Tuesday, March 31, 2009
"Project MOO MOO MEOW needs your VOTE!
Do you want to end farm animal cruelty?
So do Jenna and Brianna, creators of Project Moo Moo Meow. They have entered the Name Your Dream Assignment contest, and they need YOUR VOTE! Their dream is to travel across the United States, photographing rescued farm animals, and using the art of photography as a tool for social change.
Read more about their project at: http://projectmoomoomeow.org
If you care about animal welfare, please take a moment of your time to vote for their dream. Voting ends THIS FRIDAY, April 3rd...so vote today!
Here’s how to vote:
1) Click here: http://www.nameyourdreamassignment.com/the-ideas/projectmoom
2) Click “Pic It!”and enter your info, including a valid e-mail address (you won’t get any spam, we promise!). **You must register in order to vote! Please make your vote count.
3) Check your e-mail for a verification message, and click the enclosed link to activate your account.
4) Sign in to with your chosen User Name/Password.
5) Click to “PIC” Project Moo Moo Meow, and watch our vote tally increase.
6) Feel great about yourself for spending ONE minute of your day to help promote a less violent, better world for animals and humans alike.
Thanks for your support!"
Drummer needed
"Vegan Black Metal band is looking for a drummer. The style of music is Dawn, Dissection, MoonSorrow, Mörk Gryning, Månegarm, Wolves in the Throne room, Amon Amarth etc... The purpose of the band is to have a very outspoken vegan band comprised of local activists with an uncompromising message of animal liberation, deep ecology and biocentrism, anti-civilization, radical gender politics, and a healthy dose of misanthropy. We have about 30 min of material (3 songs) and are looking for a vegan drummer. please contact Gedden at nihil@bikerider.com if you are interested."
"So I bought a food cart and I'm in the process of gutting it and turning it into a deep frying wagon. I'm gonna serve deep fried handpies (like empanadas). There are going to be savory pies and sweet pies. The majority of pies are going to be vegan and I'm going to be serving delicious Vegan Fried Chicken too. I'm also gonna have micro-homebrewed kombucha for sale. I'm shooting for an opening date of April 15th and will be open for sure by May 1st. I'll invite you guys over for a preview sampling when my pie machine arrives next week or so. I started a Twitter feed for the cart @whiffies so people could stay up to date on the status. If you would share that with your folowers that would be awesome."
"Is this what kids are listening to these days? I saw a program on National Geographic about straight edgers and their violent, gang-like ways. I feel like we need to bring this sort of anti-American rhetoric to the forefront and make sure people are protecting their children."
Exciting to have the EF Roadshow as part of this year's Let Live Conference.
"The Earth First! Roadshow will be crossing the country this spring with the goal of renewing a grassroots ecological direct action movement in the U.S. We are looking to network and collaborate with groups in the animal rights community, with the intent of bridging gaps that exist in our movements and inspiring people to join the frontlines of the fight for the Earth and our animal relatives.
Especially now, in this time where repression is targeting our efforts with new absurd anti-activist legislation and 'terrorism enhancement' charges locking friends in jail.
While Earth First! (EF!) has been involved in a wide array of issues, we have always rooted ourselves in the defense of the wild and in opposition to species-ism. We have been promoting immediate urgent action since the EF! movement's inception near 30 years ago. This past September even Al Gore started promoting civil disobedience for the environment.
But those of us paying attention to the bigger picture see that the pending ecological collapse demands a broader reaction than just blocking a few new coal plants, as Al suggested. It means a fundamental change in the way we humans see ourselves in relation to the other species around us.
The greed and arrogance that resulted in fossil fuel driving climate change has also manifested in so many other destructive and violent ways that can’t be ignored. The call that Gore made, for “young people blocking bulldozers” must be applied to much more than just coal plants and more than just young people. We need to fight for all threatened ecosystems and the animals that inhabit them; we must begin the process of restoring what's been destroyed and changing this
society at a fundamental level--its going to take all of us giving it all we've got.
We are offering trainings across the country for safe, strategic direct action and civil disobedience, as well as dealing with repression and supporting political prisoners. Will you help make this tour as successful as possible?
The two primary things we are looking for are (1) assistance with outreach and (2) funds to keep the Roadshow rolling.
Details on scheduling, available trainings, donating, etc can be found on-line at www.earthfirstroadshow.wordpress.com
For more info on the roadshow, contact the EF! Roadshow planning collective directly at: earthfirstroadshow@gmail.com, (330) 423-1823
The EF! Roadshow crew!"
Monday, March 30, 2009
AETA Defendants Benefit Dinner
"Come out and support an amazing new vegan restaurant and their bad-ass
collective owners as you dine on some delicious vegan Italian and help
raise funds for the recently indicted Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act
The cost is a flat $25 per person for a delicious three course vegan meal,
with two seatings promptly at 6pm or 8:30pm, Thursday April 2nd. Half the
evening's proceeds will go to the AETA defendants.
The AETA defendants are six animal liberation activists that were recently
victims of a governmental sweep, much like the SHAC7, and being charged
under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) for doing merely nothing
but printing flyers and doing home demonstrations against vivisectors.
This means they are each facing a minimum of 5 years in prison and tens of
thousands in fines. Please support our community members and activists for
Please make reservations by calling Portobello Vegan Trattoria.
Also contact with questions or allergy concerns.
Portobello Vegan Trattoria
2001 SE 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
Sunday, March 29, 2009
the peter young talk today at 2pm is still at psu smith memorial union building multicultural room 228! not at the IDA office.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Not sure what is going on in response to this, but the Shrine Circus, courtesy again of the turds over at
Circus Gatti, is coming back to Portland, April 4th and 5th (2 shows on Saturday, 1 on Sunday). We'll let you know what we find out, but save the dates.
