Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Saturday 4-25 Event for World Week For Animals In Laboratories
In solidarity with the countless millions of animals who continue to suffer in laboratories throughout the world, there will be a demonstration and outreach event at the OHSU clinic at SE 39th and Division.
Meet at 12:00 (noon) on Saturday (4-25-09) at the sidewalk outside the clinic. We will have signs and literature available to educate visitors to the clinic, as well as traffic on Division.
Please come out to support ending the cruel, wasteful, and unscientific practice of vivisection.
OHSU performs these experiments on thousands of animals. Dogs, cats, mice, sheep, birds, primates and other animals all suffer an unnatural life and death in confinement behind the walls of OHSU.
For more information on OHSU's animal testing, please see: ohsucruelty.com
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