
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vegan Sweetheart: Baker Danielle Konya 

"My dream is to change the way people think about their food choices one slice of cake at a time. Opening people’s eyes to the dramatic impact eating a vegan diet makes on wildlife, rain forest, other living beings. The whole reason why I am doing what I am doing, trying to expand, always challenging myself to push the company to higher levels is all for the animals. Just last night I was driving home from NYC and it was almost 2 a.m. and I passed a cattle truck on the highway. I tried to look away but of course couldn’t. Packed in by the dozens, scared, confused … I looked down at the temperature gauge and it was a chilling 31 degrees. I felt sick that in 2009 we are still a human race blind to the other species of animals that inhabit this planet and what a disgrace we have been in respecting these life forms. It is my goal to make a small difference in the fight for animal injustice."

A great example of using media to get across an AR message. Could just have easily stuck to food talk, but Danielle did a really great job of keeping it on point. Awesome.

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 9:57 AM


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