"Any week now, Covance Labs in Chandler will begin dosing laboratory animals with drugs that could stop cancer, cure Alzheimer's disease and repair metabolisms that have gone haywire.
The company recently completed its $175 million testing facility near Chandler's airpark and will begin its first tests under contract for pharmaceutical clients developing next-generation drugs.
"Let the record show Covance is open for business in Chandler, Arizona," Covance CEO Joe Herring told about 100 guests Thursday at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. "We are betting the entire company on this facility.""
"Do you want to save sea lions, but aren't sure how to get involved? Here's an opportunity for you to stand up for the sea lions, while having fun with friends. We're taking the Bus called Cool on a road trip on Thursday, April 16th. We're going to demonstrate at the ODFW headquarters in Salem, and then on to the Capitol to have a word with our elected representatives about how they can justify spending hundreds of thousands of tax dollars per year to execute native sea lions on the Columbia, while they are cutting important public programs across the state for lack of funds.
Contact the Sea Lion Defense Brigade via IDA if you would like to reserve a seat on the bus, to go down to Salem to raise your voice for the animals who live on the Columbia. Details below."
"The Humane Society of the United States re-launched its legal effort to reverse federal agency and court decisions allowing the lethal removal of California sea lions from below Bonneville Dam on the lower Columbia River.
In a legal brief filed Monday (March 23) the HSUS argues that NOAA Fisheries Service has failed to explain how it can judge as "significant" the impacts predatory sea lions have on Columbia basin salmon runs while deciding that other, greater sources of mortality are not significant."
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"It's spring and time to get rid of that tacky Christmas gift your aunt sent you and help animals at the same time.
Out to Pasture Animal Sanctuary is gathering donations of just about anything for upcoming garage sales.
Garage sale donations can be dropped off on the porch at 2907 NE Weidler Street Portland 97232. Yellow house across from the Hollywood Fred Meyers and office of John Collins. Drop stuff off anytime or call Kit for a tax -deductible receipt at 503-493-9155 (office) or 503-756-8652 (cell).
See the animals atwww.outtopasturesanctuary.org.
The animals say thank you."
"hen you can, use videos. You will create new vegans! Here are a few ideas:
-post them on your blog(s),
-send them in emails,
-put them on your MySpace and FaceBook pages,
-copy them to CDs and distribute them,
-play them in public on your laptop or iphone,
-incorporate them into your school presentations."
"Those whose direct business is raising and killing animals aren't the only ones in agriculture with less-than-loving feelings toward animal rights advocates. Organizations representing crop farmers are preparing to take on animal rights (and animal welfare) activists and organizations too, alongside animal ag interest groups. Is this just a matter of those in the broader business of agriculture sticking together? Not quite. The interest is a selfish one. How so? I'm so glad you asked."
"Over 19,000 seals were killed in the first stage of Canada's contentious annual seal hunt this week, a Canadian fisheries official said Thursday.
Sealers reached the government quota of 19,400 in the area off Quebec's Iles de la Madeleine in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, spokesman Phil Jenkins said. He said a smaller stage of the Gulf hunt will begin Friday.
The government has set a combined allowable catch for this year's East Coast seal hunt of 338,200 harp, hooded and gray seals. The majority are killed off Newfoundland in a stage that's expected to start in the second week of April."
Jordan Halliday Update
"After saying they received over 100 phone calls, the jail called
Jordan's lawyer and said they will again resume feeding him his vegan
meals. "Just please tell your animal rights people to stop calling,"
they said, or something to that effect.
Jordan spoke with someone tonight and confirmed that he is indeed
once again receiving vegan meals. Phone calls work!"
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"The Alaska Department of Fish and Game stopped shooting wolves from a helicopter in the eastern Interior on Thursday after killing 84 wolves in five days as part of an intensified and controversial predator control program to increase caribou and moose numbers in an area east of Tok.
State officials were hoping to kill as many as 150 wolves by tracking them via airplane and shooting them from a helicopter, but a lack of both fresh snow and money prompted the department to temporarily halt the program."
See you there?
"Let Live Series Event:
The Anatomy of High Impact Direct Action: Strategies For Animal Liberation with Peter Young
March 29, 2009 / 2p.m. / Free (donations accepted)
Portland State University, Room 238 of the Smith Memorial Union Building
There are also two great benefits (not Let Live events, but very worthy of support) coming up for the AETA4 defendants. http://aeta4.org/
Benefit #1:
March 28th / 6pm / Donations accepted at door / No one turned away for lack of funds
Red and Black Cafe, 400 SE 12th
Speakers: Will Potter (GreenIsTheNewRed.com) and Lauren Regan (Civil Liberties Defense Center)
Bands: Mike XVX, Camping Party, Slow Teeth
Benefit #2:
March 29th / 6:30pm / $5-$15 (do your best)
Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy
Speakers: Will Potter (GreenIsTheNewRed.com), Peter Young (former Animal Liberation prisoner)
Bands (after the speakers): Death AD, Unrestrained, Parasitic Skies"
"Come out and support an amazing new vegan restaurant and their bad-ass collective owners as you dine on some delicious vegan Italian and help raise funds for the recently indicted Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act six
The cost is a flat $25 per person for a delicious three course vegan meal, with two seatings promptly at 6pm or 8:30pm, Thursday April 2nd. Half the evening's proceeds will go to the AETA-4.
