to get more active against KFC.
Be sure to check out KentuckyFriedCruelty.com for more information on our KFC campaign and to watch our undercover investigation at KFC's "Supplier of the Year." Ask your friends and family members to join us to help save millions of chickens from being slaughtered for their flesh."
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