Thursday, April 27, 2006
"Members of the rapper's posse allegedly refused to stay in the lounge, and moved the party over to the terminal's duty-free shop where they reportedly started hurling bottles of whiskey around the store and arguing with shop employees."
We're heading off to the airport ourselves today. Emiko's brother is getting hitched in San Antonio, so we'll be away for a few days. You guys hold it down for us. Don't go thowing whiskey bottles around or anything.
IDA and Portland activists hard at work. Wahoo!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Come on over Saturday, May 6th at 1 p.m. and share a cupcake with Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Isa is the author of the much loved
Vegan With a Vengeance cookbook, and the forthcoming
Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World cookbook, as well as the host of Brooklyn's own Post Punk Kitchen public access T.V. show. This is her only west coast event so make sure you come by and get your book signed or just snag a cupcake and say hi.
Eat Vegan Treats for the SHAC 7!
"Eat Vegan Treats for the SHAC 7! Through the end of May, Food Fight!
Grocery (www.FoodFightGrocery.com) will donate 10% of sales to the SHAC 7
Appeals Fund when you mention "SHAC7" in the comments section at checkout.
Help the SHAC 7 and get some tasty vegan treats out of the deal. Check out
the canned vegan whipped cream, chocolate caramel bars, vegan haggis, and
lots more hard to find vegan junk food! Order often, tell your friends,
and don't forget to mention "SHAC7" in the comments section.
You can also donate directly to the SHAC 7 Appeals fund. Make payment out
to "NJARA" and earmarked for the SHAC 7 Appeals and send to:
PO Box 174
Englishtown, NJ 07726
The SHAC 7 are six individuals and an animal rights corporation facing
upwards of 10 years in prison for excercising their constitutional rights
campaigning against the notorious animal testing lab, Huntingdon Life
Sciences. Find out more at www.SHAC7.com"
Check out the big brain on Chicago!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
"Carbon dioxide is then released into the sealed chamber, rendering the rodent unconscious within ten seconds. It then dies 'quickly and humanely' in under a minute,"
Ugh. This makes me want to punch PETA in the stomach.
Going to the Bizarro Baloney Show. Hope to see youz there.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Not to mention having one ourselves. It's the freezer's fault.
A reminder for SF people
Our friend, Nicole Georges, along with a few other outstanding people will be doing readings at the San Francisco Public Library Tuesday, April 25th.
Here's the detailed info:
the RADAR reading series: underground & emerging authors + the occasional superstar.
Tuesday April 25th: Chris Carlsson, Nicole Georges, Rachel Howard, Chana Morgenstern
Tuesday, April 25th
6pm sharp * all ages * free
At the San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street
in the Latino Reading Room / basement level
"from Portland, Oregon, NICOLE GEORGES, artist and author of the ongoing graphic novel/illustrated memoir Invincible Summer; who makes sock monkeys and other handmade crafts, such as stuffed Norwhales, the unicorns of the sea; who is cofounder of the Portland Zine Symposium and organizer of the Midwest Underground Media Symposium and is affiliated in some way with everything from Farm Sanctuary to Rock the Vote to Rock & Roll Camp for Girls; who plays in the bands Fact or Fiction and Sour Grapes; whose Invincible Summer zine has been collected into the anthology Invincible Summer from Tugboat press; who is included in the forthcoming collection Baby, Remember My Name; New Queer Girl Writing; who is a visual artist whose work is shows in various bookstores and galleries and who is a true lover of animals."
Any Kinko's workers reading out there? We know you are. We also know you hate your job. And, further still, we know that you know that we know you want to help us out by making up a few hundred SHAC7 flyers for us to give out at events.
A link to the double sided PDF file is yonder: http://shac7.com/multimedia/flyer.pdf
Thanks troops.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Just because we're not the ones pushing you doesn't mean it doesn't count. Kami is trying to organize the garage sale for us, and no one is getting in touch with her. The date for it is Sunday, May 21. We need tables to sell stuff on, clean clothes, and other items you want to donate to sell here. Contact her to find out when and how. And if you want to volunteer for this or any other events Kami's got brewing, get in touch with her for that, too. She just moved here and is already doing more than you, so show her otherwise.
*From our forums:
"After exchanging a few emails with Chad, I've agreed to step up and get things moving for this.