The AETA4 are four animal liberation activists that were recently victims of a governmental sweep, much like the SHAC7, and being charged under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) for doing merely nothing but
printing flyers and doing home demonstrations against vivisectors. This means they are each facing a minimum of 5 years in prison and tens of thousands in fines. Please support our community members and activists for animals!
Please make reservations by calling Portobello Vegan Trattoria. Also contact with questions or allergy concerns.
Portobello Vegan Trattoria
2001 SE 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
Continue to support the AETA4. They will need thousands in legal fees to fight these charges. You can send donations by check or money order to:
The AETA Defense Fund
PO Box 99162
Emeryville, CA 94662
Or donate through PayPal (through the link at www.myspace.com/aeta4)"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Have a little free time during the week and want to spend it on the Columbia river? Sea Lion Defense Brigade are seeking volunteers to record any hazing, trapping, or killing of sea lions on the river. Any video recorded could go to protecting these creatures, if you're interested, this would be the time to help."
Sea Lion Defense Brigade has a site,
check it.
"The National Pork Board and National Cattlemen's Beef Association questioned the findings."
Monday, March 23, 2009
"In a blatantly obvious attempt to make Jordan's jail experience miserable, the government has just moved him from Salt Lake County to Cache County Jail. All books he had/was going to receive at Salt Lake County Jail are now the property of the SL Jail. They also moved him the day before he was finally going to receive his commissary funds. (He receives funds on Monday - he was officially booked on a Monday so he had to wait a full week to get commissary at SL County - he will now have to wait another full week). "
Sunday, March 22, 2009
So, we just heard that the anti-fur outreach at Ungar Furs in now going to be every single day they are open. Holy crap. Go down there when you get the chance and help spread the word that fur is... not cool, or whatever.
"In the same week that Russia annouced an end to the hunting of seals under a year old, the Canadian goverment released today that they will allow for the slaughter of 280,000 harp seal pups this year."
Saturday, March 21, 2009
"The dewy-eyed innocence of baby seals has prompted a rare burst of environmental activism in Russia that has moved Vladimir Putin to end their slaughter. The annual spring cull in the northern White Sea region has been scrapped after Mr Putin condemned the clubbing of baby seals for their fur as a “bloody trade”."
Friday, March 20, 2009
"The industrial activism movement "is coming at us like a freight train," it affects all of livestock and poultry production, it affects states with and without ballot initiatives and there will likely be federal and state legislation restricting the way livestock and poultry are grown, according to Chad Gregory, senior vice president of the United Egg Producers. He emphasized that the "freight train" analogy came from a cabinet secretary in the Obama Administration."
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"Farm Sanctuary needs your help now more than ever to care for the animals at our sanctuaries, continue our campaigns and promote compassion. Every gift you make matters for suffering farm animals. We are working hard to raise funds for our 2009 budget and we need your help!
Right now, you can help Farm Sanctuary help farm animals and also get a wonderful gift for yourself or a loved one at the same time through our charitybuzz auction.
From now until March 31, we are offering unique celebrity experiences, rare memorabilia, and special services and merchandise to raise critical funds for Farm Sanctuary.
On charitybuzz's main page you will see a Farm Sanctuary auction item on the bottom right of the screen. Click on it, and then select "View all lots" to see the complete list of our auction items, which include everything from yoga classes and life coaching packages to once-in-a-lifetime celebrity one-on-ones. Below are some of the more than 50 items NOW available for the bidding and, as you’ll see, there is definitely something on charitybuzz for everyone! "
Got a small batch of Dandies Vegan Marshmallows. Very small batch, but if you get here soon, you might get some. $5 a bag. F'ing great. These are legit.
"My dream is to change the way people think about their food choices one slice of cake at a time. Opening people’s eyes to the dramatic impact eating a vegan diet makes on wildlife, rain forest, other living beings. The whole reason why I am doing what I am doing, trying to expand, always challenging myself to push the company to higher levels is all for the animals. Just last night I was driving home from NYC and it was almost 2 a.m. and I passed a cattle truck on the highway. I tried to look away but of course couldn’t. Packed in by the dozens, scared, confused … I looked down at the temperature gauge and it was a chilling 31 degrees. I felt sick that in 2009 we are still a human race blind to the other species of animals that inhabit this planet and what a disgrace we have been in respecting these life forms. It is my goal to make a small difference in the fight for animal injustice."
A great example of using media to get across an AR message. Could just have easily stuck to food talk, but Danielle did a really great job of keeping it on point. Awesome.
"Omitting the most controversial, potentially-illegal activity, and instead focusing on protests that involved chalking slogans and chanting, sends a very clear message of where this is all heading. This case and others like it are not about underground groups like the Animal Liberation Front, they are not about “violence,” they are not about the real potential for violence.
They are about using the “War on Terrorism” to chip away at basic First Amendment rights and criminalize dissent."
"I am pleased to let you know the BOCA brand will be eliminating eggs in all of its products by the end of this year. We anticipate all BOCA products will be egg free in 2010."
Holy shit! Great news to wake up too. Thanks to COK and MFA for all their work on this, and to everybody who wrote a letter or made a call.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"“They [the state] have a mandate to provide for maximum sustained yield. They want to provide more moose and caribou for people to harvest,” said Greg Dudgeon of the park service. “Our mandate is to manage and provide for healthy populations of wildlife. So we don’t place the value of a wolf over a caribou, or a caribou over a moose.”"
