
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Dr. Strangelove to Benefit Pig Sanctuary! 

"Recently, Ruby and Rose were rescued on their way to the slaughter house, and instead of the nightmare of the abbatoir they have found themselves in a meadow filled with chamomile flowers on a sanctuary in the hills of Cascadia. Ruby is a yorkshire/hampsire pig, and Rose is yorkshire. Both are about 6 months old, and weigh around 250 lbs -- "market" age and weight, according to slaughterhouse standards, still just babies according to common decency. They are not meat. They are intelligent, loving beings who play, communicate with each other, and have definite personalities. After a life of abuse and exploitation, they are getting to know gentle hands and kind words and are responding to love. Now, when they see or hear their favorite humans they come running and squealing in joy. Ruby loves to have her tummy rubbed, and will roll over like a dog for that pleasure. Rose likes to play with sticks, and is often seen running through the meadow with a stick in her mouth like a dog. Both enjoy exploring together, and are finally able to express their natural talents and desires. Pigs build nests, travel together in social groups called "sounders," and spend much of their time exploring their environment. They have a complex language and are quick to learn from each other and from other animals with whom they interact, including humans. In their natural environment, they have a cohesive culture, which is passed down from generation to generation. Yes, pigs are COOL! "

posted by Food Fight! Vegan Grocery  # 1:36 PM


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