The date is going to be May 21. Since that's so close, things need to get started right away. If anyone is interested in helping plan this, I want to meet this weekend (Sunday afternoon?) and talk about ideas and get things in motion. I'm volunteering my living room as the place to meet. It's in North Portland. I'll provide some snacks. Bring your own beverage.
If you have an allergy to cats, you should be warned that some live at our house.
If you're interested in helping and can make it on Sunday, please drop me an email at nopockyforkami@gmail.com. Let me know what time on Sunday works best for you. If you're interested in helping and can't make it on Sunday, still drop me an email so that I can start a mailing list for this.
*Also from Kami on our forums a few days later:
the response to this has been LAME. i mean, it.
portland, i am so disappointed in you.
put your politics where mouth is.
if you don't want to work on the rummage sale but still want to do something, speak the fuck up. let's talk about doing some fun house shows."
Saturday, April 22, 2006
"A doctor and nutritional nurse within the jail have both suggested that Eric be given vegan protein shakes yet the jail continues to pretend that they are unable to accomodate his health and nutritional needs."
Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Friday morning we'll be getting 2 dozen fresh gooey cinnamon rolls from Gear Grinders Bakery. Perfect with melted ice cream!
From our forums (thanks Kami):
"After exchanging a few emails with Chad, I've agreed to step up and get things moving for this.
The date is going to be May 21. Since that's so close, things need to get started right away. If anyone is interested in helping plan this, I want to meet this weekend (Sunday afternoon?) and talk about ideas and get things in motion. I'm volunteering my living room as the place to meet. It's in North Portland. I'll provide some snacks. Bring your own beverage.
If you have an allergy to cats, you should be warned that some live at our house.
If you're interested in helping and can make it on Sunday, please drop me an email at nopockyforkami@gmail.com. Let me know what time on Sunday works best for you. If you're interested in helping and can't make it on Sunday, still drop me an email so that I can start a mailing list for this.
So... again, the freezer is down. We lost all our icecream, probably a couple hundred dollars worth. This sucks.
Man, hardocre/punk shows can be really fun. Ah, the sounds of yester-year...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Look, our friend Ben is causing a ruckus!
Somebody sent us this picture. Is that a steak on the left side of the plate or some kind of mushroom?
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Check out this post in our forums. Get to work folks, lend Kami a hand, and feel free to ask us for help.
People in SF!
Our friend, Nicole Georges, along with a few other outstanding people will be doing readings at the San Francisco Public Library Tuesday, April 25th.
Here's the detailed info:
the RADAR reading series: underground & emerging authors + the occasional superstar.
Tuesday April 25th: Chris Carlsson, Nicole Georges, Rachel Howard, Chana Morgenstern
At the San Francisco Public Library
CHRIS CARLSSON, the visionary producer of Processed World, the journal that aims to aim white-collar anomie against capital itself, and the coeditor of Bad Attitude: The Processed World Anthology; coeditor of Reclaiming San Francisco, the untold history of the city's speculators, land-grabbers, immigrants, minoroties, sailors, waterfront workers, poets, artists and neighborhood activists; cocompiler of the interactive CD-ROM Shaping San Francisco, a pioneering, multimedia approach to the city's lost histories; original member of the leaderless, grassroots social movement Critical Mass and editor of the AK Press anthology Critical Mass: Bicycling's Defiant Celebration; author of the novel After the Deluge, a utopian tale set in 22nd-century San Francisco; and editor of the collection The Political Edge, which explores San Francisco politics in the wake of the Gonzales mayoral campaign; and an organizer of the performance art space CounterPULSE.
from Portland, Oregon, NICOLE GEORGES, artist and author of the ongoing graphic novel/illustrated memoir Invinceable Summer; who makes sock monkeys and other handmade crafts, such as stuffed Norwhales, the unicorns of the sea; who is cofounder of the Portland Zine Symposium and organizer of the Midwest Underground Media Symposium and is affiliated in some way with everything from Farm Sanctuary to Rock the Vote to Rock & Roll Camp for Girls; who plays in the bands Fact or Fiction and Sour Grapes; whose Invinceable Summer zine has been collected into the anthology Invinceable Summer from Tugboat press; who is included in the forthcoming collection Baby, Remember My Name; New Queer Girl Writing; who is a visual artist whose work is shows in various bookstores and galleries and who is a true lover of animals.