Just wanted to tell you about some new products we got in today in case you give a shit: eggplant cutlets and burgers, tuna rolls, Annie's organic bunny gummies, and all the dang Newman-O's you want. And we're getting more kale chips in today in case you were having withdrawals.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, April 3, Powell's on Burnside: Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, author of
When Elephants Weep, explores our relationship with the animals we call food, challenging us to become conscious of how our food choices affect our moral selves, health, and environment.
"On Friday, March 13th 2009, Utah animal rights activist Jordan Halliday was held in contempt of court for refusing to testify before a grand jury. Jordan Halliday is still not getting *full* vegan meals. Please call and request he receive *full* vegan meals. He is getting dairy and egg free meals, but *not* meat free meals. Sometimes 40-50% of his meals are okay, but sometimes only 10% of his meals are okay. They now claim to him that it may take a couple days to get him full vegan meals -- if at all. It isn't exactly rocket science to provide extra pasta, rice, or beans. "
Monday, March 16, 2009
"The U.S. Sportsman Alliance is urging hunters across America to contact executives at FOX Broadcasting and “demand that Underwood’s song not be given a stage to raise money for HSUS.”"
Drop this fellow a friendly note and thank him for not be a scumbag snitch.
Jordan Halliday #324013
c/o Salt Lake County Metro Jail
3415 S. 900 W.
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Sunday, March 15, 2009
"Join us and a ton of our friends to see 2 great speakers, and 3 great bands do their thing. All money raised will go for the legal defense of the AETA4 (AETA4.org for details.)
$5-$15 suggested donation, please do your best, these folks need the help. "
Cheezly on Sale!
For as long as we feel like it, Cheezly is now on sale. Normally, $8.60, now $6.79! That's f'ing great, huh? If you haven't tried it, it really gives Sheese a run for it's money. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to try one of the few remaining bacon cheddar ones.
"The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) and the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE), the animal protection organizations who administer the Leaping Bunny Program in the United States (U.S.), Canada, and Europe, join together to celebrate the end of animal testing for cosmetics in the European Union (EU).
As of today, the EU has banned all animal tests for cosmetic ingredients, formulations, and final products. In addition, the sale of cosmetics and ingredients that have been tested on animals, regardless of where the testing occurred, is also prohibited, with the exception of three test areas (repeated-dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, and toxicokinetics). The final three test areas will be banned in March 2013. "
Food Fight struck by Terrorism
Whomever attacked our doorway last night with a fire extinguisher is a cowardly terrorist (and ruined our morning). It can't be anything but Terrorism, we are convinced of it. Where is the FBI when we need them?
Last Day of Sale!
If you want in on the big Vega and Soy Curl sale, get your order in today, or come by and buy.
"The government on Saturday permanently banned the slaughter of cows too sick or weak to stand on their own, seeking to further minimize the chance that mad cow disease could enter the food supply.
The Agriculture Department proposed the ban last year after the biggest beef recall in U.S. history. The recall involved a Chino, Calif., slaughterhouse and "downer" cows. The Obama administration finalized the ban on Saturday."
Saturday, March 14, 2009
"Sunday, March 15, 2009
Demonstration and March Against the Seal Hunt
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Pioneer Courthouse Square, c/o Broadway and Yamhill (By Max stop on Yamhill
contact: Eric, 503-249-9996, IDA (Fur Kills)"
"An animal rights activist has been jailed for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury apparently investigating a series of raids on local mink farms.
Jordan Halliday was found in contempt of court and taken into federal custody until he testifies.
"Mr. Halliday, you are the one who can get yourself out of this," U.S. District Judge Tena Campbell told him as federal marshals handcuffed the 21-year-old man at the end of a hearing in federal court on Friday.
As he was led away, supporters who filled the courtroom broke out into applause."
Friday, March 13, 2009
"Last night, a sea lion defense brigadier witnessed a forlorn sea lion held captive in a tiny enclosure out of public view. Its companion had just been put to death, and it seemed to be frightened and confused. The sea lion was kept there, under horrific conditions, until today, when it was put to death. "
Josh Harper Wishlist Updated
Just added some extra nerdy books for Josh, so... if you can:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"JCPenney, with more than 1,000 stores in 49 states, has become fur-free, making it the first multiple location, traditional department store to be fur-free in stores and on its website. The company is currently fur-free and has no plans for fur items in the future. Amen to that."
"Kathy Guillermo, PETA's director of lab investigations, said the warning was significant because it was the first one to uphold "all of the years of complaints" the group made about animal treatment at the lab. Guillermo said the group sifted more than 1,000 pages of documents to identify the three cases, and didn't know how representative they were of care at the Oregon center or the nation's other seven primate centers. But "we suspect that there are problems like this ongoing," she said, and wishes the USDA had more inspectors to check labs."

"Today ( 3/11/09 ) we found the flier( attached ) in two different locations within a couple blocks from Ungar Furs. As you read the flier you will notice how completely desperate the unknown author sounds. The author also mentions that the readers who are tired of "domestic terrorist" should show up on friday at 1 pm to "help this local taxpayer and business protect their rights". We are getting under their skin and it is finally starting to show. We are expecting some people to be countering our demonstration. We are standing up for the rights of animals and OUR beliefs. Domestic terrorists do not stand outside of a fur shop handing out literature to the public like we do. PLEASE come out for the demonstration on Friday at 1 pm. This is a very important demonstration to come to. We need all the support and attendance as possible. UNGAR FURS SW 12th & Yamhill Every Friday 1 pm."
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"She observed that "on five consecutive days, before the zoo opened, the chimpanzee gathered stones from the water and placed them in caches." Later on each of these days, Santino was seen throwing the rocks at unsuspecting zoo visitors."
