Here's a post off IndyMedia and something a customer wanted us to post. Talk amongst yourselves....
"As an activist present in yesterday's impromptu Ungar Demo as well as Fur Free Friday, I found something frightening; hesitation of activists to pursue a more aggressive stance. While I have never advocated for violence or even direct insults, I do believe that pressure is needed to facilitate the change we want. Yesterday I saw six activists with no bullhorns, signs or noisemakers make more of an impact than any other demo I have attended. We yelled, we chanted and we really pissed off Ungar.
When some of the chants were stepped up at Fur Free Friday, people started to leave and this makes me upset. It is our First Amendment Right to assemble, protest, and petition and every time we back down we are undermining our whole basis of being an American Citizen. Maybe you don't feel comfortable saying a certain chant, leave the words out you may feel uncomfortable with, change them. But please don't leave, we ARE the voices for the voiceless. If we silence our own voices who will be there for the animals? Read up on your rights, read up on the laws that you think you are in danger of breaking. The campaign against Ungar has been long, frustrating and this is precisely why we need to step it up. Step up our anger against a company that makes money from pain. Step up our voices, step up our dedication and step up our confidence. We can win this fight, we HAVE to win this fight, for the animals.
Six activists, yelling our hearts out brought six cop cars, brought Mr. Ungar in our faces, and brought us all one step closer to winning this struggle.
A Concerned Activist"