RACHEL HOWARD, who is the author of The Lost Night, a memoir about the emotional aftermath of her father's unsolved murder; who writes book reviews and covers
dance for the San Francisco Chronicle; and iwho s currently working on a novel and several short stories.
CHANA MORGENSTERN, who was born and raised in Jerusalem and resides in San Francisco; who is currently at work on a multi-media project of interviews she conducted with Israelis and Palestinians on the subject of home; who for two years served as resident writer and teacher of San Francisco School of the Arts Creative Writing Department; who is getting an MFA in fiction at Bard College and working on a novel; whose plays and monologues have been performed at the New College Theater and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Forum; who is the author of the chapbook Touching New Jersey (Little Red Press) and the recipient of Miriam Ylvisaker Fellowship in Fiction; and whose recent works can be read in Red Letters Journal, On our Backs Magazine, El Pobre Mouse, Shifter Magazine and Marjorie Wood Gallery.
Hosted by Michelle Tea, who will bake homemade cookies and distribute them to those
who ask questions during the fantastic Q&A segment following the readings.
Tuesday, April 25th
6pm sharp * all ages * free
the San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street
in the Latino Reading Room / basement level
RADAR is sponsored by the fabulosity of the Hormal Center and Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.
Look at these 2 posts for Tuesday. That's right, it's us. Goofy. Please note (and no offense to Jessica, the writer) but these are not exact quotes, really, pretty much what we said, but putting it all in quotes is just not right. But we don't mind, just sayin'....
“It appears to me that the
Sierra Club should have better projects to spend $15,700 on than sending some nimrod to Alaska to shoot wildlife,” said Watson. “Last year they turned down my request for a $5,000 grant to assist the rangers in the Galapagos National Park deal with poachers."
RIP players of vegan metal.
"And so, we dedicate these past eight years of our lives, all of the songs we have sung, to everyone who is fighting to save a tiny bit of this sad, ravaged world, to anyone, anywhere who longs to dance in the ashes of this last empire that has marched and herded us so close to collapse. In these days, when so much is denied us, in the shadow of a culture built upon ceaseless suffering, on relentless consumption, on the graves of all who oppose it, let us remember, that anything is possible. Long live the poets and the dreamers. Long live the armies of the heart, who so love the world, who have given so much to save her. Long live actions that speak loudly, words that inspire, words that incite, music that's a weapon. Long live.' "
This is the only leather product Food Fight will ever endorse. All hail the
20-Sided Die!
Monday, April 17, 2006
So... ok, we want some help pretty please.
REALLY would like Portland to pull together and help raise about $10k by the end of May for our good friend Josh Harper, one of the SHAC7 defendants. We know it seems like a lot, but... not really, we can do it. We have a great supportive community, and... we believe in you.
A few ideas we have:
- music even(s) (easy to do, have one at your house)
– garage sale and bake sale (both the same day, can be hosted here)
— Plate lunch sale? (again, we can host it, but somebody else please work out the details)
— eBay stuff and donate the money (everybody has something lying around, take a few minutes and put it online and get Josh the money)
We're planning on doing stuff too, but would love for some folks to step up and organize some things on their own. If you live out of town, please try and kick start some support. Thanks, plesae be in touch.
Best email ever!
We just got this hate email:
"Sorry, but the filthy language and immoral lifestyle promoted on your web
site is something I don't care to take in. I'm sure you and many others
think it's hip or cool or whatever the latest buzzword is. To me, it's just
sad. If you ever decide to just sell food and not your philosophy, shoot me
a line."
Friday, April 14, 2006
"The fur campaign is all over the news again and we?d like to get
it even more exposure. IDA has a 30 second fur ad we?d like to
get aired on local TV. 2 stations have agreed to air it so now
all we have to do is raise the funds to get it aired. Please, if
you can make a donation of any amount, please send it to the IDA
office at 5428 NE 30th, Portland, OR 97211. It would be like the
icing on the cake, don?t you think??? You can view the ad at
Lighthouse Benefit cancelled.
"Due to a tragic accident involving family and friends of Narcissa Mia, the
organizer for the Art Show Benefit, the event has been cancelled.
The Art Show was to be held on Saturday, April 15th, 5-8pm at the Prananda
Yogo & Art Center, Portland.
Our thoughts and blessings go out to Narcissa Mia and her family on this
truly sad occasion.