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Run up on the coat-check with my gauge out, click-clack...
New PETA thing, featuring Ricky Gervais's voice. This is pretty damned pro, and no lettuce bikinis, so... we all win.
"Stolen for Fashion"—Learn More at PETA.org.
"Trevor Morse, 48, broke off from following the Warwickshire hunt on Monday morning to drive to an airfield where two alleged anti-hunt protesters who had been following and monitoring them were re-fuelling.
It is believed he wanted to challenge them over their behaviour and allegations they were swooping down aggressively and frightening the horses.
Mr Morse was hit by the mini-helicopter and died instantly. It is thought he was decapitated by its blades."
Hey man, you going to finish that rutagaba?
So just when you thought that Food Fight Vegan Grocery couldn't get any more def, we proudly introduce rutagabas to our humble produce cooler. Holy moly. They're good! And what's more, good for you. Don't know how to prepare them? Check out the interweb. It's lousy with rutagaba recipes. Lousy I say. Only got a few pounds in so hurry up! First come first serve! And we will NOT be holding any special rutabaga orders, so no more phone calls. We also have a bunch of other great produce options here. Not as many options as Whole Foods, but way less dead rabbit. Summer's coming ya'll. Get healthy. These things will make you look like the Beckhams. Don't be the embarissing one at the rope swing this year.
Monday, March 09, 2009
"What: Protest against state-sponsored killing of sea lions at the Bonneville Dam
When: Next Wednesday, March 11th, from 11am until 1pm,
Where: At the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) offices,
1201 NE Lloyd Blvd., Portland. "
"One of the most powerful tools animal rights activists have is the video footage shot inside places like poorly run dog kennels, animal testing facilities and factory farms, used as grim evidence of the brutality that can take place. But how do animal rights crusaders actually get those videos? Through people like "Pete," a 20-something undercover animal rights investigator who, armed with a hidden camera, surreptitiously got a job in 2006 at an Ohio hog farm."
Just got this new stuff in. Like a pudding squirt right in your mouth. But not in the dirty way. It'll give you some energy and stuff when you're out smashing up the bad guys.
Vegetarian Commercial Kitchen Space Available
"We have a 900 sq ft commercial kitchen space available for day time, evening and grave yard shifts. Flexible time slots available! We have a 6 rack gas convection oven, 6 burner stove top, 6 ft walkin cooler, storage, 20 qt hobart, 2 ft flame grille, 2 food dehydrators. We are looking for like minded businesses to share our space. Rent is $300 for a day shift 7am-4pm. $250 from 3pm-midnight and $175 for the graveyard shift from 11pm-8am. All rents based on {one shift per day, one day of the week} per month. Call 503.334.5361 to view the space or with questions. "
""The United States continues to view the commercial whaling moratorium as a necessary conservation measure and believes that lethal scientific whaling is unnecessary in modern whale conservation management," said Nancy Sutley, chair of the White House's Council on Environmental Quality."
Fingers crossed that this will actually mean something.
"An extremely rare white deer discovered in the Scottish lowlands has become subject of a bidding war between hunters wanting to kill it."
Sunday, March 08, 2009
"The city of Cincinatti joined the choir growing louder by the day, urging residents to consider eating less meat in an effort to combat climate change. As part of the Green Cincinatti Plan, the city’s Food Task Force met for the first time and discussed a campaign that would ask that residents replace some of the meat in their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables."
Somebody should work on Portland to do something like this.
The show I'm airing tomorrow features Chad and several other activists from your volunteer round up the other month.
Monday 11:30am KBOO 90.7 fm community radio station 3/9/09.
The show is a new one and I'm hoping to get a regular spot, if the community wants a regular animal rights/vegan show. It's called The Versatile Vegan.
If you could spread the word for me or put it on your calendar I'd really appreciate it!"
Saturday, March 07, 2009
"Two activists arrested for a mink farm raid and a second attempted
raid in Utah are being denied vegan food.
The jail is claiming to those who call to inquire that they are being
fed vegan. However, one of the two was able to get a call out today
and stated that in the two days since his arrest, he has eaten only
lettuce and an apple.
Please take a minute to call and and politely DEMAND the two are be
given adequate vegan food. Phone calls to jails WORK, and have
achieved vegan meals for prisoners in the past. Please take a minute
to call.
(801) 743-5000 dial 1 then 0 to get right to an operator.
(801) 743-5500
Re: inmates William Viehl and Alex Jason Hall
Two Local Utah Animal Rights Activists; William "BJ" Viehl and Alex Jason Hall,
were arrested Thursday, March 5th for a raid of a South Jordan, UT
mink farm in August, and the attempted raid of a second mink farm in
Both are being held in Salt Lake County Metro Jail on charges of Animal
Enterprise Terrorism.
Yesterday they had an arraignment hearing in which both pleaded "NOT GUILTY".
They are scheduled for a Bail Hearing on Tuesday, as of right now they are both
being held on Felony 3 retainers with NO BAIL.
At this time it looks like each could face up to 6 years in prison and $350,000
in fines if found guilty.
Please send them a letter of support during these first very difficult days
behind bars.
Please remember to not mention the specifics of their case, or anything that
could be used against them in this very precarious pre-trial phase:
William Viehl
Booking #:906617
Prisoner ID: 323754
c/o Salt Lake County Metro Jail
3415 S. 900 W.
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Alex Jason Hall
Booking number: 906610
Prisoner ID: 323748
c/o Salt Lake County Metro Jail
3415 S. 900 W.
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Please visit their support page: www. myspace.com/supportbjandalex
(there is a paypal account to which you can donate)
email: bjandalexsupport@gmail.com"
"I voluntarily enlisted into the military to serve and protect the qualities that this great country stands for. I took an oath to protect the Constitution and to give my life to protect these ideas which are so unique in the world then and now. Times were simpler then, we knew who our enemies were, both foreign and domestic. Now we are under attack by slick domestic insurgent organizations that deceive the public — they play on emotion, and deceptions to receive funds from the public to forward their true radical agenda under the cover of "Animal Rights.""
