
Friday, August 29, 2008

Austrian Animal Rights Activists 3 months incarcerated – and no end in sight! 

"I have just been interrogated for 20 hours by police. They have put all their “evidence“ before me to comment on. This is what they claim:

* I encrypt emails
* VGT is meeting in private places without public access
* VGT is not openly planning actions on the phone
* Taken out of context, some 5 emails of those 5000 I wrote in the last 11 (!) years sound radical
* I have international contacts
* I organise many conferences and meetings for recruiting new activists to the cause
* I write books and run radio and TV shows on animal rights, which use occosionally radical brochures and which occosionally mention the ALF"

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 10:33 PM


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