Huge hugs,
Wayne S. Geiger, President
Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary"
Geez. Hang in there Narcissa. love, food fight.
Your new favorite chocolate bars just came in.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
"About 40 residents in the eastern Quebec town of Blanc-Sablon, near the Labrador border, surrounded a small hotel when they learned that journalists and members of the Humane Society of the United States were staying there."
There are 3 things about this skate video clip that you should know.
1) The skater, Jason Adams, is a man that Emiko would like to bed
2) If you look closely, and know what you're looking for, you can see a skatespot in front of Dave and Lisa's apartment
3) it makes me want to go push around in the parking lot
We just got a handful of Field Roast Meatloaf logs! $9.50 but it's a 2 pound loaf and should feel a pile of mouths. Also got the sausages and Celebration Roasts in too, but (due to our limited refrigeration) you might need to ask for them if you don't seem 'em.
Yeah, global warming, blah, blah, blah. Whatever hippies...
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
They came by and gave me a free t-shirt and promo copy of their new album "...until the world is beautiful" that's coming out July 11th. (buy it buy it buy it) I don't need to say that it rules because you gotta know it does.
Go see them play this Saturday 4/15 at Doug Fir and see for yourself.
Did I mention they're vegan?
Did I mention I love them?
Lots o' shit
Hey, please come take advantage of our SALE table. It's overflowing. There's olive oil, ginger chews, almonds, pumpkin crunch, uncle eddie's cookies, almond butter, chili mix, blah blah blah.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Shoot this guy a letter or something. Sounds like he could use some moral support.
So, we switched our juice company from Evolution to Columbia Gorge. Now all our juices are organic, and it's more of a local company. AND, they gave us a big ole cooler to use. So, if we sell enough of their juice (hint, hint) they'll let us continue to use it.
Come buy these empanadas. Fresh and on sale!
We just got a fresh delivery of empanadas, and we have no refrigerator to put them in, so please come buy some. $2. Can't pass up a $2 self-contained meal.
We just got 4 flavors of thie Peanut Better stuff in. Maybe you got to try some at the Veg Fest thingy a few weeks back. Good. We gots Thai Ginger Red Pepper, Vanilla Cranberry, Cinamon Currant, and Deep Chocolate. It's organic and only... gulp... $5 for a 10oz jar!
*Please note, the Peanut Better does not come with the smooth jazzy sounds from their website. You'll have to deal with the ear-wrecking metal we feed you when you come in the store.
Monday, April 10, 2006
'The new food-labelling guidance from the Food Standards Agency will make things so much easier. If a product is labelled ‘suitable for vegans’ in accordance with this guidance, they need look no further.'
"'Now no one can dare to kill innocent animals,' Mahipal Bishnoi, the lawyer representing the community, said."
Anybody want to go down to Food Hole tonight and listen to some kick-anus vegan metallic hardcore? Probably go down after work... 8ish...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
So, our good friend Josh, one of the SHAC7 defendants needs a pile of money to retain a non-shitty attorney for the appeals process. He needs the money, like... now. We are wiring a good chunk to him tomorrow (Monday). And we are asking you to help if you can. In whatever way you can. He's getting close, but still needs like $5k by Wednesday.
Please let us know by noon on Monday how much you can donate. We'll spot you that amount and get the money to him, but you'll really have to promise to get it to us in the next couple of days. And if you're worried, your donation will remain anonymous if you want it to.
Thanks, we know how much all the support has meant to all the SHAC7 defendants. And all the support from our community makes us feel great too. You guys rule.
Anybody have a drum set for sale? Nothing crazy needed, just some basics.
We still have some tickets left for the April 25th Bizarro Baloney show. Come get a couple. It's for a good cause and probably good for some laughs too.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Check out this print, top left one. Half the money goes to the SHAC7 legal fund. Plus... it's got Bettina (one of our Canadian buddies) as the model.
Friday, April 07, 2006
So, somebody is gonna haul off our refrigerator in the morning. That means a lot of stull will be out of sight for a couple of weeks.
You should come buy off the donuts and donut holes that we normally keep in the cooler at night for freshness. Donut holes $2.50 a box, donuts $1. Maybe some other crap too.
poo poo.
This makes me so
very very horny.