Check out the updates on the LL Conference page. Added some ways you can help out $$$ wise. Wanna table and sell your stuff? Co-sponsor? Whatever.
""There is no compromise, quite frankly. The idea of negotiating with an animal rights group--whether it is a group that at least appears as benign as the Humane Society, or as crazy as PETA--is a waste of time," says Kopperud, "because the ultimate goal is to put the producer out of business. So what you're essentially doing is delaying the inevitable.""
Friday, March 06, 2009
"We have set up an account handle all the lovely donations that people have made to the AETA 4.
Please make checks payable to:
The AETA Defense Fund
P.O. Box 99162
Emeryville, CA 94662"
"U.S. pork producers, already worried that high prices for their product may chase pinched shoppers to the chicken section, are now bracing for another possible hit - an HBO special on animal cruelty in factory farming.
Producers at the annual Pork Industry Forum were discussing the documentary, "Death on a Factory Farm," which the network plans to premier on March 16 and show 20 times by April 1."
Wanna rent a room in a vegan house? Lower Belmont area, $350 including utilities. A couple of nice young folks live there already, join them will ya? Contact Jon Hopeless through his MySpace page, www.myspace.com/hopelesser. Word?
Just got our next three movies delivered for benefit nights. Road House + 2 other fantastic adventures. Stay tuned. Oh yeah, there will be NO MOVIE NIGHT IN APRIL. We're gonna be out of town, so... donate $3 on your own to somebody, ok?
"Consider our love affair with food miles. In theory, locally grown foods have traveled shorter distances and thus represent less fuel use and lower carbon emissions—their resource footprint is smaller. And yet, for all the benefits of a local diet, eating locally doesn't always translate into more sustainability. Because the typical farmers market is supplied by dozens of different farms, each transporting its crops in a separate van or truck, a 20-pound shopping basket of locally grown produce might actually represent a larger carbon footprint than the same volume of produce purchased at a chain retailer, which gets its produce en masse, via large trucks."
"Wild chimps “recruited” by poachers for entertainment watch as their mothers are gunned down — the only way a chimp mother would ever relinquish a child. Chimps born in captivity are spared that experience, but they suffer the same premature separation from their mothers, isolation from their normal social groups and often mistreatment from trainers and keepers, all traumatic events that have been shown to cause deep psychological scarring and, as in human beings, can lead an animal to overreact to the slightest stimuli: the look in someone’s eye, the color of someone’s hair or, as with Ms. Herold’s friend that day, hair done up in an unaccustomed style. These are, in short, deeply conflicted beings, evolutionary anomalies that only we could have created: chimps with names and yet no recollection of trees."
Sea Lion Media Coverage
In case you need a kick in the pants (and we all do) about what's going on with the sealions just up the road from us:
KATU 2/27/09 - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6255664535087939248&hl=en
KGW 2/27/09 - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6830216201656776420&hl=en
KOIN 2/27/09 - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2356394035043741378&hl=en
KATU 3/2/09 - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5838544607297386262&hl=en
"One of the chimpanzees at the facility - Karen - was taken from the wild and has been housed in a primarily barren laboratory setting since 1958, when Dwight Eisenhower was president, the Humane Society said. It called on Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to release her to a sanctuary - along with many other elderly chimps taken from the wild decades ago."
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Life is hard
"As I have written about previously, it was precisely the constant challenge of a skeptical public that forced me to understand the insufficiency of suffering as a basis for veganism. Accepting the reality of the repeated failure of my arguments allowed me to ask, “Why aren’t people convinced by the argument? Why can’t I refute their logic? Is there a problem with my logic?” This inquiry helped deepen my understanding of veganism and helped me become a more effective, confident advocate in the process.
My experience showed me that even if we don’t question our beliefs, the public certainly will and they will focus on the weaknesses in our ideas. We may as well proactively address them ourselves before the public forces us to."
"Most people who read this site are sympathetic to the civil liberties concerns I raise, and many are very sympathetic to animal rights and environmental issues. I think it’s important to remember, though, that there are plenty of everyday people who might have different views on animal rights and environmental issues (to put it mildly) but who would be just as outraged if they knew what is going on."
I like how we are just becoming a site that reposts Will Potter crap all day long.
"One of my doctors has told me to get my affairs in order, which is why I'm writing this column. I want to explain why someone who takes so many animal-tested drugs is opposed to animal research."
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
We just got these dried kale crisps in. Pretty rad. And we don't normally go for the healthy raw stuff, but... geez, we're kinda addicted. $5 a bag, I know, but it's pretty damned great. Organic kale, tahini, nutritional yeast, lemon juice and salt. Apparently they are the 3rd best selling thing at People's Coop right now, so it can't just be us that's into them.
"A proposal to ban pit bulls in Oregon will not be formally introduced this year, according to the spokeswoman for a Republican state senator.
The news of the Oregon legislator dropping the pit bull ban was a victory for fans of the maligned breed, but owners already have another fight on their hands. A new proposal, House Bill 2852, would require pit bull owners to buy liability insurance."
"Tucked into a rural section of Louisiana, a few miles from Lafayette, an unexpected compound springs from the landscape. It is the nation's largest primate testing lab. The New Iberia Research Center, part of the University of Louisiana, houses more than 6,000 primates and one of the largest captive populations of chimpanzees in the world.
"Nightline" obtained the results of a nine-month undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States. A Humane Society investigator took a hidden camera inside the New Iberia Research Center for most of 2008. The video shows what the Society says is the way monkeys and great apes are treated behind closed doors."
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Bring us your old paper grocery bags! We just ran out. Ugh oh...
"The 2009 Let Live Conference is officially set for June 26th-28th in Portland, Oregon and registration is open NOW. To offset the cost of the conference, we kindly request a donation of $15 for registration. However, for early birds who register by May 1st, the suggested donation is only $10! So register early and help us provide you with a bigger and badder animal rights conference. "
Another new Farm Sanctuary blog, this one devoted to activism. F yeah.
"The Illinois Pork Producers Association and Illinois Beef Association Springfield Legislative Day is scheduled for March 18 and will come not a moment too soon, at least judging from one piece of legislation recently introduced in the Illinois Senate.
Senate Bill 1337, introduced Feb. 10 by Sen. James DeLeo, D-Chicago, would ban the use of gestation stalls in pork production, battery cages in poultry and egg production, veal stalls in veal production and certain types of stalls still used in dairy production."
Monday, March 02, 2009
So, Bye and Bye is donating food for Sunday night's benefit movie night. Not sure what, we think some BBQ tofu thing. It'll be good. Tell them thanks by going there and eating and drinking and being merry. Ask for the "Floorpunch" and tell 'em Food Fight sent you.
"An Al-Qaeda operative charged with creating a weapon of mass destruction has received a lesser prison sentence than an environmentalist who set fire to an empty building."
In case you need a further example of how fucked things are with regard to our country's current (waiting for that change?) way of doing things.
"The Central intelligence Agency (CIA) has destroyed 92 tapes of interviews conducted with terror suspects, a US government lawyer has admitted.
The agency had previously said that it had destroyed only two tapes."
"Adrian Radford, a former soldier and intelligence services instructor, went public last week about the three years he spent inside the Animal Liberation Front, Britain's Sunday Times reported."
We live in a world full of turds.
Received this email from one of the senators we wrote. Keep those emails and calls going!:
In my opinion an outright ban on 'Pit Bulls" is both inappropriate and unenforceable. It is a given that some pit bulls are just as dangerous as some German Shepherds, Rotweillers, Bulldogs, Dalmations etc. No doubt some horses are dangerous as well but we have not attempted to ban horses. Variations of this law are introduced in virtually each legislative session and have to date been defeated. It is likely that your emails and phone calls will make a difference yet again.
Best regards,
Office of Doug Whitsett
Senator, District 28
P: (503) 986-1728
F: (503) 986-1958"
Protest the state-sanctioned killing of sea lions at the Bonneville Dam!
Getting shot for…eating?!
Its should be no surprise to anyone - sea lions eat fish - a mere 4% of the Spring run of Chinook Salmon at the Bonneville Dam according to government estimates. And for simply doing what they have evolved to do, eat - up to 85 federally protected California sea lions who have been identified eating salmon below the dam, will be shot per year, for the next five years by Oregon and Washington Wildlife officials beginning as early as tomorrow!
Join us to protest!
Advocates will meet tomorrow, Monday, March 2nd, at 10:00 a.m. sharp, to carpool to the Bonneville Dam for a protest against this ludicrous plan to kill these protected pinnipeds. This is very short notice, so if you don't have a schedule conflict, please consider joining us!
What: Protest at the Bonneville Dam Against Killing Protected Sea Lions
When: Monday March 2nd, at 10 a.m.
Where: Meet at In Defense of Animals, 1732 NE Alberta
RSVP: Please RSVP if you are coming so nobody gets left behind, 503-249-9996 or matt@idausa.org
Government il-logic
To bypass federal protections of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW & WDFW) applied for special permission to kill sea lions under section 120 of the Act. Shockingly, in their Environmental Assessment to justifying the killing they claim that the 4% of the spring salmon run the sea lions eat is making a "significant impact" on the salmon recovery, while at the same time claiming that the 13% of the same endangered salmon run they allow fisherman to take in is an "insignificant impact."
State officials dodge difficult questions
At a news conference last Friday jointly sponsored by ODFW and WDFW, state officials responsible for the decision to kill sea lions ignored tough questions asked by IDA and members of the independent media. To watch a brief video synopsis of this event, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBsxsR3Ha0&feature=channel_page
The real threats to the recovery of collapsed salmon populations revolves around human caused problems - over-fishing, dams, and habitat destruction. Sea lions are being scapegoated, but killing sea lions is not going to solve these core problems, and the money being wasted on state-sanctioned killing is better spent on other conservation strategies.
Contact legislators
Legislators need to hear from wildlife advocates who want both the salmon and the sea lions protected! If you live in Washington or Oregon, contact them immediately and diplomatically voice your outrage about this government sanctioned executions of sea lions and let them know killing them will not solve the salmon crisis. To contact your legislators or find out who they are, goto:
Washington residents: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/Default.aspx
Oregon residents: http://www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/
Ongoing campaign
Even if you can't make it tomorrow, please let us know if you want to get more involved in this campaign to stop the sea lion killing. In upcoming weeks activists will be organizing ongoing on-site monitoring to report and document the killing. To get involved contact matt@idausa.org or IDA at 503-249-9996.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Late night post change. This is a protest not just monitoring.
Regarding the start of the sea lion relocation/killing tomorrow.