"More specifically, is some sort of moral or humane line being crossed with the seals that isn't really crossed with, say, the slaughter of ducks? Is it the primitive, barbaric technique of the seal killings that get to us? Or the stunning baby-seal cuteness? Is it the fact that most harp seals are helpless babies and that we're chemically hardwired to want to protect innocent defenseless infants? Is this the overarching message? Take the cows, but don't slaughter swooning cuteness?"
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Back in black.
We just got in our "classic" Food Fight logo tshirt in BLACK! Printed on AS Tees (trying to find a good alternative to American Apparrel). Not sure, but these might even be smaller. Consequently, they make you feel even chubbier than you should. Just in time for bathing suit season.
We just got these organic caramel pecan cups in. Geezus. So good. Same people who make the s'mores and peanut butter cups. The PB cups are now organic too, so wahoo!
"There was no indication in the filing that either Bush or Cheney authorized Libby to disclose Valerie Plame's CIA identity.
But the disclosure in documents filed Wednesday means that the president and the vice president put Libby in play as a secret provider of information to reporters about prewar intelligence on Iraq.
The authorization came as the Bush administration faced mounting criticism about its failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the main reason the president and his aides had given for going to war."
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Check out the PitBull picture on our MySpace comments section. Damn.
"This morning, Linda and Greg Schumacher, along with their security guard, their accountant, and a friend from Zell Brothers jewelry store (located across the street from Schumachers) all railed against what Greg called 'domestic terrorists.' To bolster their case, they brought along a sheaf of email correspondence and copies of various Oregon Revised Statutes, which they claim show that the city needs to start arresting people for demonstrating in front of their fur store."
I mean, really, we should cut this guy a break. Don't you know how stressed out you get going after Animal Rights Terrorists? You gotta unwind sometime...
"Yo mama's so fat, the horse on her Polo shirt is real."
I think it is wonderful how God puts this stuff here on Earth to test our faith. What an
awesome God is our God!
Peep this new site by the folks from Lantern Books. Good stuff, especially if you're in the NYC area. But even if you're not, tons of resources here, and more to come.
Phew. I missed laughing this much. You might not know this, but Chad is the funniest guy in the world.
And this is what he said while we were putting the morning delivery on the shelves, "I'm gonna get this store back in shape!"
He's out right now looking for a new refrigerator. Yes!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Chad comes home tomorrow! But not until nighttime. Blah.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Thanks to Ben and his roommates for hosting the Rise Up Doughnut party. It was really fun. And thanks for Kathryn, Sean, Annie, and Jon (that rhymes) for making all the fucking amazing donuts. They were so so great. Sorry we lurked around so long.
Sorry about that joke. I felt like taking advantage of April Fool's Day, alright? Didn't mean to scare anyone. Didn't mean to make some of you happy either. We're not closing of course. But we can dream, can't we?
You're lucky though...Dave had a better joke where he wanted to post that we were giving away free new vegan marshmallows here from 9 to 10 pm. Then when people showed up, they'd see we were closed and a sign on the door saying, "April Fools, fools." I loved the idea but didn't want a rock through our window again.
But to warn you, our store might suck for a little while while we try and find a replacement fridge for our shitty fridge. We're gonna have to ease off on re-stocking fridge items since the current fridge is not working so cool, so it might look barren in there, hopefully for not too long.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Please sign up for a cooking class with Lisa of Sweetpea Baking. She's the gal that makes the cheesecakes you all love so much. She's got the skillz to pay the billz, yo.
Saturday, April 8th
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. $35
Vegan Baking: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (and Dessert!) with Lisa Higgins
From "Buttermilk" biscuits and gravy to dinner rolls and bananas foster cake.
Vegan baking recipes and tips to get you through any day. Whole Foods Market's
own Lisa Higgins will prove to you that it's easier than you think.
Call or stop by Whole Foods to sign up! (503) 525-4343
Whole Foods Market
1210 NW Couch Street
Portland, OR 97209
(And this one isn't a April Fool's joke. It's legit.)
We're really sorry to announce the demise of Food Fight Vegan Grocery, Inc. The problems we've had with our freezer and refrigerator have put us over the edge financially, and we just can't afford to buy new machinery and stay open. The loss of sales from not having cold items this past week and a half has damaged our business beyond repair, just like our fridge is beyond repair. We're sorry. It's been the utmost pleasure to meet all of you, sell you junk food, and become your friends. We'll miss you all.
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