"Meet Monday (tomorrow) at IDA office, 1732 NE Alberta, at 10am for carpool leaving for Bonneville Dam. Please RSVP if you are coming to matt@idausa.org or 503-249-9996 so nobody gets left behind. Cross post please.
if you can't make it, but want to help, please get in touch. We will be organizing ongoing monitoring of the sea lion killing as this goes on; and more help is needed!"
Here's a website with more information about Breed-Specific Legislation and about the Oregon pit bull band proposal with links to Senator Bruce Starr's email address.
There is also a Portland Against Breed Bans meetup group.
Also, here are the other Oregon senators' information. Please take the time to write them all, so they can stop this bill from moving forward.
Senator Jason Atkinson
Party: R District: 2
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1702
Interim Phone: 541-955-0911
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-415, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: PO Box 1704, Grants Pass, OR, 97528
Email: sen.jasonatkinson@state.or.us
Senator Alan C Bates
Party: D District: 3
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1703
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-205, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.alanbates@state.or.us
Senator Suzanne Bonamici
Party: D District: 17
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1717
District Phone: 503-627-0246
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-403, Salem, OR, 97301
District Office Address: PO Box 990, Beaverton, OR, 97075
Email: sen.suzannebonamici@state.or.us
Senator Brian Boquist
Party: R District: 12
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1712
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, S-305, Salem,, OR, 97301
Email: sen.brianboquist@state.or.us
Senator Ginny Burdick
Party: D District: 18
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1718
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-213, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.ginnyburdick@state.or.us
Senator Margaret Carter
Party: D District: 22
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1722
Interim Phone: 503-282-6846
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-209, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: PO Box 3722, Portland, OR, 97208
Email: sen.margaretcarter@state.or.us
Senator Peter Courtney
Party: D District: 11
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1600
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-201, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.petercourtney@state.or.us
Senator Richard Devlin
Party: D District: 19
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1700
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-223, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.richarddevlin@state.or.us
Senator Jackie Dingfelder
Party: D District: 23
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1723
Interim Phone: 503-493-2804
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-407, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: PO Box 13432, Portland, OR, 97213
Email: sen.jackiedingfelder@state.or.us
Senator Ted Ferrioli
Party: R District: 30
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1950
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-323, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us
Senator Larry George
Party: R District: 13
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1713
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-307, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.larrygeorge@state.or.us
Senator Fred Girod
Party: R District: 9
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1709
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-421, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.fredgirod@state.or.us
Senator Mark Hass
Party: D District: 14
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1714
District Phone: 503-641-2742
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-419, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.markhass@state.or.us
Senator Betsy Johnson
Party: D District: 16
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1716
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-215, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.betsyjohnson@state.or.us
Senator Jeff Kruse
Party: R District: 1
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701
Interim Phone: 541-673-7201
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-316, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: 636 Wild Iris Lane, Roseburg, OR, 97470
Email: sen.jeffkruse@state.or.us
Senator Rick Metsger
Party: D District: 26
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1726
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-315, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.rickmetsger@state.or.us
Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson
Party: D District: 25
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1725
Interim Phone: 503-618-3071
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-413, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: PO Box 1531 , Gresham, OR, 97030
Email: sen.lauriemonnesanderson@state.or.us
Senator Rod Monroe
Party: D District: 24
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1724
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-409, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.rodmonroe@state.or.us
Senator Bill Morrisette
Party: D District: 6
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1706
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-207, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.billmorrisette@state.or.us
Senator Frank Morse
Party: R District: 8
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1708
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-311, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.frankmorse@state.or.us
Senator David Nelson
Party: R District: 29
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1729
Interim Phone: 541-278-2332
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-211, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: 1407 NW Horn Ave., Pendleton, OR, 97801
Email: sen.davidnelson@state.or.us
Senator Floyd Prozanski
Party: D District: 4
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1704
Interim Phone: 541-342-2447
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-417, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: PO Box 11511, Eugene, OR, 97440
Email: sen.floydprozanski@state.or.us
Senator Diane Rosenbaum
Party: D District: 21
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1721
Interim Phone: 503-231-9970
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-405, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: 1125 SE Madison St., Suite 100B, Portland, OR, 97214
Email: sen.dianerosenbaum@state.or.us
Senator Martha Schrader
Party: D District: 20
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1720
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-425, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.marthaschrader@state.or.us
Senator Bruce Starr
Party: R District: 15
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1715
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-411, Salem, OR, 97302
Email: sen.brucestarr@state.or.us
Senator Chris Telfer
Party: R District: 27
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1727
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-423, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.christelfer@state.or.us
Senator Joanne Verger
Party: D District: 5
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1705
Interim Phone: 541-756-4140
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-401, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: 3696 Broadway PMB 344, North Bend, OR, 97459
Email: sen.joanneverger@state.or.us
Senator Vicki L Walker
Party: D District: 7
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1707
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-309, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.vickiwalker@state.or.us
Senator Doug Whitsett
Party: R District: 28
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1728
Interim Phone: 541-882-1315
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE., S-303, Salem, OR, 97301
Interim Address: 23131 North Poe Valley Rd., Klamath Falls, OR, 97603
Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state.or.us
Senator Jackie Winters
Party: R District: 10
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1710
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-301, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: sen.jackiewinters@state.or.us
A good article from "Striking at the Roots" detailing a successful anti foie gras campaign.
Check out Papa G's site, will ya? They've been doing lots of music and specials and other cool stuff, throw some dollars their way when you get a chance. Then you can go across the street to the beautician school for a $2.50 haircut!
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